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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 84
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Why Is Her Friendship Getting Complicated?

Irvin was declared missing in the underworld and the news had just got to Broderick. He had not need

Irvin’s service for a couple of days so he just assumed that he was doing his work in the underworld.

Broderick was stunned when it came to his attention that his second in command had not been found.

Broderick immediately ordered for his search, while thinking deeply in he office, a knock landed on the

door and he told the person at the door to walk in.

“Come in,” he looked at the door and watch the knob twist, seeing Debby appeared, he stood at once

from his seat and walked towards her.

“Hey Debby, I thought you would be doing your assignment with your sisters at this moment? “Broderick


“Dad, it’s been two days that miss. Cleo hasn’t showed up. Did you have a fight with her?” Debby asked.

Although the kids were still talking with Amy on video call, they were still more interested in her physical



Debby didn’t bother asking Amy why she hadn’t come to visit them, she knew whom to speak with. She

beleives that if she speaks with Broderick Alessandro, he can make Amy come over. “Fight?” Broderick

repeated the word and wanted to lie but retracted his decision. He didn’t want to see any reason to lie to

any of the little one,” actually, miss. Cleo and I had a little disagreement.”

“I knew it,” Debby said. “Dad, please try and settle scores with her. We really want to meet with miss.


“You like her that much?” Broderick asked.

“So much. Maybe because she looks like mum, we all want her around. Infact, if you can make her come

to stay with us, I’ll be so glad,” Debby said.

“Okay, for your sake, I’ll think of settling scores with her,” Broderick said and Debby hugged him after

which she left him to continue what he was doing.

“Miss. Cleo is a fucking slut,” he mumbled after Debby had walked away.

Three days ago when he was at Amy’s place, he eventually left around 1AM in the midnight. He let the

rain beat him for from 12AM till 1AM before he got inside his car drenched and broken then drove away.

Ever since then, he had blocked her number and was trying so hard to forget about her. There are some

relationship that one has to abandon and move away from for the sake of one’s mental health. One of

such relationship was his relationship with Amy.

But it seems his children were very desperate for a mother figure. Maybe he should get them another

mother figure because whenever he thinks of Amy, he remembers how she moans when she was having

sex with Michael and the pain he feels in his heart was always too much that it made his body weak

many times and his head strain him so badly..

His phone rang and he answered it on seeing that it was his head of guards,” sir, there is a man here to

see you.”

Why is Her Friendship Getting Complicated?

“What’s his name?”

“He calls himself Mr. Michael Alessandro,” the head of guard responded.

Broderick went quiet and squinted his face as he wondered why Michael would have the gut to come to

his house.

“Let him in,” he said and dropped the phone.

Michael was related with him my blood, he wasn’t someone he could easily get rid of. The Alessandro’s

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family are not just limited to himself, Michael and Nell, they are many extended families of the

Alessandro’s blood who had moved out of North Hill to settle in the most developed countries in the

world. They are all powerful business mogule.

The death of him or Michael would sure make these people come over to investigate, it wasn’t like he

feared them, but no matter how smart he was, this people, even if they can’t hurt him, how about his six

kids? Also, Michael’s grandfather knows that he’s the god of the underworld. Though Michael and his

grandfather aren’t in good terms and the man had left North Hill since his youthful days. He only comes

to NorthHill once a decade for what’s most important.

Nonetheless, if his grandson dies and it was revealed that he was the one who killed him, the

grandfather would fight for his grandson. If it wasn’t for his six kids who are his weakness, these people

all combined are not worthy of him.

However, he has a plan of dealing with Michael at a particular point in time. But until that time, his hands

are tied but nonetheless, if Michael crosses paths with him now, he would still let him experience hell.

Broderick walked out to the living room and the door of the sitting room opened in a jiffy. Michael

appeared with a very big flower and walked towards Broderick who was standing before a couch.

“Brother,” he bowed his head slightly.

Broderick sat and said to him,” sit” Michael stretched the flower to him and said,” please accept this from



“I regret everything that I have done. I’ve let my emotions take control of me that I forgot we are brothers.

