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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 2281
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Chapter 2281 Looking into Sullivan's hot eyes, Rivka couldn't help but frown. “Junior Brother Sullivan, enough is enough. If you continue g*mbling, you will only get deeper and deeper.” Gmblers are addictive and never satisfied. They will gmble when they win and when they lose. Also, keep gambling. They continue to gamble until they lose everything they own and beclost.

Today, Sullivan seemed to be showing signs of addiction. Failure to intervene promptly will only result in disaster.

“Senior sister, | bet again, for the last time. As long as | win this time, | will stop immediately.” Sullivan vowed.

“Sister, it's the sfor me.” | lost all my swords. | have to win it back.” Halle also agreed.

The two of them stared directly at Rivka, their eyes full of expectation.

“Have you ever thought about what to do if you lose?” Rivka asked.

“No, no, no, | will be careful this time, and | will never lose if | bet correctly!” Sullivan promised.

“Yes, yes! We were led astray just now. If we had known better, we would not have listened to that person. | believe we have already won.” Halle said.

“Don’t you understand? Nine times out of ten, we bet we will lose. If we continue to bet, there will never be any good results.” Rivka said it in a deep voice.

“Senior sister! Let us try again. As long as we make up our money this time, we will stop g*mbling from now on! | swear!” Sullivan held out three fingers.

“Sister, you have so many spirit stones in your hand. Let us lend them to you. If we win, we will return them to you.” Halle continued to help.

“Why are you two so stubborn? At this point, don’t you know how to wake up?” Rivka shouted.

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“Senior sister, we have won so many times before. You have seen them all. It was just an accident. As long as you lend us sspiritual stones, we will definitely be able to make up for it.” Sullivan still refused to give up.

“Sister! | just want to redeem the sword. Can you give us a chance?” Halle begged.

“I'll redeem your swords for you, but it's absolutely impossible forto lend you spirit stones to g*mble with!” Rivka said it in a strong tone.

As soon as these words cout, Sullivan and Halle looked at each other, speechless.

They knew Rivka’s character, and since they were talking about it, borrowing the spirit stone was definitely impossible.

But they had just lost too much, and they were really unwilling to let go now.

They always felt that there was still a chance to win the spirit stone back.

It was a pity that they had no g*mbling capital.

Rivka ignored the two men’s bitter expressions, walked to the g*mbling table, and redeemed the swords they had mortgaged.

“This is your sword; don’t g*mble anymore!” Halle threw the two redeemed swords to Sullivan and Halle, respectively.

“Alas...” Looking at the lost sword in their hands, Sullivan and Halle were not too happy. Instead, they felt a little lonely and regretful.

Although the sword was redeemed, the lost spirit stone could never be returned, which was heartbreaking to think about.

“Don’t be downcast. Your senior sister is right. If you continue to g*mble, you will only sink deeper and deeper.” Briggs suddenly said:.

“You have won so many spiritual stones, so naturally you can stop, but we didn’t get anything.” Halle said angrily.

“Master Briggs can win because he knows when to stop. But what about you? You won once, and you want to win a second and third time. How can you not lose? In the end, it's all you who are greedy and obsessed with money!” Sullivan and Halle looked at each other and wisely chose to remain silent.

Abigail's gmbling gwas still going on, and under her vigorous shouting, a group of new gmblers had joined in.

So, the second reincarnation began.

As before, Abigail first let the g*mblers win several games in a row, tasted the benefits, and gradually becaddicted. Then she harvested them all at once by manipulating the game's results.

After all, only a small number of people could earn spiritual stones, and most g*mblers becleeks that were harvested.

However, g*mblers had a fluke mentality. One failure couldn't kill their desire, and they would continue to advance one after another.

They always thought that they were one of the lucky few.

Therefore, the more they gambled, the more they lost, and the more they lost, the more they trembled, until they were completely trapped in the maze and unable to escape.

Abigail captured the hearts of the g*mblers; that’s why she was so calm.

Because she knew very well that addicted g*mblers would never be satisfied.

And greedy people often lose miserably in the end.


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When the sun sets, the first day of the ring competition finally comes to an end.

Among the players in Group C, there were many potential talents.

Various major sects targeted these potential talents as soon as the competition ended.

All kinds of poaching, big pie, large sums of money, and inducements.

It was okay for the sect’s followers. After all, the secret was there, and it was generally difficult to dig out.

If it were a potential genius from a small sect, the situation would be completely different.

Because the big sect had better development prospects and more resources, it was easy to poach people away, as long as they extended an olive branch and promised huge profits.

Of course, Abigail, who represented the Mystic Arts Order, did not compete with other sects for human resources.

Because the things she was interested in were all kinds of rare treasures and secrets booked on elixirs.

After a day of g*mbling, she harvested several bunches of leeks in a row. She made a lot of money and was overjoyed.

“Okay, okay, fellow heroes, today’s gis over, and the betting is closed.” Let's continue tomorrow.

Remember: prepare more rare treasures. The more you bet, the more you will earn!” Abigail yelled. While standing, she ordered her subordinates to put away the treasure.

Although she consumed a box of spirit stones, the treasures she earned were ten times as much as this box of spirit stones.

After putting the treasure away, Abigail enthusiastically invited Dustin and others to have dinner.

If they make a big fortune today, they have to celebrate it.