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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 46
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Chapter 46
He went to the hospital.
Then, he hesitated a while when he reached Ava’s ward. “Why aren’t you coming in?” The person inside asked. Damien paused
for a moment before he entered.
Ava stunned when she saw Damien.
She initially thought that it was Selden, but it turned out to be Damien instead. “Since you are here, I have something to tell you,”
she had a small smile on her face. But it was a desolate smile. She became so gaunt within a few days, even her fingers looked
wrinkly and dried. “There is something in the drawer of the left cabinet, please take it out for me,” she told Damien. Damien
turned around and opened the drawer. There was a file inside. “Actually, I have prepared this document a long time ago. I
couldn’t make up my mind as I thought there might be a turning point in our relationship. But it seems as though I was blinded by
my own reverie since the start,” she laughed.
Damien’s chest constricted a little when he opened the file. There were two copies of their divorce agreement inside.
Ava had already signed the agreement.
“Divorce, huh...,” he sneered. “Damien, I was the one who fell for you initially, so I have the right to relinquish the relationship
now.” He looked into her eyes and realized that she had been smiling all along. She could still smile brightly during a critical
moment like this, and she seemed happier than before. He was shocked once again. “Our relationship will be over as long as
you sign it now,” she said. Damien didn’t budge. If she had been closer to him, she would find that he was clutching the
documents so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. “Did my mother come over to tell you something?” he asked. “She used
to do that, didn’t she?” Again, her face was lit up with a smile. The man, who was standing sideways in front of her, was still as

meticulous from head to toe as usual. He seemed to be no different from the lad who wore a T-shirt on the field so many years
ago However, she could no longer go back to that moment. This man once occupied her thoughts during her youth, but she had
realized that her love for him was still unrequited at the end of the day. He had always condescendingly treated her and his lips
would always have a disdainful smirk
whenever he looked at her. She had endured so much humiliation from him all these years. “Damien, we were indeed from two
different worlds from the very beginning. I’m sorry that my infatuation wasted so much of your time.” She felt so relieved after she
finally told him these words today. Since her life has always been filled with unfortunate events, she might as well try to ride it out
and see whether there was any hope for her to turn her life around. “Sign it, the pen is on the table.” She said to him. Damien
walked to her side and picked up the pen from the table. “What’s your plan after I sign it?” he asked. “Our relationship will be
completely over and I have nothing to do with you anymore.” He sneered,” So, will you go back to Selden?” Ava was stunned by
his words. She replied dismissively, “Damien, not everyone is as filthy as you.” “What do you mean by that?”
“You can finally be with Selina publicly after this, so you must be very happy, right?” Damien’s face became grim. Then, he

picked up a pen and scrawled something on the document before he placed it in front of her.
Her face was filled with unconcealed delight. It was unexpected that the divorce could be so simple. However, this decision had
tortured her for so long. Finally... it’s finally over. Damien, I’m the one who’s tired of you now.
Damien left after he had signed.
It wasn’t until he slammed the door and left, that the smile on her face disappeared and she burst out in cascading tears.
His column was still blank when she looked at the divorce agreements in her hand.
Instead, there were some words written in a bold font under her signature, “In your dreams.”
“What the heck is this...”
She held the two papers and cried helplessly.
During Ava’s hospitalization, in addition to Selden and her mother, her colleagues from the company visited her too.

She got along quite well with her colleagues, so she had quite a number of visitors. “Hey, Ms. Nagel, why didn’t you inform us
regarding your pregnancy? We were informed about everything on such short notice that it almost drove us mad.” “Ms. Nagel,
don’t be too sad about your baby, you can still get pregnant again since you are still young.” The colleagues sighed with
sympathy as they comforted her. She had a miscarriage, and she was injured in a car accident. Thus, she needed to take a long
off work and she couldn’t keep this matter a secret from her colleagues. Luckily, everyone was quite considerate and didn’t
question her further about other things. All of a sudden, Damien appeared at the door. He didn’t expect that Ava’s ward would be
thronged with so many visitors, so he was stunned for a while.
“Mr. Radbury?” After Ava’s company had taken over the outsourcing business from the Radbury Group, most of her colleagues
came to know about him. They were so excited when they saw someone that usually only appeared on the news. Ava’s face was
very displeased. “Why are you here?” she asked coldly. “I’m here to take care of you, am I not allowed to do that?” Everyone
started to realize Damien’s presence when he walked into the ward with a thermos. He walked to the bedside and opened the
thermos, which was filled with chicken soup. “Ms. Nagel, how do you know Mr. Radbury?” a colleague whispered to Ava. “I don’t
know him,” she didn’t even lift her gaze as she replied nonchalantly. Damien pretended to not hear Ava’s words. Then, he
transferred some chicken soup into a bowl before he brought it to her mouth, but she turned away and refused to drink it. “I woke
up at dawn to prepare this, so please save some of my dignity and drink it,” Damien said. “Wow...” The colleagues started to
discuss and speculate about Damien and Ava’s relationship. Meanwhile, Damien openly stated it, “Ava is my wife, didn’t she tell
you guys before?”
The atmosphere broke out in a commotion. The dignified Radbury Group! The well-known Damien Radbury! His wife was
actually Ms. Nagel? What was happening? Damien’s mouth quirked up in a grin while he forcefully fed Ava the chicken soup.
She almost choked. In the next second, she looked up and asked coldly, “You said you cooked this? It is obviously made by the.

house cook.”
“Your taste buds are quite sensitive, you can even distinguish that,” Damien grinned. The house cook always added wolfiporia
and Goji berries when she prepared the soup. Thus, Ava wouldn’t get it wrong because of the special taste. As soon as Ava said
that, everyone was more convinced that Damien and Ava were a family!