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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55
Ava reigned in her anger and spoke loudly, “I know that you just want to torture me, but this is a matter between us and it has
nothing to do with my company. So, please don’t implicate others.”
Damien snorted again. In fact, he also came to know about Ava’s advertising company today. That morning, Dempsey went to
hand over Ava’s phone and she found out that Ava was working for the company that the Radbury Group had collaborated with
previously. So, Dempsey just sent the document as well.
The advertising plan that Ava’s company came up with didn’t meet the standards of the Radbury Group at all. Thus, it was
reasonable for the Radbury Group to terminate the contract and Ava wasn’t involved in that decision at all.
It seemed that she had misunderstood him completely. He sat back on the chair and said, “I can waive the penalty from your
company but I won’t let your company handle this project anymore.” “Okay, that’s enough,” Ava turned and planned to leave. But
Damien continued, “You haven’t heard me finish my terms.”
So, she had to halt her footsteps.
What more could he want if he was still unsatisfied with the terms that he had mentioned just now? She had nothing else to give
him anymore. “What are your conditions?” “Put this on.”
Damien took out a small black box from the drawer of his desk and pushed it to her.
Her eyes narrowed instantly.
This was her wedding ring, wasn’t it? “Damien, what do you want?” This ring was bought when they got married, but he had
taken it back on the night after the wedding.
Because he said that she didn’t deserve it.
That heartless sentence had destroyed her happiness from being newly-wedded. Besides, these rings would always be a

reminder of her misery during their two years of marriage. What did he mean when he took out the ring again? “Put it on when
you’re out and never take it off,” his lips quirked up in a mischievous smirk. So, this was his condition.
“Damien, what exactly do you want to do?” “After all, everyone in your company knows about your status. So, just wear it to
remind yourself of your current identity.” Suddenly, Damien’s expression became callous again.
He wanted her to wear this ring all the time to remind others and also as a warning that she belonged to him. It was also to avoid
her from being involved with other men.
Ava couldn’t catch his drift, instead, she felt that he was insulting himself.
She didn’t deserve the ring in the past, but why did he suddenly change his mind now? She sneered before she turned around
and left. Damien didn’t move and said quietly, “You can’t even do such a simple thing. Ava, it seems that you didn’t come to me
sincerely.” She couldn’t help but feel upset. Then, she turned around to grab the small box on the desk – before she walked
away again. She clenched that ring tightly in her palm and she couldn’t catch a wink of sleep that night.

She could still remember that she was extremely delighted on the night when she received her university offer. She did victory
laps around her home and even pinched her tighs repeatedly to remind herself that she wasn’t dreaming. She finally got into the
same university as him. On top of that, she was in the same major and class as him.
No one knew how much effort she had put in to get closer to him.
On the freshman orientation day, she mustered up all her courage and went to greet him. However, all she got in return was a
cold and indifferent expression. “Damien, don’t you remember me? We...we are from the same high school! I am in Class 5 and
you were in Class 7! But now, we are finally in the same class.” However, he didn’t show any expression. Obviously, he probably
didn’t even remember her name. As the student who entered the famous university with the top entrance examination score,
everyone had their attention on Damien during the orientation. However, she just sat silently in the corner and watched him
speak as he was the welcome representative.
Perhaps, in everyone’s memory of their youth, there would be someone that was excelled in every aspect. For her, that person

was handsome, smart, and his presence shone like the dazzling sun. However, she could only look up at his brilliance as she
struggled to stay close to him. She thought that as long as she put in enough effort, she would be able to live up to his standards.
However, she didn’t know that they were worlds apart from each other. Indeed, someone as mediocre as her would never get
close to someone who shone as bright as him, things would definitely end up badly for her. “Damien, you b*stard,” she said softly
in her sleep.
She heard a familiar, yet foreign chuckle, “How did you manage to dream about me? Is it because can only play the bad guy in
your dream?” Ava opened her eyes quickly. . She saw a pair of dark and deep-set eyes with a sardonic smile in the darkness.
Then, the light in the room was switched on.
She was jolted awake and she quickly sat up, “Damien? Why are you here?”
She had no idea when she had dozed off and what time Damien broke into her room. She clearly heard him entering another
room before she fell asleep. “My bedroom doesn’t belong to you just because you sleep here more often,” Damien replied
quietly. She soon discovered that Damien was lying on the same bed as her and he somehow crawled under her blanket too.
“Then... I’ll sleep in the living room,” She quickly prepared to get out of bed to free some space for him in the master bedroom.
Damien stretched out his arms and wrapped her together in the quilt as he hugged her. She was in a daze when she felt the
warm skin of his chest. It was as if he was still the charming jock from her school days and she would get extremely flustered
whenever he approached her occasionally. Her heart was pounding violently, so she took a deep breath and forced herself to
keep calm. She tried to act normal, even though her lungs felt like they were about to burst. “What did you dream about when
you fell asleep just now?” he asked faintly.
“I saw a smile on your face. So, it must have been a sweet dream, but you seemed to be scolding me. Do you feel happy when
you reprimand me?” Damien’s tone was very gentle and it had no sign of anger. However, Ava still tensed up at that instant. .

Since when had Damien been so kind and chatted with her at midnight? He must have a hidden motive! “I can’t remember what I
saw in my dream, haha...haha...”
She planned to evade the topic with an awkward laugh. She didn’t feel any discomfort when he hugged her. However, she felt
her arm become numb within a few minutes because all of her nerves were tensed up. Anyway, Ava did not dare to move at all
as this guy had a mercurial temperament. She could only pray that he slept quickly so that she could ease the tension in her
body. Finally, Damien stopped questioning her and he switched off the light before his breathing evened out.