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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 20
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Meanwhile, Leah was finally near the psychiatric hospital after struggling along the way.

No one would have guessed she would return to the place she tried to get away from.

Exhausted, Leah sat beside the road to rest her feet. At that moment, a grey car drove by.

Splash. Water on the ground splashed on Leah. Leah was speechless. When it rained, it

poured. Leah sighed. She lifted her sleeves to wipe away the dirty water on her face.

Then, she saw the grey had turned back and stopped beside her. Leah’s body stiffened.

Could that be Han? A familiar voice called Leah when she was about to sneak away. “Miss

Murray, it’s me.” Leah stayed in place and turned her head in surprise. “Dr. Sanders?” Ian

frowned at Leah’s awkward situation. ” What happened?” “It’s a long story.” Leah gave

him a bitter smile. “Get in the car. I’ll bring you to my place.” Ian gave it a thought, then

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opened his car door. Leah was relieved that Ian did not immediately send her back to the

psychiatric hospital. She was exhausted and famished. So, she decided to trust Ian, at

least for now. Both stayed quiet during the ride. Finally, Ian brought Leah back to his

house. He first washed the dirty water away from her head. Then he changed the gauze

on the wound on her head. “Dr. Sanders, can I trust you?” asked Leah hesitantly. Ian could

tell what Leah was worried about from her anxious expression. “Don’t worry. I will not tell

Mr. Howard your whereabouts.” He nodded. So, Leah began to tell Ian every detail of her

experience, from admission to the psychiatric hospital to Molly cornering her till she fell

into the sea. Ian stayed silent after hearing Leah’s story. “I never know Mr. Howard is such

a person. So, what’s your plan now? You can’t keep hiding from him,” said Ian, looking at

Leah’s pale face. “I don’t know…” Leah shook her head, looking lost. Ian decided to tell

Leah his thoughts after staying quiet for a while. “Actually, Miss Murray, I found some

scars from plastic surgeries behind your ears during your last checkup.” Leah’s eyes

widened. “Impossible! I never had plastic surgery.” Also, who would have plastic surgery

to have an ordinary face like mine? Ian looked at Leah. “Do you still remember anything

from childhood?” Leah was startled at first, then she frowned. ” I had a car accident and

hit my head when I was little. As a result, I lost all my memory before twelve years old.”

She looked at Ian suspiciously. “What are you thinking, Dr. Sanders?” Ian did not plan to

keep it from Leah. He took out his phone and showed her the pictures he had taken

before. “Look at his, Miss Murray. These are the scars behind your ears. I did not make

these up. I suspect this has something to do with your identity.” Leah was surprised to see

the scars, but she was not convinced. “Probably the scars came from something that

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happened when I was little?” Ian shook his head confidently. “No way! I’m very sure these

are scars from plastic surgery. Another reason I’m skeptical about your identity is the

diamond shape birthmark on your wrist. I know someone with the same birthmark, even

the position of the birthmark is exactly the same.” Leah lifted her wrist and looked at it.

There it was, the diamond-shaped birthmark. “I have had this birthmark since I could

remember. So, do you mean that my past might have some connection with the person

you know?” “Yes.” Ian smiled and pushed his glasses up. “So, Miss Murray, would you like

to come with me to find out about your past?” Leah kept silent. In fact, she had no interest

in learning about her past. Leah had heard stories about her family from her dad.

Unfortunately, after he died, she had no other blood relatives left. Also, Leah hesitated

because while she wanted to get away from Han’s radar, she was hesitant to trust

someone she barely knew completely. After consideration, Leah finally made her decision.

“Alright, I’ll come with you.” It would be better to take a chance than do nothing at all.