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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 2267
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After the second round of competition, at Huang Yinyin’s gambling table, speople were happy and swere sad.

Those who win the bet are naturally ecstatic and feel like they have gained a treasure; those who lose the bet regret it and are very upset.

“Damn it! | didn’t expect that guy to be so useless. If | had known it, | would have been ranked No. 36!" “Who said otherwise? What a bastard! | lost a bottle of Xiaoyaowan in vain!” too, | just got it Baby, we've all lost!” “Huh! | told you a long tago that I'm going to beat No. 36, but you don’t believe me. Is this a big loss?” Amidst the wailing, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

Several people looked around and saw that the person speaking was a man in gray.

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The man was carrying a long sword, looking quite arrogant, and holding a handful of spiritual stones he had just won.

“Brother! Looking at you, you must have won a lot just now, right?” One person asked tentatively.

“Not many, | only won a dozen. The main reason is that | don’t have much capital, otherwise | would have made a lot of money if | pushed all in!” The man in gray said confidently.

As soon as these words cout, the eyes of everyone around him lit up.

Winning more than a dozen spirit stones in one gis definitely a huge temptation for them.

You know, the spiritual energy in these dozen spiritual stones is enough for them to practice hard for several years.

“Brother, how are you sure that No. 36 will win?” the Bocca again.

The battle situation in the arena is changing rapidly. Unless it is an absolute crushing force, no one can be sure of the final result.

“I don’t have any other skills. | just have good vision and a lot of knowledge.” The man in gray said proudly: “To be honest, I know all the famous and potential warriors in the world. Chest, | know who is strong, who has what specialties, and who can win. It is no exaggeration to say that today’s bet is completely designed for me.” Hearing this, everyone immediately becexcited.

“Damn it! Brother, are you too awesome? It's just like cheating!” “Brother! Don’t say anything. | will place bets with you. | hope you can make your brother rich!” “No. That's right! We'll all follow you!” The crowd was in high spirits and gathered around the man in gray, flattering him in all kinds of ways, completely treating him as the God of Wealth.

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There are many strange people in the arena. If the man in gray can really judge the strength of each player, then today’s bet will definitely be unfavorable.

If they can seize the opportunity, they can also make a lot of money.

Naturally, he was extremely excited.

“It's not impossible to bet with me, but I'm going to say something ugly first. | can’t guarantee that | can win 100%. If you lose, you can’t blme.” The man in gray didn’t say too much.

“Of course! Since it's a bet, how can there be a 100% win? We can all understand.” “Yes, brother, you can make us rich. We are not even grateful enough to thank you, so how can we blyou?” “Brother! Just don’t worry. Anyone who dares to quarrel with you today is slappingin the face. | will never let him go!” Everyone expressed their support with every word.

If the man in gray said he could win 100%, they wouldn't believe it.

This seems more real.