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A Mortal’s Medicinal Elixirs

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 Hope and Despair Cooper looked at William and asked eagerly, "Would he be willing to meet me, though?" William smiled and said, "Well, let's find out about that." After saying that, he called Brandon and chatted briefly before saying, “Brandon, I'm going to visit Old Mr. Cromwell for a follow-up in a few days. Which day is convenient for you?" Brandon laughed and replied, "Any day is fine. By the way, the day after tomorrow is a family reunion for us, and I'll be at hthat day. If you're free, cover that day. I want to see you, too.” "Okay, it's settled for the day after tomorrow, then. Brandon, I want to bring a friend with me. He's the mayor of Gentrel City." "Sure, but my eldest brother, Matthew, has a bad temper. You'd better find a good reason." William smiled and said, "I understand." After hanging up the phone, he said, "Mr. Zuch, let's go to Kreim Capital the day after tomorrow." Cooper took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, William!" "It's nothing. But you have to devise a good reason to meet him," William said.

Cooper nodded and responded, "I understand. I'll think about it carefully." After chatting, William went to the backyard to practice martial arts. After practicing for many days, the little dragons on his legs gradually becperfect. He felt he could break through in the next few days, so he had to practice harder.

1/5 23:48 Mon, 10 Jun Chapter 58 Hope and Despair At the stime, he continued to open up the secondary meridians of his body. These meridians were very complex and connected to the internal organs, making it difficult to open them up. It was conservatively estimated that it would take a month to complete.

At noon, Melisenna made a table full of fish dishes, including fried, stir-fried, and stewed. The stewed fish was especially delicious; even Cooper couldn't stop praising it.

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After the meal, Walter said he wanted to return to the Kreim Capital. One of the reasons he gave was that his business couldn't run without him. Secondly, he had already recovered quite a bit and wanted to move. around. So, William gave him another prescription to take one daily dose at a fixed time.

Shortly after, Cooper personally took Walter back to the capital.

Gwendolyn did not leave because she wanted to stay and learn martial arts from William.

Meanwhile, in Halivaara State Hospital's emergency room, Shane was on the brink of death. He had been living worse than death for the past few days. If he didn't have a ventilator, he wouldn't have been able to hold on until now.

Beside the bed, Shane's wife, Lisa Brown, looked coldly at the man and hoped he would die soon. She wanted to take over the Salisbury Family's assets and escape with her lover.

Shane couldn't speak. Only his eyes could move. He had lived long enough to tell his wife was up to something with just one glance. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything now except stare at her fiercely, cursing her in his heart a thousand times.

Lisa seemed to understand his thoughts and said calmly, "Shane, our son hasn't recovered yet, you are on the brink of death, and Mom has dementia. I solely support this household, and I'm exhausted. he, don't hold on any longer. You should rest in peace." 2/5 23:48 Mon, 10 Jun Chapter 58 Hope and Despair He stared at her fiercely. Then, his gaze shifted upward as if he was looking at something, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

Lisa was taken aback. She turned her head to look and suddenly screamed in fright. There was a tall man dressed in a strange outfit made of bird feathers and animal skins, with a string of fist-sized baby skulls around his neck. He also had disheveled hair and dark blue skin. His body was emitting a strange smell.

The man ignored Lisa, walked up to Shane, and touched the latter's throat. Shane coughed up phlegm and was now able to speak. He immediately asked, “Are you Master Nalorakk?" The man was indeed Nalorakk, a dark sorcerer in Pasasi's Serngkor area. Dax, who got killed by William, was his younger brother.

Nalorakk asked coldly, "Where is the person who killed Dax?" His voice was somewhat hoarse, sounding extremely uncomfortable, like metal and glass rubbing together.

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Shane's eyes lit up with hope, and he said, "Master Nalorakk, the person who killed Dax is William, and he is in this county! I can have someone take you to find him. But first, please save me!" Nalorakk looked at the bedridden man and said, "You are seriously injured." Shane hurriedly asked, "Can you cure me? I am in too much pain now. It's better to be dead than alive!" Nalorakk shook his head. "Even God cannot save you. You are at death's door. You should arrange your funeral as soon as possible." Shane felt a wave of despair upon hearing that. He thought Nalorakk's appearance would give him a chance to survive, but he didn't expect it to be hopeless. He stared fiercely at Lisa and roared, "You wicked woman! Do you think I don't know what you've done?!" The woman trembled in fear. "Shane, what are you talking about? Why are 3/5 Chapter 58 Hope and Despair you barking at me?" He sneered. "I'll make a will right away, and you won't get a penny of my property!" Then, he looked at Nalorakk and said, "Master Nalorakk, please go and check if my son can still be saved." Nalorakk stood still for a while before he turned to Lisa and said, "He is a dying man and won't be of much use. I will keep your secret if you hand over half of his property to me. How about that?" Shane was dumbfounded. Then, he shouted, "Master Nalorakk, what do you mean by this?" Lisa seemed to have caught hold of a lifeline and immediately nodded. "Okay, I'll give you half of the Salisbury Family's property!" As soon as she finished speaking, Nalorakk coughed twice, and Shane suddenly stiffened. The next second, he had stopped breathing. He probably didn't even know how he died.

Lisa's face turned pale, and she looked at the dark sorcerer with fear, trembling as she said, "Master Nalorakk, please save my son." He replied calmly, “I can save him, but I'll charge an additional fee of 15 million Talons." Lisa cursed inwardly, thinking that this monster was too greedy for money. To think he would demand 15 million Talons right from the get-go! Even though she was miffed, she didn't dare to refuse and quickly said, “Okay, 15 million Talons it is." Nalorakk said, "Before I spend my mana to help your son, Dax. Taketo William, and I'll kill him myself." | must be She quickly said, "Okay, I'll find someone to show the way for you." Meanwhile William was unaware of the approaching danger He was 4/5 23:48 M Chapter 58 Hope and Despair

practicing the Finger-Flicking technique. So far, he had already mastered the last six moves of the technique and could use the twelve moves to create unpredictable variations. However, he always felt that something was missing from the technique. The more he practiced, the stronger this feeling became. Only recently did he realize that the Finger-Flicking technique's greatest power could only be unleashed by using Qi. "Using Qi Emanation should be able to helpbreak through," he muttered.

After two years of practicing relentlessly in prison, he had laid a solid. foundation. Except for eating and resting, he only practiced skills. This kind of practice was more effective than ten years of practice outside. At this moment, he stood upright with his palms crossed in front of him. His Qi flowed according to his breathing technique. After about half an hour, the Qi in his body suddenly condensed. Its amount was reduced by half, but its energy density doubled!

m William almost fainted on the spot from the sudden change inside his body. Realizing he had made a breakthrough, he quickly sat down and meditated to adjust his breath. He continued to practice until night fell, and the Qi in his body was restored. He found that the density of his Qi had doubled, and his inner strength had becstronger. "Nice! At this point, I can finally use Qi Emanation to master this technique!" As he spoke, a layer of faint white light suddenly appeared on his bodyit. was the Qi he had released. He used his right hand to demonstrate the Finger-Flicking technique and lightly flicked it. Three streams of Qi shot out, shattering several pieces of cobblestone on the ground into small. pieces upon impact.

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