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A Mortal’s Medicinal Elixirs

Chapter 77
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A Mortal's Medicinal Elixirs Chapter 77 The White Family of Greenford William was unaware that trouble was brewing, and he was curious about Elderblade White of Greenford. He called Brandon to talk about the situation.

After hearing about the incident, Brandon was shocked. "Send the blood fungus to Greenford immediately! This is of utmost urgency. Otherwise, you might be in great danger!" William frowned and asked, "Brandon, is this White Family from Greenford well-known?" Brandon chuckled bitterly. "The White Family is Symphonia's top martial arts family, and it has already produced many masters. Elderblade White, whose real nis Gerald White, is said to have inherited the sword dcity's legacy. His swordsmanship is unparalleled and he is a Grandmaster! The White Family's influence spans three provinces covering various fields with assets of trillions. They are a truly gigantic. family!" William was shocked to hear that Gerald was a natural-born master. He thought for a moment and muttered, "The blood fungus is mine. I can't just give it away." Brandon rolled his eyes and stated, “William, if you send the blood fungus over, do you think the White Family will really mistreat you?" William blinked upon hearing that. "Brandon, Diego mentioned that Gerald was injured while slaying a python. I am proficient in medicine, so why don't I go and take a look?" Brandon's heart skipped a beat. “I almost forgot that you're a divine doctor! Wait forin Floraville. I'll be there soon, and then we can go to Yamtown together!" William quickly said, “Brandon, we should not rush there. We shouldn't knock on someone's door to offer medical treatment. If we do so, they'll look down on us." Brandon laughed. "Don't worry about it. I have sconnections with Mr. Jaxson. I'll make a call and recommend you." William wasn't interested in Grandmasters. He believed that there was no difference between treating patients, regardless of their status. Therefore, he wouldn't take such an opportunity to form connections either. He then commented, "Brandon, Yamtown is not far from Floraville. Let someone cto Floraville and inviteif Gerald wantsto treat him." Brandon was stunned for a moment before saying, “That's fine, I guess. We'll discuss this when we meet." After hanging up the phone, William returned to the hotel. As soon as he sat down, he received a call from Tristan. Tristan seemed quite happy as he stated, "Mr. Barrett, you're indeed an expert! You defeated Diego with one move. Impressive!" At that, William impatiently muttered, "If you have something to say, then say it." Tristan's expression froze and he cleared his throat before explaining. "Mr. Barrett, it's a full moon tonight, and I might be in pain." William snorted in response. "That's right. If you can't stand it, you can cfind me." Tristan chuckled. “Okay! I'll cto you if I can't stand it.” Chapter 71 The White Family of Greenford One of his henchmen quickly replied, "Master Tristan. Master Howard is waiting outside.

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*Please let him in quickly? Tristan said hurriedly.

In no time, a thin and short man, who was in his fifties, arrived in the living room. After exchanging pleasantries, he began to examine Tristan's body. After more than ten minutes, his expression gradually becserious and he announced, "Master Tristan, you have been targeted. The technique used is extremely advanced and I cannot undo it! Tristan was shocked and sat up straight before asking. You are the number one doctor in Southside and yet, you can't resolve it?" The old man smiled bitterly. “Not just me, but even Celestial's best wandering divine doctor cannot resolve it. This kind of technique is like a lock with a password, and only the person who used it can unlock it." Tristan's heart sank. If it can't be unraveled, won't I suffer tonight? William was undergoing cultivation in the hotel in the morning. By 2.00PM, Brandon's plane had landed, and Jason sent him to the hotel where William was staying When they met, Brandon had a big smile on his face as he stated, "Williams, I spoke with Mr. Jaxson on the phone. After hearing about you, he said he would personally invite you William nodded. "The Grandmaster must be seriosasly injured and it will undoubtedly require a lot of precious medicinal materials. The White Family must be prepared Brandon laughed at that. Even if you need the rarest herbs in the world, the White Family can find it. Don't worry? They made small talk before Brandons expression suddenly becserious. "Diego was injured by you and he must be harboring resentment. I am worried that he will use the White Family to cafter you When I spoke with Mr. Janson, I specifically mentioned this matter" At that, William asked, 'O And what didJason say?" "Mr. Jaxson said that Diego was asking for it," Brandon replied. "If he died, he deserved it William nodded in response. It seems that the people of the White Family can still distinguish right from wrong. After a while, someone knocked on the door. It was Tristan's subordinate who said, "Mr. Barrett, Mr. Jesse White is here to see you downstairs." "Mr. Jesse Brandon was a little surprised. "Wasn't it supposed to be Mr. Jasson? Why is his second brother, Mr. Jesse, here?" Willam thought for a moment and muttered. Tm afraid the person coming might be in trouble" Brandon was shocked to hear that. “Mr Jesse is a middle-level expert in the Divine Realm and his breathing technique is far superior to mine William, you'd best stay here. I'll go down and meet him to clear things up!" "It don't matter." Willam stated calmly. "The inevitable will happen I will go meet him? 23:02 Tue, 11.

