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Billionaire’s Sweet Wife by Joanna Badldwin

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89
Julian took a cold shower and calmed down. He saw Vivian half lying on the bed with one hand spread out. She had already
fallen asleep, while there was food he ordered on the table untouched at all.
He gently moved her to help her lie down, tucked her in the quilt, and sat over to eat.
He came there in a hurry before eating, so he was quite hungry. Recently, he had been busy with the factory and laboratory
affairs and never ate on time. Therefore, he had been feeling uncomfortable in his stomach these days, and he would experience
stomach pain if he was hungry or ate too much.
He didn’t dare to eat too much, so he stopped after a few mouthfuls. Then he looked at Vivian who was asleep and found that
she was actually snoring.
It seemed to be the first time she had snored after they were together, which showed that she was exhausted recently.
After all, she was pregnant now and her constitution changed. It could be seen that there were dark circles under her eyes. She
was keen on looking pretty, but still, her paleness was pretty obvious. It was really hard for her. Seeing this, Julian regretted
doubting her.
Feeling guilty, he walked over and lay down next to her. He hugged her from behind, thinking of just getting married to her,
having children, and running Prosperian Company with her in the future. He thought, ‘I can find someone else. I’ll be just fine
even without Seraphina’s help! I must find someone who is obedient and gentle to be my wife. Seraphina...
He felt a dull pain in his neck at the thought of Seraphina. Every time he thought of that day in the alley, he felt that she wasn’t
the same person that she used to be.
“Hmm.” Maybe it was uncomfortable for Vivian to be held. She mumbled, turned around, and naturally hugged him.
Then, she woke up.
“Well, did I fall asleep?” She rubbed her eyes and looked up. Her sleepy appearance was quite cute.
“You’re too tired. Just go back to sleep. After saying that, he thought of something else and continued, “Or should you get up and
eat a little?”
Hearing this, Vivian really felt her stomach growling from hunger. Then she nodded and said, “Okay!”

Chapter 89
She got up and walked over. Obviously, the dishes on the table had been touched, but Julian was very considerate and had
saved her a lot of food.
She picked up the fork and just took a few bites when the phone beside her vibrated.
Because of Julian’s presence, she habitually kept her phone near her for fear that he would find something out.
Although she hadn’t read the message yet, she felt uneasy intuitively. She glanced at Julian and saw that he was also playing
with his phone. Then she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and lit up the screen.
As expected, it was from Mike. The message was simple: [Come to the hotel restaurant and eat with me.]
The tone was commanding. Vivian frowned and replied: [I’ve already gone to bed.]
Mike: [Are you rejecting me?]
Through the screen, she could see his unhappy face and trembled involuntarily. She wanted to refuse but didn’t dare.
She turned her head and looked at Julian. She thought, After all, Julian is also here. I don’t think Mike will go too far.
Then she sent another message: [Fine.] After texting back, she quickly deleted the chat box with Mike.
She cleaned up all possible traces and evidence so Julian wouldn’t see any of their chat records.
Putting down the fork, she went over and sat down with a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” Hearing the sound, Julian immediately got up and asked with concern. Then he turned around to look at the
dishes on the table which were barely touched. He asked, “Are these dishes not to your taste? What do you want to eat? I’ll
order room service, or I’ll go out and get some for you.”

Vivian shook her head and replied, “I just get too stuffy in the room and want to go out for some fresh air. Why don’t you
accompany me to eat outside?”
“Okay, let me get dressed first. Where do you want to eat?” he quickly got up and asked in the meantime.
She lowered her eyes and looked tired, answering, I’m quite tired, so I don’t want to go too far. There’s a restaurant in the hotel.
How about we eat there?”
“Okay!” Julian didn’t doubt at all and agreed quickly.
Chapter 89
After changing clothes, she held Julian’s arm and took him to the dining room of the hotel. She had something on her mind after

all, so, after entering the door, she looked around and quickly found Mike. She subconsciously grabbed Julian’s arm tightly and
tried to show calmness.
“Two,” Julian said to the waiter.
They were led in by the waiter. Vivian pretended to notice Mike suddenly and nudged Julian, saying, “Look, isn’t that Mr.
Seeing Mike, Julian was a little unhappy. But after all, Mike was introduced to Julian by Julian’s own mother and did help Julian a
lot. The company affair had just been settled, and Julian didn’t want to look too ungrateful.
Besides, although Julian didn’t like Mike very much, he still approved of Mike’s ability. He thought if he could ally with Mike, he
wouldn’t have to worry anymore.
Therefore, he suppressed his selfish desire and nodded, saying, “Let’s go over there to say hello.
They turned around.and walked straight towards Mike.
“Hi, Mr. Larson.” Julian took the initiative to say hello.
Vivian nodded politely and greeted Mike as well. “Mr. Larson, what a coincidence.”
‘Coincidence?!’ thought Mike. He looked up with a playful smile in his blue eyes. He glanced at Vivian and then turned to look at
Julian. “Mr. Brown, when did you come here? Are you here for... your girlfriend?” he teased.
Julian didn’t hesitate to pull down Vivian’s hand and held it with both hands, replying, “Yeah! Vivi is so attractive. It’s the first time

she has left me for such a long time. How can I rest assured?
“Besides, I’m here for my wife!” He smiled, turned to Vivian, and continued with affection, “We’re getting married soon.”
Vivian was surprised.
Although they had been together for a long time and he took her to various activities, he had never admitted their relationship so
frankly and publicly. And he did it all of a sudden. It seemed that Julian wanted to declare that she was his.
Vivian was a little moved and amused as well.
Julian had no idea that Mike didn’t care who she belonged to at all. For Mike, it was just a primitive deal.
Chapter 89
Mike didn’t want to sna tch her away, let alone make her his girlfriend. Therefore, Julian’s declaration seemed kind of ridiculous
to him.
Vivian slowly turned to look at Mike and saw the sarcastic smile on his face as expected. He said, “Oh? Well, congratulations! In
that case, why don’t you join me? Let me treat you dinner as a celebration of your marriage.”
He looked sincere and generous as if he were genuinely happy for them.
Julian didn’t refuse. He nodded and said happily, “Okay!” Then he took Vivian to sit opposite Mike.