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A Mortal’s Medicinal Elixirs

Chapter 125
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Chapter 125 Elsa's Background Finished Irene was so furious that she started tugging at Oakley while snarling, "Son, let's go! We don't need him!".

Oakley wearily closed his eyes but didn't move a muscle. Instead, he ignored his raving lunatic of a mother. Suddenly, he placed his palms on the floor, kneeled in front of William, and said earnestly, "Dr. Barrett, I'm sorry for how we acted. Please accept my sincerest apologies." Irene shricked, "Son, why are you kneeling to the likes of him? Get up right this instant!" She went to help him up, but he was too heavy, and she couldn't support him. Eventually, she started bawling as she held him, crumpling to the floor.

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"I'm a doctor who has taken the Hippocratic Oath, and I will do my best to uphold that oath. However, that doesn't mean that you could take advantage of me. I'm not asking for anything outrageous; I just want you to at least showa modicum of respect and trust. If you can't even do such a simple thing, please leave!" William said with a straight face.

Oakley's face was painted with remorse. 'Dr. Barrett, I'm so sorry!" William sighed softly. "Get up now, both of you." But Oakley remained on the floor as he asked expectantly, "Dr. Barrett, didn't you say that my injuries can be treated? "Of course, and you can recover within three days." "Thank you, Dr. Barrett!" Oakley was overjoyed. Meanwhile, Irene didn't dare to utter another word and kept her mouth shut lest her son's golden opportunity would slip through their fingers once more.

"The consultation fee is three million." Oakley hastily wrote a check and passed it to him with both hands, saying, "Thank you, Dr. Barrett!" Earlier, William quoted them a price of fourteen million, but he only requested three million now. Oakley knew that he was living off the good doctor's charity and didn't mutter even a peep of protest at the price. Rather, there was no concealing the utter gratefulness shining in his eyes.

After William made the necessary preparations, he started treating Oakley by using Golden Needles combined with Golden Qi. In just half an hour, Oakley felt a comfortable, warm flow in his legs and all the discomfort that had been plaguing him had vanished.

After a few more minutes, William kept away the needles and said, "Try to stand up." Oakley cautiously rose to his feet and tentatively took a few steps, expecting to stumble and fall face forwards. To his immense surprise and disbelief, he felt as though he was walking on clouds. He even started harboring the hope that he had returned to his peak condition and was over the moon. So, he turned to William and gasped, 'Dr. Barrett, am I cured?" "Of course, you aren't. You'll still need two more treatments after this, and I'll write a prescription for you. You will have to take the prescription for a month and will most definitely be cured by then." Oakley bobbed his head like a bobblehead doll. "Okay, I'll listen to every word you say." On the other hand, at the scene of the audition, the organizers suddenly pressed pause on the audition 1/3 Chapter 125 Elsa's Background Finished stoic face, surprising the judges when they saw her because they weren't expecting to see their boss there. Although they were the judges in this audition, they were nothing but mere washed-up artists working under Oceania Media, "Which one of you accepted bribes from the contestants? Cforward!" Genevieve barked coldly. The faces of four out of the five judges changed tically and they looked horrified upon hearing her words. Nonetheless, they merely looked at each other and none dared to admit anything. "You don't have the guts to cclean, huh?" Genevieve said calmly and nodded. "If that's the case, I'll have to surrender this issue to the law enforcers, then. Not only will you have to pay with your reputation for accepting bribes, but you'll also be punished by the law." The four judges panicked, losing their rationality due to their fear, and blurted, "Miss Genevieve, please have mercy." Genevieve slammed the table and roared angrily, "Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? I pay you more than 150,000 a year! Is that not enough for you greedy little rats?!" All four of them hung their heads, not daring to say a word. "Which one of you said that Elsa Limsey looks like a vixen?" she demanded.

One of the women turned stark white as she mumbled tremulously, “I-I did.” Genevieve sneered, "You can leave now." Now that she was simply an old and washed-up celebrity, the woman only managed to get by solely because of Oceania Media. So, when she received her pink slip, her eyes rolled backward, and she promptly passed out.

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After the unconscious woman was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, Genevieve said to the remaining judges, "Do your job properly. If you dare accept bribes again, I'll do everything in my power to ensure that you will never make it in this industry ever again! Am I clear?!!" The four remaining judges gave her their word and continued on with the audition. Still, it was obvious that something had happened since there were only four judges left instead of the five earlier. Soon after, Elsa received a call from the organizers, saying that the previous audition was invalid and invited her to participate in the audition once more.

Elsa couldn't believe her ears when she heard the fantastic news. Did William helpout again? In the courtyard, Oakley left after his treatment and William started to treat Sherika. Today, he connected a few main nerves for her again. Perhaps it was due to his ascension to the Divine Realm Master rank, his sight had improved greatly; not only was it sharper and but this skill could be used longer than usual. Therefore, it was only normal for the treatment to be over quicker than usual as he successfully connected all of her main nerves within an afternoon.

Just as the sun was setting. Sherika could feel ssensation in her legs. Her legs were no longer like two blocks of wood, and she could feel herself exerting more strength as she staggered around. “Dr. Barrett, I can walk! Oh, my God, I'm really getting better!" she exclaimed, delighted.

"You're recovering faster than I expected and I reckon you'll be fully recovered in about a week," he said and placed a check worth seven million on the table. This is the money for the three-legged jade toad. Keep it." "Oh. I couldn't possibly accept your money, Dr. Barrett," she said while waving her hands in embarrassment. Just keep it. You deserve this, he insisted and took his leave after exchanging a few pleasantries.

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