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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35



The internet has erupted with commotion, and my emotions are mirroring the chaos. When David didn’t show up

for work this morning, I should have known something was wrong with him.

Regrettably, I fell for his lies about having the flu and feeling too weak to get out of bed.

In truth, Ravel must have beaten him brutally, leaving David with a bruised face and in immense pain. He likely

avoided work to spare me from witnessing the aftermath of his altercation with Ravel. It’s heartbreaking to think

that despite his suffering, David still cared enough about me to shield me from the gruesome reality.

I can’t help but blame myself for this unfortunate turn of events. If only I hadn’t agreed to his one-month proposal,

maybe things would have been different or if I hadn’t misled Elenor into believing I had a boyfriend or if I hadn’t

provoked Ravel with my words, perhaps this whole situation could have been avoided. Now, I’m left grappling with

the consequences of my choices, wishing I had acted differently.

As I stared intently at David, whom I had administered sleeping pills to in order to relieve his pain, my emotions

swirled like a tempest, my fist clenching tightly with a simmering anger. That despicable ba stard would not escape

the consequences of his actions, regardless of his wealth and influence.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed on the bed, interrupting my thoughts. Careful not to disturb David, I quietly left the

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room and closed the door behind me. In an attempt to maintain silence, I tiptoed my way to the living room to

answer the call. “Agatha?” I spoke into the phone, curious to know why she’s calling.

“I know I’m about to sound unprofessional,” she rasped, taking me by surprise with her words, “but I need to be for

you to see the situation of things.”

Thirsty and agitated, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped it down, eager to get this conversation

over with. “Just go ahead and say what you need to say,” My emotional state was too unsettled to pay much

attention to what Agatha had to say.

“Where the hell are you?” She snapped, her sharp tone and her use of profanity catching me off guard. “Are you at

David’s place?”

I returned to the living room and slumped onto the sofa. “What’s the big deal?” I retorted, my frustration evident.

Agatha’s voice tightened with irritation. “Don’t you understand? You assured me this morning that there was

nothing between you and David, yet you’ve managed to get caught by the papara zzi while visiting his house.”

With my eyes tightly shut, I massaged my temples in an attempt to ease the throbbing headache. “It’s not a big

deal to be photographed while visiting his house,” I explained, my voice tinged with frustration. “My friend was

brutally beaten by my ex-husband, and I felt compelled to visit and check on him. I can’t just abandon him.”

Agatha’s response was thoughtful yet pointed. “By going alone to David’s house, you inadvertently confirmed the

speculation,” she mused. “They’re only speculating that Southwark attacked him out of jealousy because they

believe you two are dating. Your actions unintentionally lend credence to their assumptions.”

years of “Do I strike you as someone who gives a da mn about what the papara zzi or the press spew out?” After all

these working together, she knows full well what irks me and what doesn’t. “Those very gossipmongers and papara

zzi once spread rumors that I was the one cheating on my ex-husband, leading to our divorce, when in reality, it

was the opposite _”

“Southwark cheated on you?” Agatha gasped.

Regret immediately washed over me.

“That’s not the focus here,” I emphasized, hoping she wouldn’t blab to others, “All I’m trying to convey is that if I

didn’t give a da mn about their nonsense back then, why should I care about it now?”

Chapter 35

“Back then, you were a pregnant divorcée trying to juggle school and motherhood, but now you’re a successful

businesswoman and a mother,” she argued vehemently, “You should care!”

I could feel a headache coming on. “I’ll have to call you back, Agatha. I’m too stressed for this conversation right


“Wait!” She blurted out, stopping me from ending the call. “I have a good solution for this problem. You just have to

choose an option that suits you best.”

She should have led with this. “Alright, let’s hear what you have to say,”

“It’s either you make a statement or have a press conference, telling them that David isn’t your boyfriend and you

aren’t the reason those two men fought, or you give the press something else to focus on.”

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Intrigued, I questioned her further. “Which is?”

“Tell them Southwark was the one who cheated and give them the name of who he cheated with. Provide a picture

if possible, then sit back and watch the heat be on them.”

“Hold it right there,” I snapped at Agatha. I despise Ravel, but that doesn’t mean I want to hurt him. “What I just

confided in you, I haven’t shared with a soul yet. If I hear this information anywhere else, I’ll know it’s coming from

you, Agatha, and I’m warning you, you’ll lose your job if it gets out there.”

“Who are you?” Agatha muttered. “A man hurt you real bad, and now you have the opportunity to hurt him back,

yet you refuse.”

The truth is, hurting him back won’t make the world a better place, and I detest anything that brings more attention

to me. I’ve said what I have to say, Agatha.”

She remarked, “I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to be honest with your response.”

I hesitated, feeling a bit uneasy. “What is it?”

“Do you still love your ex-husband?” she asked bluntly.

I want to scream “no!” I want to shout from the top of my lungs that the only emotion I feel for that man is hatred,

but the words refuse to come out. “That’s a silly question, Agatha,” I respond instead, “David is awake,” I lie, “I

have to go.” Disconnecting the call, I exhale heavily.

Once upon a time, Ravel stood by me when the world was against me. He fought with his family for my sake, and

the first time I saw Ravel cry was because of me, about a year after our marriage.

Let’s just say this is my sacrifice for him… we are finally even.