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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 78
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#78 “Perhaps Another Time?”
Sophia had decided to work from the comfort of her tastefully furnished home that morning. It was a bright day, the sunlight
streaming in through the large windows casting warm, golden hues throughout her spacious office. Her sanctuary was where she
could think clearly, away from the hustle and bustle of her law firm.
With her phone on her elegant mahogany desk, Sophia dialed her assistant’s number. The call connected, and within moments,
her assistant, answered in his calm and professional manner.
“Good morning, Sophia. How can I assist you today?” Trevor inquired, his voice crisp and efficient.
“Good morning, Trevor,” Sophia replied, her tone reflective of her determination. “I’ve decided to work from home today, and we
have a few crucial tasks at hand. The primary one involves dealing with the ongoing issue concerning Enlighten Press.”
Trevor, aware of the gravity of the situation, responded promptly, “Of course, Sophia. What would you like me to do?”
Sophia leaned back in her leather- bound chair, her fingers deftly tapping the sleek surface of her desk as she organized her
thoughts. “I need you to contact Benjamin and have him join me in a conference call. I have crucial information to share with
Trevor acknowledged her instructions. “I’ll get in touch with Benjamin right away and arrange the call. Is there anything else you
Sophia paused for a moment, contemplating her next steps. “No, that should be all for now, Trevor.
Thank you.”
As Trevor set off to contact Benjamin, Sophia began to prepare for the upcoming conversation. Benjamin was not only a capable
associate but also a close friend. She trusted him with her life, and their collaboration over the years had always yielded
remarkable results.
The phone rang, and Benjamin’s voice, always calm, greeted her. “Sophia, I didn’t expect such a formal call from you. You can
always look for me on my personal phone.”
Sophia leaned forward, her expression serious. “Benjamin, I’m calling on work this time. I’ve received some valuable information

regarding Enlighten Press. It’s time to take action. Benjamin’s curiosity was piqued. What? Want to mess with Megan?”.

“And how else,” Sophia smiles. ”
Megan is on my radar right now and I’m not letting her go.”
Benjamin sighs. “Okay, I’m intrigued. What information do you have?”
Sophia proceeded to share the details of her conversation with Alexander, recounting the manipulative practices of Enlighten
Press and the need to expose their deceit. She also emphasized that this operation had to go beyond mere surface-level
Benjamin, understanding the intricacies of the situation, inquired, So, what’s the plan, Sophia? How do we tackle this formidable
Sophia regarded Benjamin with a determined glint in her eyes. “We need to launch a fatal attack. We have to expose the deep-
rooted issues within Enlighten Press, not just the surface lies. We must dismantle them from within.”
Benjamin knew the importance of the task at hand. “I agree, Sophia. It won’t be easy, but it’s essential to ensure we don’t just
scratch the surface. The key here is to undermine their foundation.”
Sophia nodded in agreement. “Exactly, Benjamin. But we can’t do this alone. We need an investigator who specializes in
financial discrepancies and can expose corruption.”
Benjamin appreciated her plan, ready to support her in any way possible. “I’ll back you in this endeavor, Sophia. We’ll find the
right investigator and ensure we bring Enlighten Press to its knees.”
With their strategy outlined, Sophia and Benjamin had taken their first steps toward dismantling the formidable entity that was
Enlighten Press.
“I’m thinking of including Michael as well,” Sophia finally says.
“Interesting. Okay, I trust your judgment. Tell me later how your conversation with him went.”
“Ok, talk to you later Benjamin.”
The conversation with Benjamin concluded with a sense of determination and purpose, and Sophia had every intention of
executing their plan with precision. With a click, she ended the call, feeling fortunate to have such a capable and reliable friend
by her side.

Without hesitation, Sophia dialed Michael’s number. The phone rang several times before he picked up, his voice laced with

curiosity. “Sophia, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”
Sophia smiled, her voice warm and inviting, “Michael, I have an opportunity that you might find intriguing.”
Michael, always one to appreciate a good challenge, leaned into the conversation. “Go on, Sophia. You have my attention.”
Sophia launched into the details of their plan to expose Enlighten Press, emphasizing that it wasn’t just about her desire for
retribution but also about cleansing the news industry from its pervasive corruption.
As she spoke, Michael grew increasingly intrigued. “Sophia, this is quite the undertaking. But what’s in it for me? Why should I
get involved?”
Sophia expected this question and was ready with an answer. “Michael, you won’t just be helping me; you’ll be part of a mission
to eradicate the rot that’s infested the news industry. It’s a chance to make a real difference. But be sure that I have more than
that prepared for you.”
Michael’s silence lingered for a moment as he contemplated her words. Sophia knew she had planted a seed of curiosity in his
mind. Finally, he responded, “Sophia, let’s meet and discuss this in more detail. Dinner tonight?”
“That sounds perfect, Michael. I’ll bring Benjamin along so we can iron out the specifics. It’ll be an interesting collaboration.”
With their meeting set, they said their goodbyes, and Sophia couldn’t help but feel a sense of optimism. With Benjamin and
Michael on board, they were assembling a formidable team, and their quest to bring down Enlighten Press had officially begun.
In the late afternoon, Sophia’s phone chimed with a message. She picked it up to find a message from Alexander.
“Would you like to have dinner together this evening?” Alexander’s message read. It was a simple and direct invitation, yet it
carried an underlying sentiment that Sophia couldn’t ignore.
Sophia hesitated for a moment before composing her response.” “I appreciate the invitation, Alexander, but I already have dinner
plans this evening. Perhaps another time?”
As she pressed the send button, Sophia felt a pang of guilt. She couldn’t quite pinpoint the source of her unease, but the notion
of declining an invitation from Alexander weighed on her.

On the other side of the city, Alexander received Sophia’s message, and a faint furrow appeared on his brow. It wasn’t that he
hadn’t expected the possibility of her being busy, but her rejection still stirred a sense of frustration within him. He gazed at his
phone for a moment before composing his response.
“Of course, Sophia. I understand. Another time, then.”
The message, sent with a touch of resignation, was the best response Alexander could muster. He knew better than to press the
issue. Sophia was a woman of determination, and if she had prior commitments, he respected her choices.
However, just as he was about to put his phone aside, a new message notification startled him. He opened the message and
read the words that flickered on the screen, and his expression darkened.