Why should we become enemy because of a woman? It doesn’t make sense…I want us to be friend,

please Broderick,” Michael said with a ‘sincere’ look.

“We are not enemies because of a woman, that’s too petty. You and your father did worse to me when I

was young, did you think I will forgive you?” “Then why haven’t you taken your revenge ever since I

come back to North Hill?” Michael asked,

“You will find out later.” “There is nothing to find out. You can’t afford to hurt me cause deep down, you

still love me as your brother. Why should we keep acting like enemies when we love each other

secretly?” Michael asked.

“Sit with your miserable flower cause I’m not accepting that nonsense.” Broderick said then


is belangelated

Michal went to sit

livoubeletve I love you, you have been deceived. LoveYoull of all people,” Broderick shook his hand with

any smirk “What are you here for

“Proderick, but you also caused my father and I pain, why are your acting like you are the saint here let’s

forgive each other and live happily. Let’s rule North Hill together, let’s prove to that nicking ‘Ha’ that we

can become more powerful than him. The Alessandro’s family have always being in the position of the

most powerful man in North Hill. The both of us are genius, you don’t want to imagine what we can do,”

Michael said.

As Broderick looked at him, the rememberance of how much pain Michael and his father caused him

made him clenchi his fist hard, “you deserve death.”

Michael furrowed his brow,” Broderick!”

“And I’m not interested in proving anything to Ba! You destroyed the family’s company. You didn’t even

consider the staff working there. Many of them are now unemployed, looking for job,” Broderick said.

Although Broderick had a plan of emplying these staffs back after he had finished the new building he

was erecting in the name of Ba,

Michael dropped the big flower gently on the floor and dipped his hand inside his suit jacket then brought

out a card,

“Have this, please, “Michael stood and handed over a card to Broderick.

Broderick received it and then Michael went back to sit.

Broderick read the content of the letter and saw that it was an invitation card of the wedding of Michael

and Amy that was taking place in three days time.

“Why are you giving me?” Broderick asked. Michael smiled,” it will be of great honour for me if you show

up on our wedding day. Please


Broderick smirked and said, “You came here to give me the invitation card yourself to see how I will

react. Miss. Cleo is a slut, did you think I will be pained that you are getting married to such a

promiscuous woman? Goodluck to your marriage.”

Michael was happy to know that Broderick now see Cleo in a bad light. It seems as if Broderick had

given up on her already. Isn’t that sweet? What he needs to do now is to put Broderick in bad light to

Amy too so she forget about Broderick. That way, he can have Amy to himself forever. He actually has a

plan of travelling out of North Hill three days after the wedding had taken place to avoid Ba, who is

claiming Amy to be his woman and one more reason.

“I’ll be glad if you show up, Broderick,” Michael said, stood then walked out with a smile.

Broderick shut his eyes for a few seconds, it was as if his heart stopped beating. Shouldn’t he have

forgotten about Amy? Why was he getting seriously hurt knowing that these two will be married on


‘So that promiscuous woman accepted to marry him?’ Broderick thought very painfully.

He didn’t even have any strength in him to stand, he just rested on the chair thinking about how he first

met ‘miss Cleo.’

A knock sounded on the door and he angrily shouted,” who the fuck is that again?” Broderick

Why Is Her Friendship Getting Complicated?

was having a very bad day so it was reasonable for him to act that way.

The door pushed opened and Amy appeared. Amy had been trying to reach Broderick for the past three

days but his number wasn’t going through. She wanted to apologize for how she treated him three days

ago but then she couldn’t reach him.

She didn’t want to go to his house uninvited too as she doesn’t want to look cheap. But then, she kept

thinking about him too much that it was beginning to affect her that she started reconsidering visiting him.

But just thirty minutes ago, an anonymous somebody sent her a message saying that Broderick’s new

love went to present flower to Broderick and then the anonymous person asked if she was aware.

‘Broderick’s new love?’ Has Broderick engaged someone else already? Amy immediately drove over to

Broderick’s mansion and indeed, when she was driving in, she saw a Benz driving out. Could it be that

the lady who came to deliver flower to him was the one driving out? Apart from the fact that she loved

Broderick, she also didn’t want someone else to act as the mother of her kids.

