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A Man Like None Other

Chapter 3922
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Chapter 3922 The Theory "Oh, I see" Judd wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looking somewhat troubled. "Axel, there's no precedent for this, but I'll ask about it once we get there." "Okay. Thank you, Judd," Jared replied.

"Don't mention it. We're going to be the closest of allies from now on." Judd patted Jared on the shoulder. Jared wanted to avoid the assessment and use money to gain entry to keep his strength and aura concealed.

If he could bribe his way into the Violet FlSect, it would be ideal.

Judd led Jared to a tall building.

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There was already a long queue of people outside, all waiting for the assessment to join the Violet FlSect. Swere outer court disciples seeking promotion to inner court disciples.

Judd led Jared through the crowd and into the building.

Inside, Jared saw a girl in a green silk dress, holding a long sword and looking furious. "No one is taking the assessment today unless we clear this up first!" she shouted.

She blocked the door, preventing anyone from entering.

"Carla, what's going on?" Judd asked, puzzled.

Seeing Judd, the young lady looked relieved. "Judd, you chere just in time. Thiago isn't letting us take the assessment. He insists that all outer disciples who pass must join his faction. We're not allowed to participate unless we switch from Gael's faction to Harlan's faction." "What? Is that true?" Judd frowned.

Confused, Jared whispered, "Judd, what's happening? Does this mean my assessment is off?" "Don't worry, Axel. Thiago doesn't get to decide who takes the assessment. Even though he's favored by the current sect master, he doesn't rule the entire Violet FlSect," Judd said angrily.

"Judd, who is this?" Carla asked, glancing at Jared.

"Oh, this is Axel Chadwick, brought by my master for the inner circle assessment," Judd introduced quickly. "Brother, this is Carla Navarro, Mr. Moreau's disciple." "Nice to meet you, Carla!" Jared greeted politely, then asked, "Carla, you're already an inner court disciple. Why are you here for the assessment? And who exactly is Thiago?" Judd chuckled. “Axel, even inner disciples need to climb the ranks. Carla is here for the assessment to becan inner court deacon. To be honest, I'm an inner court deacon right now. See this jade crown on my head? It's the mark of a steward," Judd said proudly.

"Thiago is the favored disciple of an elder, Mr. Harlan Garrido," Carla explained.

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"Keep it down! Mr. Garrido is the sect master now. Of course, his disciple is powerful," Judd quickly reminded her.

Jared understood the situation. The transition between the en the old and new sect masters Ved to internal strife within the Violet FlSect.

En Elders like Daand Orson were loyal to the old sect master, Gael, and the assessments were designed to force their disciples to switch allegiances to the new sect master, Harlan. This kind of power struggle was not uncommon in sects.

There was bound to be strives where there were forces.

Jared had seen similar conflicts in the Emerald Cauldron Sect.

"Judd, as a deacon of the Violet FlSect, you must address this. Let's confront Thiago," Carla said, pulling Judd toward the hall. Seeing this, Jared had no choice but to follow them.