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A Man Like None Other

Chapter 3852
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"But..." Jared, too, didn't know what else to say. The Ethereal Realm's rules were too profound for his current self to comprehend.

However, these immortals were oblivious to the hardships of the mortal world.

Although the Infinitus Token given by Wesley was considered a priceless treasure among many immortals, but to Jared, it felt useless and empty.

"You should really take a look at the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect. It might not be complete, but it's definitely impressive. We're not sure how much longer the formation outside the mansion will hold. Seize this opportunity. If you can obtain the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect, you won't need to fear those guys outside," said Vermilion Demon Lord to Jared.

Jared thought his words made sense. Rather than wasting tcomplaining, he should focus on mastering the legacy of Infinitnus Celestial Sect instead.

Holding the Infinitus Token, he infused it with a surge of spiritual energy.

Buzz! In the next moment, a thunderous noise echoed in Jared's mind, followed by a slight tremble in his consciousness field.

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A torrent of information continually surged into Jared's consciousness field. The legacy was immensely vast and intricate.

As Jared absorbed it, it felt as if a beam of light had descended from the heavens, striking him directly. He felt incredibly refreshed at that moment.

Jared didn't feel the legacy was of much use, but the beam of light that struck him while he accepted it carried an overwhelming aura.

Jared activated Focus Technique and began absorbing it without hesitation.

The liquified celestial energy had been entirely absorbed by Wesley, so Jared was determined to seize the energy brought by this ray of light.

He fervently absorbed all the energy he could.

At that very moment, Leighton, along with a few other Muellers, were keeping watch outside the mansion. Leighton was extremely anxious.

"Has Ms. Selma received the message yet? Why hasn't she arrived?" he said.

"Uncle Leighton, look!" Right then, someone noticed what seemed like a beam of light descending from the sky, illuminating the interior of the mansion.

Leighton fixed his gaze on that beam of light, and his expression grew increasingly grim.

"That brat must be having skind of fortuitous encounter in there. The energy of this beam of light is incredibly intense. There's a chance he might be absorbing the legacy of that celestial technique! I can't wait any longer. I'm going to find Ms. Selma. You guys stay put and keep watch. If Jared emerges, don't engage him directly. Just notify me," said Leighton impatiently.

He couldn't wait any longer, but he was unable to break through the mansion's formation and could only wait for Selma to arrive.

Unfortunately, Selma was nowhere to be seen, and Leighton was beside himself with anxiety.

"Understood!" The Muellers nodded in unison.

Relieved to leave his comrades in charge, Leighton left to look for Selma. It'll be too late if we wait until Jared absorbs the legacy! When Leighton was searching for Selma, the latter had already returned to the sect's main hall.

She ran into Bianca and the others, who were waiting for Jared.

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Bianca and her gang harbored a deep-seated hatred for Selma, for she had killed several holy maidens previously.

Yuliya, too, glared at Selma in anger. How could she, as an elder of Lunarius Palace, be so ruthless toward the holy maidens of Lunarius Palace? She deserves to die! "All of you, cwithright now." Selma glanced at Bianca and the others before speaking.

Bianca and her gang remained silent, glaring furiously at Selma.

"Do you guys not hear me? I am ordering you as an elder," said Selma coldly.

"Selder! You've killed so many of our friends, yet you still have them audacity to command us? You've lost your position as an elder of Lunarius Palace long ago." Bianca spat.

Instead of flying into a rage, Selma remained calm, her voice icy as ever.

i "Cwithand can spare your lives. Don't maketake action. You know the consequences." Selma was a Top Level Tribulator. Bianca and her companions were simply no match for her.

Yet, they didn't show a hint of fear.

"Hmph! Go ahead and kill us all if you have the guts. We won't listen to you even if it means we have to die." With that, Blanca wielded her frost sword, readying herself for a fierce battle.