Broderick had a very angry look on his face when he saw Amy but same with Amy. Amy was angry that

he already engaged someone else, was it because of how she treated him that day that made him block

her number and get hooked up with someone else in a short time?

Was it not this man that he planned in giving all they earn from the Ba’s company project that

they will be embarking on, yet he was leveraging on a single mistake she made. Speaks so much of how

ungrateful he is.

Broderick looked away from her then Amy walked towards him calmly. Despite how angry she was, she

didn’t start shouting, she sat calmly and said,” Mr. Broderick, congratulatulations on your new love.” She

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smiled as if it was comfortable for her for Broderick to be in love with someone else.

‘What nonsense was this woman talking about?’ Broderick thought and rested well on the chair, crossed

his legs and said with a smile too,” And… congratulatulations on your wedding that is holding this

Saturday with my brother.”

Amy was shocked that Broderick already knew. Well, she was marrying someone from the Alessandro’s

family, it was expected that Broderick will find out even before anyone.

“Thank you,” Amy smiled, but she was secretly in pain that he didn’t even bother about the fact that she

was marrying his brother. Did he think it was her wish to marry Michael? She hated Michael so much, it

was the tough circumstance that made her succumb to Michaels request.

“I’m surprised you came to visit me. Can I know your purpose of coming? I’m kind of busy inside,”

Broderick said.

“Oh!” Amy almost spilled out blood in anger, why was he acting this way? They had not seen in three

days and he was acting this way. At least, he should have asked her why she decided to marry his

brother. “I just came to…” Amy couldn’t tell him she came because of an anonymous text message she

received,” about the contract we got with Ba’s company…”

Itim not interacted anymore you can do it alone and keen all the money tovourself.”

Whic Her Friendship Getting complicated?

Broderick interrupted.


“I don’t want to work with someone else’s wife. If Michael keeps seeing the both of us together, he will be

greatly jealous and misunderstood reasons why we keep seeing. Also, can you not come to my place

next time unless I invite you?” Broderick asked.

“Are you sending me away now?” Amy asked angrily.

“Everyone in North Hill knows that I’m a man of principle. There is no way I would be comfortable with a

woman who is a slut in my house,” Broderick said.

Amy looked around to be sure she was the only woman in this house,” are you referring to me as a slut?”

“I’m referring to you as a prostitute, a promiscuous woman, a cheat, name it...you are all. You are just

like my late wife. Pretending to be be loving but secretly a cheat. Nothing in this world surprises me

anymore, every women are the same,” Broderick said.

Amy was confused. Why was he suddenly referring to her as a slut? “You are calling me a slut because I

am getting married to your brother, right?” Amy smirked painfully and looked away.

“I’m calling you a slut cause you left me before your house to go fuck my brother at his house, ”

Broderick smirked painfully,” you enjoyed the sex , right?..” Broderick laughed even as his heart bleeds.

“Mr. Broderick, what nonsense are you talking about? I didn’t have sex with anyone. It was true that I left

you before my house and I’m so sorry about that. I was going through a lot at the moment and I wasn’t

myself. I have been longing to meet you in person so I can explain and apologize. At Michael’s place, we

just spoke about how he would help me and then he pleaded I sleep over at his place to stop him from

having nightmare and I did, only because he was willing to help me,” Amy said.

“You slept over at a man’s place when you are not married to him? Am I the only one that thinks you are

dumb?” Broderick asked.

“I won’t sit here and let you insult me. I didn’t have sex with anyone and please stop referring to me as a

slut.” Amy stood angrily and painfully and carried her handbag ready to leave.

“In this world, I don’t ever want to meet with you slut again,” Broderick was angry that she didn’t even

see anything wrong in sleeping in a man’s place. Who sleeps in a man’s place and claims that nothing

happens between them?

Amy thought of her kids and was confused on what to do. If she walks out, she may never get to see her

kids again. Why is her friendship with Broderick getting so complicated? Broderick who had his head

lowered suddenly received a message and on opening it, it was a picture of Amy resting her head on

Michael’s chest and comfortably hugging him.