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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth

Chapter 148
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Chapter 148 Ella clung to Yvan’'s neck as if under some strange spell, but his reaction was more fervent. Before she could resist, she found herself shoved to the edge of the bed.

In the darkness, Yvan’'s eyes were wide open.

“Ella, don’t test my limits,” he said sternly.

Ella’s heart turned cold, and her voice began to quiver. If the lights were on. Yvan could almost picture the hurt expression on her face.

But the man remained unmoved. “If you're not comfortable sleeping here, you can go back to your room,” he suggested without a hint of sympathy.

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Ella’s soft sobs filled the room. It must be Matilda, she thought bitterly. Yvan’s resistance had to be because of Matilda. Otherwise, she would have already had her way! The night stretched on, agonizingly long. Yet, in another room, thanks to Logan’s company, Matilda slept soundly for the first time in ages. The mother and son woke up entwined in bed, with Matilda tenderly caressing Logan's face.

“Logan, for you, I'd sacrifice anything,” she murmured.

Logan knew that Yvan had spent the night with Ella. When he woke up, he didn’t say a word; he just pulled Matilda into the kitchen to help with breakfast. They prepared two delightful and delicate meals, then sat contentedly at the dining table.

“Let’s eat!” Logan exclaimed with a crisp voice. With Matilda by his side, even in the Boyd household, he felt completely at ease.

The child must have received a lot of top-tier education x |B Yvan; even his table manners were impeccable, like a little gentleman. Matilda's eyes welled up with tears - her son was so young, yet he had endured so much.

When Ella and Yvan came downstairs, they saw Matilda and Logan washing the dishes together in the kitchen.

Logan, short as he was, had pulled up a chair next to Matilda, and they laughed together by the sink, an image of tranquil domesticity that made Yvan question his own reality.

The cold Boyd residence hadn’t seen such vitality in-a long time.

Ella, standing beside him, glared at Logan’s small figure with a viciousness that suggested she wished she could tear the boy apart.

The presence of this child would surely threaten her future! Yvan's heart held a place for Logan, and when the boy grew up, he would undoubtedly share in Yvan’s power and authority.

In Ella’s mind, it was best to nip such threats in the bud while they were still manageable.

When Matilda and Logan turned and saw Yvan and Ella descending the stairs, they acted as if 1/2 05:57 Chapter 148 they hadn’t seen them at all, not even a flicker in their eyes as they passed by like strangers without a moment's pause.

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As they brushed past, Yvan's heartbeat skipped a half=beat, He, turned instinctively only to see MatiiHa leaving him with a receding figure. It seemed that the mother and son had no desire to engage with him at all.

Ella thought this was to her advantage. The more distant they were from Yvan, the higher her chances of success.

That afternoon, Logan insisted on going out with Matilda. Unable to resist his pleas the young boy approached Yvan, whom he hadn't spoken to in a long while. “Mr. Boyd, I'd like to go to the mall with Mommy,” he said, as formally as if he were an employee requesting leave.

Yvan's eyes fell on Matilda and Logan's tightly clasped hands and he had to admit he felt a sting.They clung to each other as if Yvan's very words could shatter them.