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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18: Bumping Heads with Damian Things had become more interesting over the past few weeks than I had expected them to be. I hadn’t

realized through it all that I was actually finding myself more and more comfortable here every day. The

only lingering worry in my mind was that of Damian, and why he was acting the way he was towards


As I pulled into the garage, close to dark, I had the feeling that someone was watching me, and I wasn’t

wrong. Shutting the car door, I turned to find Damian standing behind me. The three-piece suit he wore

fit him like a glove, and that dark stare in his eye had me curious as to what was on his mind.

“Why are you home late?” He asked, his dark sultry tone swimming around me.

I blinked twice before snapping out of my thoughts and raised a brow in question. I wasn’t sure why he

was always concerned with where I was going but perhaps it had to do something with this mate thing

James and Hale had tried explaining to me.

“I stayed late to study with the girls. Why does it matter?”

He narrowed his eyes at me, “because it matters where you are going. If you’re going to be late, you

need to let someone know.

A scoff left my throat as I gave a soft chuckle and headed towards the side door of the garage. “I am an

adult, Damian. I don’t have to tell you anything.”

Before my hand could grip the handle, I found myself spun around and pinned against the door. His

firm body pressed against my own and my breath caught in my throat.

“Don’t tell me what you will or will not do, Ivy. You will let me know. Do you understand me?” My heart

raced at his words as I slowly looked up at him.

“Or what-‘ | asked breathlessly, “what are you going to do if I don’t?”

Damian didn’t know that I knew he was a wolf, and I knew very well I was playing with fire when it came

to this man. Yet, my mind didn’t seem to think straight when it came to speaking to him.

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“You don’t want to try me, Ivy. I can be a dangerous man if I want to be.”

His threat did nothing to me but made my heart race even more. I was rebellious, and at times, I didn’t

care about anything, but with him it was far worse. It was as if all my senses completely flew out the

door and a part of me wanted to challenge him.

“I highly doubt that Damian. So let me go and stop playing games with someone who can play them

better than


Damian’s eyes shot up in surprise, and a wicked grin crossed his face. I couldn’t help but notice the

look in his eyes as the gold flecks began to peak, and I wondered if he would finally break his streak of

acting like he didn’t want me.

“You are naive if you think that you can stand toe to toe with me, girl.” Stepping back, Damian let go of

me, laughter leaving him as he turned away from me and walked back towards the door he had come


I was left shocked as I watched him go. The loss of his touch made something inside me ache as I

wanted him back. “Yeah, walk away. That’s all you’re good at doing, right?”

Rolling my eyes with hurt in my chest. I turned and opened the door, but before I could cross the

threshold, he had pulled me back, gripping my neck as he lifted my head and his lips descended down

upon my own.

An erotic rush of lust and desire swarmed through me and instantly. I wanted him to take me. I wanted

to be beneath him begging for him, and the idea of it all made me feel disgusted in myself for being so

damn horny for a man who had done nothing but treat me like shit since I had arrived.

As quickly as the kiss came, he tore himself away and looked down at me sneering. His eyes held hate

within them but also confliction. “Get out.” He growled, and I didn’t understand why he was doing this to


“No, stop fighting whatever you are and act on what you want.”

Laughing at me again he shook his head, “get out of here, Ivy. You aren’t worth my time.”

His words broke me, but I refused to cry. I wasn’t going to be that girl, and I wasn’t going to allow him to

see how he affected me. “I am not worth your time?” | scoffed.

“You heard me.”

A smirk crossed my face as I shook my head, “try the other way around, Damian. It’s okay, though. I

don’t play games with men like you.”

I watched his face contort even more into a disgusted look as if he couldn’t understand the words that

had left my lips, “men like me?”

“Mhmm… men like you. One’s who are incapable of caring about anyone else but themselves.” His

laughter annoyed me, and the harder he laughed, the more pissed off I got.

“That’s good!” He spat out in between his laughter, “I can promise you that none of those little college

boys will give two shits about you once they leave.”

The cruelty he spat was unnecessary, and the more he continued, the less patient I was getting with

him. He was nothing but an egotistical asshole, and if he really wanted to go down the road he was,

then I would give him what he wanted.

“Is that so? Because I have had no problem getting more than one man interested in me in all the most

amazing ways- screaming in pleasure as they enjoy tasting me has been worth the time, I have spent

with them.”

I wasn’t sure where I got the courage to say what I did, but perhaps it was because I was tired of his

bullshit and wanted to hurt him in the way he had tried to get to me. I wasn’t entirely lying. James had

pleasured me in more than one way, but I couldn’t tell Damian that, it was still a secret.

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An has for Hale, well, perhaps I would take care of that tonight.

Who knows?

“You gave yourself away as some common whore!” He screamed at me, and with his words, the door

to the house flew open and James came running out before Damian could step towards me. His eyes

looking between us in panic as he grabbed Damian stopping him.

“The hell is going on?” James asked looking between us,

“Ivy has been whoring herself out at school. Haven’t you?” He seethed in anger as James looked to me

wide-eyed trying to figure out what Damian meant.

“Whoring myself out, that’s a bit harsh. Then again, I enjoyed every moment I was screaming one

man’s name.” Saying what I did, James tried to stifle the chuckle in realizing what I was talking about.

However, Damian didn’t find any humor in what I was saying.

“Get the fuck out of here!” He yelled at me, and even with the argument, hearing him say that tore a

part of me open and caused more pain than I thought it would.

“Ivy, please go.” James asked, giving me a heartfelt look as if he knew the pain I was feeling, and

perhaps he did. We were mated supposedly- maybe that was a perk

“Enjoy your evening.” I whispered as I took a deep breath and turned, slamming the door around me

headed towards my cottage.

This wasn’t how I had wanted my evening to go, but it seemed every time Damian and I were in the

same room, we either wanted to fuck each other or kill each other.

My fingers traced over my lips as I thought about the way he kissed me. I hadn’t expected it, and when

it happened, I wanted way more than what I got. Damian was dangerous, but he also was intoxicating,

and that intoxication made me crave more. “What the hell am I doing?” I sighed; this was all becoming

way too much.