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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62
Karl’s pent–ups frustration propelled him into an agitated pacing around the regianer and has living room, his hand weaving
through his disheveled hair like a
per age to untangle the chaos within. The maddening swirl of emotions thesored to push him to the brink of madness.
Atrl redirected his course towards the laundry. Swiftly shedding the damp clothes that chung to him like remnants of the recent
altercation, he couldn’t shake off the Ingering annoyance caused by the woman who had unexpectedly attacked him. His eyes
still stung from the encounter with her pepper spray, and the numerous little scratches and bumps served as a painful testament
to the physical attacks
th her umbrella and her wild scratching
Instead of getting mad and angry at her, Instead he had gotten concerned when he witnessed her miserable landing to the floor
With a resigned sigh, he moved into the living room.
Axel’s footsteps echoed with a sense of urgency as he sought to check on the well–being of the dog. A creature that still hadn’t
eaten as far as his understanding went. Approaching the bowlhe was met with a surprising revelation, it was now
stark contrast to its previous untouched state
Recalling the dog’s initial rejection of the regular food. Axel had ventured into the relentless rain to procure the prescribed special
meal. However, much to his bewildered chagrin, the dog had apparently finished it in his absence. The irony of the utuation
struck him, his well–intentioned effort to cater to the dog’s presumed preferences had resulted in an unnecessary escapade
through the
rain–soaked streets.
His gaze fixated on the peacefully slumbering dog, nestled comfortably on his couch. The sight was a stark juxtaposition to the
tumultuous events that had unfolded just moments ago. The frustrating realization dawned upon him he had endured both the
unrelenting rain and an unexpected attack for a cause that in the end. proved to be unnecessary. Rendering Axel’s efforts
somewhat futile.

With a resigned sigh. Axel reached for his phone, only to find the screen irreparably damaged a frustrating aftermath of the
unexpected encounter with that woman. She had struck him just the moment he was distracted and had An involuntary scowl
crept onto his face as he ruminated on the absurdity of the situation Accused of being a stalker, ambushed on his way home, and
subjected to an unwarranted assault. Just who does she think she is?” He wondered with a scowl First she had barged into his

apartment, then slept on his couch like a lifeless cat and then having the audacity to hit him continuously and douce him in
The stings from her attack still lingered.
Yet, in a confounding twist, Axel found himself unable to harbor genuine anger towards her. The woman had managed to cast
herself as the victim, invoking an
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna
unexpected sense of concern within him.
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When she tumbled backward, Axel’s instinctive reaction was to reach out and grab her, a reflex driven by genuine worry rather
than retaliation. Her wide doe eyes, seemingly innocent and vulnerable when she stared up at him, contradicted the aggressive
actions she had displayed mere moments ago. The stark contrast left Axel bewildered, a victim turned aggressor, then swiftly
back to the role of a damsel in distress..
When Observing her sprawled on the floor, cold and exposed, Axel had felt a strange mix of frustration and concern. Then Her
flinch at his approach for the dog food and his phone like he was the bad guy.

The dog food! He glanced at the now sleeping husky. Everything came down to that girl. First meeting her at the exhibition, the
puppy at his door reminded him of her and he had taken it in. And now going out to get the supposed food that the dog could eat
he had gotten the beating of his life. In all of his twenty five years of existence, no one had ever beaten him: And he felt worse,
the one who did the lashing looked at him like he was the bad guy, she looked up at him with those large eyes that made it seem
like she had been bullied by him.
He was the victim! Ever since he met her two days ago, his life had seemed to take a turn for the worst.
Darn that dark–haired woman and her beguilingly large eyes, Axel muttered to himself as he ambled wearily towards the shower.
He couldn’t help but wonder about the audacity of someone venturing out into the night rain so scantily dressed? She had
shivered, her wet clothes clinging to her b*dy. Hope she doesn’t catch a cold, he thought to himself with a sigh.
The concern for her well–being tugged at him, even as irritation festered at the unwelcome intrusion;
his thoughts.
As he stood beneath the soothing cascade of water, his mind replayed the scenes from the unexpected encounter. And the way
she had flinched and reacted in that truly frightened manner, like she had some history of abuse. Her reaction at the exhibition
also, it gave of signs of someone with a deep trauma.
“Why am I even bothered?” he grumbled, struggling to comprehend the emotional turmoil her presence stirred. Resolute in
breaking free from this perplexing concern, Axel made a firm decision to distance himself from her, convinced that she harbored

nothing but bad luck.
Returning from the shower, his hair still damp, Axel encountered the remnants of
his neglected meal With a dismissive sweep, he cleared the table, discarding theFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

now-cold food into the trash.
In the obscurity of the night, enveloped by a concealing hoodie and the warmth
of a lit cigarette, the man watched intently as Jasmine picked herself from the floor and headed on her way home.
Alpha’s Regret: Pregnant Rejected Luna.
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He derived perverse satisfaction from witnessing his prey unravel emotionally and unleash an unwarranted attack on an
unsuspecting victim. The
cat–and–mouse game intensified as Jasmine, seemingly aware of being followed became unhinged and attacked someone else
A contemplative sigh escaped him, acknowledging the necessity for heightened. stealth to elude Jasmine’s notice. Observing
her, he couldn’t help but savor the provocative allure of her wet clothes clinging sensuously to her figure.
Walking behind her hidden by the darkness he watched her enter the building. He stood at the down floor of her apartment, his
predatory gaze lingered on the eighteenth floor where her home was. Intrusive thoughts, tinged with a sinister longing, played
out in his mind as he imagined scenario’s
“I wonder what she’s doing now,” he pondered, succumbing to a dark fascination.
He stayed there for a long time then turned heading home blending in the darkness. Entering his home he added yet another
picture of her to the wall. Then turned on the light. The room became lit with several pictures of Jasmine, it was like a temple
dedicated to her.
“Someday I would finally have you in my arms.” The man giggled gleefully, his hand stroking her picture.
Maybe, he thought to himself..

“Maybe I’ll pay her a visit tomorrow.” She used to jog every morning before and then be would watch her, how her work out
clothes clung to her b*dy, but it seemed she had sensed someone watching her and she had stopped. Working out in her
apartments gym instead. The man gave an annoyed grunt. The only time he ever got to watch was on her way to work and when
she returned. Or rare evening’s like this one when she came out.
Tomorrow was a Monday, which meant she would leave for work at about eight am and return by seven. He believed he was so
in love with her that be had even mastered her schedule. He would wait for her tomorrow when she got off work and they would
come home together.
He smiled at the thought of being up close to her and even touching her.
“One day Jasmine would be mine.”