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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75
It was afternoon when Damien woke up. His head throbbed and Ava was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, Damien sniffed the
aroma of herbal soup in the hallway. Following the smell to the kitchen, he saw the servant attending a small boiling pot. “What is
this?” “It’s the herbal chicken soup made by Miss Nagel this morning. She instructed us to keep it warm until you wake up.” “Oh,
she cooks as well.” It was his first time knowing about Ava’s culinary skills. Previously, Damien had never seen her entering the
kitchen. It seemed like Damien had a long way to know his wife. “Will you eat the soup now, Mr. Radbury?” asked the servant.
Damien nodded.
The servant placed a yellowish broth in an ornate porcelain bowl in front of Damien. A faint herbal fragrance wafted from the
soup’s steamy surface. He assumed it to be tasty even before tasting the soup. Not bad, Ava. He scooped a mouthful of the
soup and tasted it. He was hungry and thirsty after a night of drinking. As soon as he tasted the soup, Damien choked and nearly
spit everything out. It was...horrible!
The soup tasted sour. It was like a chicken being dipped in a ditch and then boiled for a long time! Although the ginger was
added to remove the stinky fishy smell, along with some herbs to enhance its nutritional value, it seemed like Ava had forgotten
to add some salt into the soup. What a disaster!
“This tastes more like alkaline water instead of chicken soup!” At the same time, Ava sneezed loudly while enjoying a television
show on the sofa at her mother’s house.
On the other side of town. A low-profile yet elegant black car pulled up at the entrance of a motel located somewhere in the

remote parts of the city.
A tall man with a hat came out from behind the vehicle and made his way up to the chipped stairs of the motel.
He stopped to knock on the door of the last room on the second floor. The door flung open and a foxy young lady was revealed.
“Finally you came! I am getting crazy!” The woman pulled him inside.
Then the door was shut.
The man took off his hat as he entered.
It was Enrico and the other woman was Beth.
“As expected, there’s no way Damien could have thought that we were together after all this time.” Enrico grinned slyly. Beth was
not in the mood to beat around the bush and she asked, “When are you going to let me out?”
“You idiot! The last time you drove a truck and created havoc, do you think that Damien is oblivious about everything? If you try
to pull off another stupid act and got me involved, then you’re off on your own!”
“Fine! Then tell me what should I do, Enrico?” “Beth, we have different goals. You want to kill Ava, but I want Damien to suffer
forever.” A frightening and brutal look of anguish flashed across Enrico’s face. “What are you planning to do?” Beth asked. “I
want him to taste every piece of pain and despair that I suffered back then!” He gritted his teeth and made up his mind. With that,.

this foolish lady that stood before him was the perfect tool for his plan!
Enrico smirked as he thought about the evil plans.
“I will go back in a few days and you need to follow my orders. Don’t act recklessly, Beth!” “Wait! Are you leaving me behind
then?” Beth asked.
“I’ve told you that it’s either you take it or leave it! Stop dragging me into the mess, Beth.”

What a sly man!
Beth clenched her fists.
Whatever happened in the end, Beth would be all alone and Enrico could escape from everything. What a detailed plan, Enrico!
Unfortunately, she had no choice.
Beth needed Enrico to kill Ava. Now that she was being hunted by the police, so she must cooperate with Enrico.
“Fine. Just tell me what to do.”
Three days later. Damien and the engineering department were out to survey a theme park project operated by one of the
subsidiaries. Usually, he went there with the chief secretary, but today, Ava was brought along. It was because the newly built
theme park was undergoing pre-opening. Damien wanted Ava to enjoy the fun besides working.
Since it was a weekday, there were very few tourists visiting the park.
Ava followed Damien and listened attentively and took notes of the discussion.
Occasionally, Damien would pause to observe the operations of the park. There was a stall selling cotton candy nearby, and the
owner was napping under a tree since there were no customers. “Are the staff not informed that Mr. Radbury will be visiting the
park today? How dare they take a nap in the middle of the day?” yelled the deputy chief of the marketing department. The stall
owner was awakened by the shouting and awoke to see a group of people in formal office wear standing nearby. He recognized
the people as representatives from headquarters and rushed over to apologize for his behavior. Normally, Damien would have
fired any lazy staff without much thought. But today, he issued a stern warning and left it at that. After few steps, Damien realized
that Ava was missing from his side. Damien scanned everywhere and spotted Ava marching towards him with a giant stick of
cotton candy in her hand. “Do you want to try some, Damien?” With the cotton candy shadowed by the sunlight, Ava was
beaming and her cheek was pinkish than usual. At the same time, the colleagues went paled by her words. Though it was a field
trip, they were still working. Everyone watched with bated breath as Damien reverted his dumbfounded look to being
expressionless. “Stop messing around during working hours.” There wasn’t much irritation in Damien’s tone. “Then let’s take a
break, alright?” Ava said cheerfully. “Fine. Let’s rest for fifteen minutes then,” ordered Damien.