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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81

As soon as Katherine entered her house, she received a call from her assistant, Savannah

Davis. Hence, she sat on the couch casually and picked up the video call.

Almost immediately, Savannah's serious face showed on the screen of her phone.

Savannah was in charge of everything related to the test laboratory in Fontan, and she

managed a few companies as well. Every month, she would report the condition to


Katherine sat there and listened to her casually. The company was developing quite well,

and it was expanding to Cechirus methodically. All in all, there was nothing she needed to

be worried about.

After Savannah reported everything about work, she paused for a moment and talked

about other things with a straight face. "Miss Cornell, there was someone looking into Mrs.

Cornell and Mrs. Olsen."

"What?" Katherine's casual expression turned serious at once. She sat up straight and

stared at Savannah on the screen, waiting for her to continue explaining.

"We've back-tracked them but were noticed by the other side, and they blocked us. So, we

couldn't track those looking into them."

"I got it. Let me deal with this." Katherine took this matter very seriously.

It had been 10 years since Elsie's passing, but someone was looking into her at this time.

This was something extremely strange. As for her grandmother, it was easier for her to

understand. Because of her, it was not a strange thing for Jennifer to be looked into.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly asked Savannah, "Send my grandma's

information to me. My mom's too."

Savannah didn't ask anything and just replied to her affirmatively. They hung up the

phone after some small talk.

Within 10 minutes, Savannah had already sent the documents to Katherine's email.

When she opened and looked at it, her brows knitted together tightly as their documents

were so simple that it looked like someone had purposely erased some of their past.

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She looked at her grandmother's documents and was immersed in her thoughts. It was

especially obvious when she saw the name 'Jennifer Moran'. Instinctively, she thought

about Morgan, whom she had met in Professor Muller's laboratory because her last name

was Moran as well.

Elsie's document made her snap her brows together even tighter. Only her basic

biography was listed on it—when she was born, when she went to school, which school

she went to—and there was nothing else other than that.

After looking through their documents, she sent Savannah a text message. When she

knew this was the most detailed information they could find, she stared at Elsie's photo on

her computer screen in a trance with a frown.

On the other hand, on the top floor's president suite of the Pacific Nebula Hotel, Kian was

covering his mouth and coughing. There was an unhealthy blush on his pale face. When

his cough calmed down a little, he looked at the person in front of him. "You didn't find it?"

"Yes, Mr. Grant. We've looked into Jennifer Moran and Elsie Olsen. Elsie passed away in an

accident eight years ago and left behind a daughter. As for Jennifer, she left Cechirus for

Fontan five years ago and hasn't come back since then. From what we found, her health

hasn't been too good. So, she's receiving treatment in Fontan. Other than this, there isn't

any useful information." The person who answered him looked like he was in his 40s. He

had a square face, making him look righteous.

After being silent for a moment, Kian nodded with some thought in his mind. "Not finding

anything is not strange at all. Since the clue ended here, there's no need to continue

looking into it anymore. You can go back now."

"Understood," the other party replied to him. After that, he added, "By the way, when

we're looking into their documents, we were back-tracked, so there might be someone

trying to hide their information on purpose."

Hearing that, Kian was quite surprised, but only for a few seconds. He lost interest almost

immediately. "Elsie is the only one who knows what happened at that time. Since she has

passed away, it's not necessary to look into them anymore. You can return to Kyoland and

tell father that we can't find any clue on mother."


After the middle-aged man left, he sat on the couch and daydreamed for a little while. Just

then, Katherine's exquisite face appeared in his mind. He touched his own face

subconsciously and laughed bitterly.

The time for treatment that Katherine set with Kian was 10.00AM on the next day, and the

venue was Soulin International.

On the next day, Kian arrived at 9.00AM sharp. When Katherine heard the doorbell, she

opened the door and was startled for a second, looking at the man outside the door. After

that, she stepped aside and let him in.

Before Kian entered, Joaquin's door beside hers was opened. He changed into a silver

mask today, covering half of his face, giving off a don't-come-over vibe. It was obvious

that he was still not in a good mood.

Katherine lifted her head and glanced at him for a second before looking away. Then, she

led Kian into the house and closed the door. At this moment, Joaquin frowned a little. He

only looked at Kian for a second just now but felt that he might have met him before.

He stood at the entrance and stared at the closed door for a few seconds before looking

away and walking outside.

Some trouble came up in Area Seven. When they went to dig into the black market, a few

comrades were seriously injured, and their lives were at risk. So, he needed to rush over

to deal with it.

On the other hand, after Katherine let Kian in, she poured him a cup of water.

Meanwhile, Kian gave all the herbs that he had prepared to her. After glancing at them,

she was quite surprised. It was out of her expectation that these herbs were not only okay

but they were aged more than she expected.

"Is the Grant Family specialized in planting and selling herbs?" she asked subconsciously.

Hearing that, he smiled kindly and didn't hide it from her either. "Yes. The ancestors of the

Grant Family were doctors for the royals, but the members of recent generations are not

really talented in traditional medicine. So, we're selling herbs to make a living."

At this moment, she thought about the information that she had found. After being silent

for a moment, she nodded as if nothing had happened and took the herbs into the kitchen.

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Since she returned to the country, she didn't have time to build her own laboratory, so she

didn't have the necessary tools to make the medicine. In the end, she just proceeded with

the pressure cooker.

Luckily, the effect was not bad. She carefully processed the herbs before placing them on

a stove and starting the fire to slowly boil them. Then, she came out of the kitchen and

checked Kian's body.

"Hmm? What did you eat yesterday?" She noticed something wasn't right as soon as she

read his pulse. The toxin in his body was much more active than it was yesterday. He had

probably consumed some new toxin yesterday, which stimulated the toxin in his body.

Seeing her serious expression, he didn't hide anything and told her everything he had

eaten after leaving the black market.

"Throughout the treatment, don't consume any other medicine other than the medicine I

give you. As for your diet… There's a Country House Restaurant in the alley of West City.

The herbal course there is quite good. You can try going there." After being silent for a

moment, she couldn't judge where the problem was at once, so she could only give him

some advice.

Hearing that, Kian nodded in acknowledgment. Meanwhile, Katherine turned around to

take out a silver needle. After pausing for a while, she asked him to come over.

She couldn't be disturbed in the process of the acupuncture treatment. Since Kian's

condition was slightly complicated, she needed to be extra careful throughout the


Katherine asked him to take his shirt off and lie down. Although he was slightly

embarrassed, he still took off his clothes obediently and lay down on the bed after looking

at her serious face, which didn't have any other thoughts for him. He even scolded himself

inside for overthinking.

At this moment, Katherine was thinking about where she should land her needle, so she

didn't notice anything strange about him. When her gaze landed on his body, there was a

slight change in her expression.

This person actually has a rose birthmark on his chest, just like me?