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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29



To say my day went from good to bad will be an understatement. Hazel telling me that I make her feel unsafe in a

blow in my guts that I don’t think I’ll recover from any time soon. All I’ve been doing is trying to protect her, protect

her from things she’s privy to and what do I get at the end? A restraining order threat.

Like f uck if I’m going to stay away from her; I’d love to see her try and fail. What more could be done if I’m

arrested? A couple of fines that my bank account won’t even notice.

Still standing in the same spot where I’ve been rooted ever since Hazel drove away. I felt my eyes sting. When was

the last time I cried? That was probably a year after our wedding.

A screeching car pulled over next to me, and I didn’t even bother turning to acknowledge the driver. The door

opened and Raymond got down. “When I didn’t find you anywhere around. I figured you went to see her Ignoring

him, my jaw clenched as I brooded over Hazel’s words. “With the look on your face. I’m judging it didn’t go well.”

Letting out a huffy sigh, I turned and got into the car. Raymond quietly joined me. As he started the engine, we

were about to leave the parking lot when an unexpected sight caught our attention. David, acting like a man

possessed, came charging towards our car in a crazed manner. Although Raymond could have easily driven away,

my curiosity got the better of me, and I wanted to know what this fool was up to.

“Don’t drive off,” I told Raymond, my eyes fixed on the unhinged man outside the car window.

“I never even considered it,” Raymond grumbled, his gaze also locked on the man outside. “My thoughts were

more along the lines of running him over.

Chuckling at Raymond’s dark humor, I warned, “Well, I’m not going to pay my lawyer a single dime for your case if

you end up murdering someone.”

Eventually, David reached our car, and he tapped on my window. Still intrigued. I decided to roll it down and see

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what he wanted to say. “You were running so relentlessly. I momentarily mistook you for a rabid dog,” I quipped,

trying to get a reaction from him.

He glared angrily at me. “I need to talk with you, Mr. Southwark.”

His angry glare intensified, but I maintained a cool composure, crossing my hands over my chest. “Well, isn’t that

what we’re doing right now, Mr. Ellison? Conversing?” I couldn’t help but feel utterly bored, wondering why I was

even entertaining this conversation with him.

He leaned in closer, directing his attention briefly to Raymond before focusing on me again. “I want to talk to you

alone,” he emphasized, his voice dripping with disdain. “I’m sure you don’t want your lapdog to hear me insult you.”

Raymond, taken aback by the sudden insult, blinked in disbelief. “Lapdog?” he retorted, his tone tinged with offense.

“This lapdog’ of his was actually contemplating running you over just a few seconds ago. Don’t give me reasons to

turn it into reality.”

I couldn’t help but be amused by the man’s audacity. “You race towards my car, insult my friend, and then have the

nerve to demand that I get out of my car just because you said so. Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound?”

I retorted with a hint of sarcasm.

However, David seemed undeterred by my words, and he defiantly placed his hands in his pockets while puffing out

his chest. “I’m going to say what I want to say, regardless of whether you get down or not,” he asserted boldly.

I couldn’t muster much interest in his posturing, so I simply shrugged apathetically. But then, he dropped a

bombshell that left me dumbfounded, “I want you to stay away from my woman.”

My eyes widened in disbelief, and I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. “What the heck did you just say to me?”

My voice

Chapter 29

trembled with a mixture of anger and incredulity. The audacity of this man was beyond comprehension.

“You heard me right.” he spat, his voice seething with anger. “I saw everything on the surveillance footage, and it’s

time someone set things straight.” He leaned in, pressing both hands against the door, eyes locked on mine. “You

had your shot with Hazel, but you blew it. Now it’s my turn, and I won’t let you mess it up for me too!”

Suppressing my frustration, I swung the car door open and stepped out. “Well, well, this is getting interesting,” I

remarked, leaning casually against the bonnet, arms crossed and legs crossed. “You’re feeling threatened by me,

aren’t you?” I taunted with a smirk. “No need to hide it; your eyes say it all.”

He sniffed loudly, standing defiantly with his arms akimbo. “How on earth did you come to that ridiculous

conclusion?” he scoffed, taking a step closer to me.

I chuckled bitterly, maintaining my composure. “Oh, it’s pretty clear.”

Laughing humourlessly, he took a step closer to me. “The way Hazel is warming up to me, it won’t be long before

she’s in my bed,” He declared confidently. The tension between us intensified as we locked eyes, neither willing to

back down.

F ucking ba stard! My anger boiled over as I tightened my fist and swung it hard, connecting with his jaw. He sta

ggered back, but I didn’t give him a chance to recover. I leaped on him, landing blow after blow. The satisfaction of

seeing him lying there, taking the beating, fueled my rage even more.

Raymond finally intervened, pulling me away from the confrontation. I struggled against his grasp, seething with

fury as I watched David sta gger to his feet, seemingly unfazed Through gritted teeth, I warned, “The next time you

by the o dare mention my wife in that way, I’ll make sure you end up in the da mn morgue!”

His blo ody smile only fueled my rage further. “You mean your ex-wife?” he taunted, relishing the pain he caused

me. I lunged at him again, but Raymond’s firm hold kept me at bay. “You signed the divorce papers, Southwark,”

David taunted, his voice dripping with malice. “You let her go, and now you’ll have to live with the consequences.”

As Raymond whispered urgently in my ear, his words served as a much-needed reality check. The last thing we

needed was a public spectacle that could tarnish the exhibition’s reputation. He positioned himself between David

and me, gently -placing his hands on my chest, trying to soothe the raging storm within me. “Boss, we should leave.

This drama won’t do any

good for the exhibition,” he implored.

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Though my anger still smoldered, I realized he was right. I took a deep breath, straightening my disheveled shirt,

trying to regain my composure. But before I could leave, I needed to make one thing clear to David. “If your

intentions toward Hazel are merely about conquering her, then you better back off before things get ugly. I won’t

be held accountable for my actions,” I warned, my voice firm.

David’s retort was filled with defiance, but there was something deeper there, something vulnerable. “I love Hazel,”

he asserted, spitting out blood defiantly. “I don’t need your approval or belief; my feelings are none of your da mn

business. I’ve said what I needed to say, so stay away from her.”

“Or what?” I challenged with a smirk, “What can you possibly do if I choose not to stay away from her?” David

always liked to act tough, but deep down, I knew he was just bluffing. “And if you truly believe that Hazel shares

your silly feelings, why bother warning me to back off?” He knows I have a chance with her.

His jaw clenched, and he took a step closer, still trying to appear intimidating after our recent scuffle. “You might

have the money, but I’m not afraid to play dirty. Don’t push me, Southwark.”

Raymond urged me with his eyes not to engage again. I took a deep breath, trying to control my frustration. I could

feel my temper flaring, but I had to remain composed. I licked my lips, buying myself a moment before speaking

again. “Go ahead, David, try everything in your arsenal to win her heart. But mark my words, when the time is right,

I will come back for her, and no one, not even you, will stand in my way,”

With that, I turned away, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me lose control again.

David scoffed. “You talk as though she’s a possession.”

“You really don’t get it, do you?” Raymond retorted sharply, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and frustration.

“What’s gotten into you? Learn when to hold your tongue, man!”

“You say I talk as though she’s my possession.” I rasped, addressing his earlier statement. “That’s because she is.”

He frowned with confusion when I suddenly smiled widely at him. “She is my priceless possession, so don’t think I’ll

sit back and watch someone steal it.”