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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 170
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Chapter 170

Ignoring her words, Nina grabbed her suitcase and dragged it upstairs. She even managed to find

Christopher‘s room.

Elizabeth‘s expression changed drastically. “Mrs. Lewis, why didn‘t you say anything? How can a random

young lady use Mr. Lewis bathroom?”

Hearing that, Margaret felt a little triggered. However, she recalled that Charles was a nice man and that

she should respect him. Thus, she tamped her irritation down and said, “It‘s fine. She‘s Mr. Moore‘s

daughter, after all. She can do anything as long as she doesn‘t sleep in Christopher‘s room.”

Elizabeth went to the kitchen grumpily to prepare lunch, and Tabby limped in after her as its hind leg was

bandaged. Soon, Elizabeth‘s voice rang out from the kitchen. “It‘s annoying how someone could move

into the house as she wished. Didn‘t you see how arrogant and greedy she was? Ugh, that was

annoying. Don‘t you think so,


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Tabby let out a meow in response.

“Good cat. Here‘s a slice of fish for you.”

Margaret let out a resigned chuckle and shook her head. Her body was still weak, so she wanted to head

back to her room to get some rest. However, Nina was taking a shower inside, and it wasn‘t appropriate

for her to head straight to bed. Hence, she had to wait in the living room.

By lunchtime, Nina was still upstairs. Elizabeth went upstairs to find out what was going on. Soon, she

returned wearing a furious expression. “Meg, is Nina here to steal your husband from you? Never mind if

she showered in your bathroom. After taking a shower, she wrapped herself in a towel and slept in your

bed! That‘s too much! I‘ve

shameless as her! That towel belongs to Mr. Lewis! That was seriously disgusting. I shall throw all the

towels away!”

Margaret‘s brows furrowed upon hearing that. She‘d be lying if she claimed that she wasn‘t bothered by

Nina‘s actions. Even if that weren‘t Christopher‘s bedroom, she would sull be bothered if a stranger were

to use her bathroom and bed. Especially when the stranger was clad in nothing but a towel. An image of

Christopher with a towel wrapped around him popped up in her brain, and her displeasure intensified.

Christopher has used that towel before. Even if it had been washed, that‘s too...

“Elizabeth, wake Nina up for lunch. You have to wake her up no matter what. After lunch, tell her to sleep

in the guest room. Clean the master bedroom and change all the bedsheets and covers. I don‘t want

Christopher to fly into a rage when he realizes someone had entered the room.”

After saying that, Margaret had a strange feeling. I only don‘t want Christopher to get mad. I‘m not

getting worked up about other stuff. Il

Elizabeth went upstairs to carry out her order and woke Nina up rudely.

Nina paid no heed to the stares and came downstairs. Her hair was messy, and she was wearing a

skimpy nightgown. Without waiting for Margaret, she began devouring the food.

Margaret sat across from her with Tabby in her arms. “Don‘t you feel chilly?” she asked in surprise.

Nina didn‘t bother looking up. “No, I don‘t feel chilly. I hope you don‘t mind. I‘ve been living overseas for

too long and have gotten used to it. I‘m more open–minded. Oh, I‘m exhausted. After lunch, I shall go

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back to bed.”

Margaret flashed a smile and said nothing else. After lunch, she returned to her room. Before she could

lie down, Nina jumped into her bed. “Ah, how comfortable. This bed is softer than the bed I had


At the door, Elizabeth wore a dark expression as she said, “Ms. Moore, this room belongs to Mr. and

Mrs. Lewis. Can you please move to the guest room? Mrs. Lewis had just been discharged from the

hospital. She‘s weak, so please don‘t disrupt her


Nina rolled over and beamed, “Christopher isn‘t back, so we can share the bed. I promise I won‘t disturb

you. Oh, I‘m tired, Good night!”

Margaret and Elizabeth shared a look. That was the first time they saw someone like Nina, so they had

no idea how to react.

Of course, Margaret didn‘t share the bed with Nina. As she couldn‘t sleep beside a stranger, she had no

choice but to head to the guest room.