Chapter 77 The White Family of Greenford 51%0 Sitting on a couch in the hotel lobby was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s, but in truth, he was already 65. It was Jesse White, the second son of the White Family.

Jesse held two brass balls in his palm and his eyes were half closed. He only opened them slightly when William and Brandon approached. "Brandon Cromwell?" Brandon had met him once and quickly shook Jesse's hand. "Mr. Jesse, it's me, Brandon Cromwell. This is my good friend, William Barrett. There must be a misunderstanding between you two." Jesse sneered, "Misunderstanding? I have seen Diego's injury myself, and his spine was broken by someone! How can that be a misunderstanding?" He stared at William and growled, "Kid, you've got snerve stealing from the White Family!" Meanwhile, William remained calm. “No matter what Diego told you, I bought the blood fungus from the midnight bazaar. When his disciple failed to steal it from me, he cto roband I ended up injuring him." Jesse chuckled coldly as he countered, "The blood fungus is a rare item in the world that's known to very few people. Diego found out about it from an ancient book. How could you recognize it?" At that, William replied, I've seen many things, so it's nothing surprising. Besides, the blood fungus cannot save Elderblade White. Diego said Elderblade White got injured by a venomous python, and the blood fungus will only accelerate his condition." Jesse didn't believe a word and countered, "I don't believe you! If you have the guts, cfight me!" It sounded like he was going to use force.

At that point, William chuckled and also becangry. "Since you don't want to reason with me, let's use our fists. Con! I fear nothing!" When Brandon heard that, he quickly chimed in, “Mr. Jesse, what William said is true!” Jesse's eyes widened with anger and he snarled, "Brandon, who do you think you are? You're just a guy who begged Jaylon for a low-level breathing technique. How dare you interfere in my affairs? Are you tired of living?!" Brandon was furious and his face turned red. At the very least, I am a Divine Realm master, but I am being looked down upon like this! He sneered and announced, "Mr. Jesse, even if the White Family is powerful, you still have to be reasonable! If you're not being reasonable, I'll have to speak up for William!" Send Gifts $19 30 [1] A Mortal's Medicinal Elixirs Chapter 78 Dragon Style Breathing Technique Jesse raised his eyebrow. "You're going to stand up for this kid, Brandon? Seems like you think you're number one! All right, then. Today, I'm going to kill both of you!" Jesse!" Suddenly, another person walked into the hall and called out from behind.

Jesse turned his head, surprised. "Jaxson, what are you doing here?" The man was in his 30s, wearing a blue and white casual suit, jeans, white sneakers, and sunglasses. He looked like an ordinary young man, but he was actually the fifth young master of the White Family, Jaxson White.

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Jesse, there seems to be a misunderstanding about this," Jaxson mentioned. "Before coming here, I went to see Diego and used smeans to get him to tell the truth."

Then, he recounted what he had learned, which was almost the sas what William had said. It was Diego's disciple who had first discovered the blood fungus but had not been able to buy it before William. E In desperation, the disciples were going to rob William but were beaten by him. Diego then went looking for William to avenge his disciples and take the blood fungus. However, he did not expect William to be much stronger than him and was beaten so hard that he was rendered disabled. Moreover, he also lost a hundred million.

After listening to the story, Jesse furrowed his brows slightly. It was obvious that he •had done something wrong, but he we was the second son of the White Family and had a high status in the martial world. Naturally, he would not admit his mistake. He snorted and countered, "Jaxson, this kid knew that the White Family needs the blood fungus, yet he deliberately made things difficult for Diego, I don't think he's a good person!" William squinted his eyes. It seems that Jesse's character is not very good!

Brandon also frowned and added, "Mr. Jesse, this is Dr. Barrett, whom I told you about. If you want to invite someone to treat your illness, you should at least show scourtesy. It's too much to hurt him verbally like this. Even I think it's over the line." Jaxson quickly commented, "Yes, that's right. I cthis tto invite Dr. Barrett.

Then, he smiled and said to William, "Dr. Barrett, please don't be angry. Jesse has a bad temper-" At that, William commented calmly, "It's okay. If you need the blood fungus, I can give it to you for free." With that, he had the attendant bring a piece of blood fungus and handed it over to Jaxson without hesitation. Jaxson was stunned for a moment before he mumbled, "Dr. Barrett, my father's illness..." "I'm sorry, I can't treat him,” William commented flatly.

Even a fool could see that William was unhappy with Jesse's attitude.

Jesse immediately snorted. "What kind of miracle doctor is he? Jaxson, are you confused? He's so young: A Mortal's Medicinal Elixirs X