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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 2303
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“Who are you? Tellyour name!” Damien Holmes frowned, his face intensely solemn.

The beggar in front of him remained motionless and calm as he faced his attack.

Especially the counterattack palm not only offset his attack but also knocked him back several steps.

This indicates that the other party’s cultivation level should be higher than his.

It was hard for him to accept that an unknown beggar could be so powerful.

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“Good wine...good wine!” Faced with Damien Holmes’s question, the drunk man still ignored him and drank to himself.

Seeing that Damien Holmes was about to have another attack, Tyson Houle finally spoke.

“Everyone, please don’t get angry.” Tyson Houle took a few steps forward, stood between the two of them, and said with a smile, “As the saying goes, you can’t get to know each other without fighting. After the fight just now, | believe everyone has a certain understanding of each other. Con, letintroduce you to him.” As he spoke, Tyson Houle extended his hand to the drunken man and said, “This is Senior Lennox Willis! | believe everyone present has heard of it.” “He is actually the Wine Immortal Lennox Willis?” As soon as these words cout, all the warriors looked surprised.

Lennox Willis was a well-known figure around the world.

Rumor had it that he was addicted to alcohol and cared little about fame, power, and wealth, but his cultivation was unfathomable.

Among all the martial arts masters, he was among the best.

It's just that Lennox Willis had disappeared, and his wnB abouts were erratic. They didn’t know how many people tried to visit him, but they couldn’t find him. They were surprised to see Lennox Willis here today.

However, in their minds, Lennox Willis was completely different from the worldly master. The wine master in front of them was just like a beggar.

They wouldn't have believed that the tattered, stinky beggar in front of them was actually the legendary big shot if Damien Holmes hadn't just repulsed them.

“Master Houle, are you sure he is Master Willis?” Damien Holmes frowned and glanced up and down with a strange look on his face.

He had naturally heard of the nLennox Willis. In the ranking of masters, Lennox Willis was even more powerful than the two evil spirits of heaven and earth.

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Why would such a strong man becas miserable as a beggar?

Tyson Houle smiled and said, “Senior Holmes, you have just competed with Senior Holmes, so you should have some experience. Identily can be faked, but strength ccannot be concealed. If it is not the legendary wine master, who can be equal to you, Senior Holmes?” This was said very skillfully. While explaining, he also complimented Damien Holmes for resolving the unhappiness between the two parties.

As expected, Damien Holmes's expression softened after being praised by Tyson Houle , and he asked, " Master Houle, could it be that Lennox Willis is the one we are waiting for?” “Exactly.”

Tyson Houle nodded. “Lennox Willis has always been addicted to alcqhol.

The reason he was late just now is probably because he got drunk on the way. Please forgive me, Senior Holmes.” “That's all. Grandmaster Lennox Willis is famous. | will wait for a moment. He's not harmful at all.” Damien Holmes said it lightly.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Lennox Willis’s behavior, the opponent's strength made it difficult for him to have an attack at this time.