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A Mortal’s Medicinal Elixirs

Chapter 141
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A Mortal's Medicinal Elixirs Chapter 141 In an Hour Finished William called his friend from the intelligence agency and asked him to find out who that number belonged to. A moment later, his friend gave him the information he needed. The number belonged to a thirty-five-year-old man called Shin Zen. He only studied up to middle school and never got to high school. He had three numbers, and William called one.

A short while later, the call went through. "What is it?" "Shin Zen, I presume?" "And who are you?" "Do you know any girl with the surnFranklin? She used your phone to call me." Shin hung up at once, but William sneered. He then told the sfriend to find the location of the number. A few minutes later, he got what he wanted. Shin was in a club called Nightstorm in Jazona.

Jazona was north of Kreim, separated by only one river.

Noticing the look on William's face, Gwendolyn asked. "Is your friend in trouble?" William nodded. “I have business to do in Jazona, and I have to go right now. You should get srest.” "Til go with you." "No." William shook his head. 'I can handle this" He hade Gwendolyn goodbye and drove his newly- repaired car to Jazona.

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Nightstorm was located in Jazona's capital-Yamata. Yamata's economy wasn't as bustling as Justford, but it wasn't far behind. The local government used everything it had to build this metropolis, and it was hto fifteen million people.

It was already ten so there wasn't much traffic. Hence, William floored the gas pedal and drove at 160 mph. The highway was about 170 miles, and he finished that stretch in about an hour.

Yamata was a big place. It had six districts, five counties, and two towns. The place he was heading to was county called Asopus. Asopus was hto two million people. In the south, it faced a river, and in the north, a mountain called Dragon's Ravine loomed over it.

The moment he stepped into this county, William realized the people here were tough. Everyone was driving erratically. A lot of cars didn't even have any plate numbers, and the drivers kept running red lights. And it's already late at night. It'd be chaotic in the day Eventually, he arrived at the club. Business was bustling at this hour, and a lot of cars were parked in the parking lot outside. As he neared the club, a guard led him to a parking spot. After he parked, he went into the club A row of women stood at the entrance of the club. Every ta customer showed up, they would greet them. "Do you want to f*ck? Williamry was shocked. Well, that's forward. He ignored the women and walked into the club. As soon as he 1/3 Chapter 141 In an Hour "Five. I'll reserve a room. Oh, and Shin's my friend. Is he here?" The waiter smiled. "Ah, you're Shin's friend. He's here. Shall I call him?" William nodded. "Geta bigger room and tell Shin to see me.

"Of course, sir." The waiter freed up a room for William and went to summon Shin.

William was alone in the room, so he popped open a bottle of whisky to drink as he waited.

Finished About five minutes later, a man in a black shirt cin with a cigarette between his lips. He looked to be in his thirties and had a buzzcut. He was surprised to see William, and he asked, "You wanted to see me?" William stood up. "You're Shin? "Yes, and who are you?" "Do you know who Dorian is?" Shin's face fell. "So, you're the one who called me." "Yep." Shin sneered. "Good. Now you're never leaving this place." William nodded. "I see you know where the girl is. Now tell me." Shin puffed ssmoke out. "Do you know who my boss is?" William calmly flicked his fingers, and his attacks bore two holes through Shin's knees. A scream escaped Shin's mouth as he went down on his knees. Next, William waved his hand, and the door swung shut.

He approached Shin and calmly said, "Last chance. Where is his sister Shin roared, "The boss will kill you for this!" William grabbed Shin's shoulder and crushed it easily. The pain made Shin faint, but William kicked him and woke him up only to make him suffer more pain. Fear finally set in, and Shin said, "She's right here. My boss is teaching her a lesson because she used my phone to call you" "Taketo her,” said William as he pulled Shin up.

Since Shin couldn't walk, William held him like a puppet, and he went where Shin led him to. Shin was in horror. He couldn't believe William was holding him up with one hand. I'm a hundred and fifty pounds. They reached a room, and Shin pointed at the door. "We're here." William kicked the door open and was greeted by a lobby. There was a desk inside, and a man was sitting in the chair. Six men stood before him.

A young lady in her twenties was curled up in the corner, her hair unkempt and her face bruised.

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Everyone turned their attention to William the moment he cin, and Shin pointed at the woman in the comer of the room. "That's Leila." lam let an of Shin and Shin screamed as he fell to the mound. His less couldn't hold him un serina 2/3 08:00 Wed, 19 Jun Chapter 141 In an Hour that they were injured.

76% Finished "What are you doing. Shin? Who is he?" the man behind the desk roared. He was in his forties, and he had a fierce gaze in his eyes..

Shin cried. "He madedo it, boss. He's looking for Leila." The man narrowed his eyes. “No one causes trouble on my turf."

The man's guards slowly surrounded William, but William paid them no heed. He approached Leila and crouched down, then he said warmly, "I'm William. Are you Dorian's sister?"

The woman raised her head. She was good-looking, but her face was bruised and blood was trickling from her mouth. She burst into tears and held William's arm. “It's me, Leila. Are you here to save me, William? Did you call the cops?" William combed her unkempt hair. "Don't worry. I'll keep you safe from now on." He pointed at the people in the room. "Tell me, who did this to you?"

Leila was scared, but she needed to avenge her brother and the and thehumiliation she suffered, so she gritted her teeth and pointed at three men. "Him, him, and him." The men crossed their arms, sneering, as if Leila's accusation was just a joke to them.

William helped Leila get up and sat her down on the couch before turning to look at the men. "Chere and die X