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Bring Your A Game, Mr

Chapter 1073
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Chapter 1073 Alexander Won’t Be Coming

Matthew followed the water stains and arrived at the cargo hold's entrance before looking condescendingly at the

lower compartment.

From his angle, he could only see the light illuminating a small area of the staircase, and it was pitch dark in the


Meanwhile, Narissa was hiding in the dark and was only one foot away from the light.

Matthew's arrival came as a surprise. Worried that she might make too much noise, she stepped backward slightly.

She didn't even dare breathe a little louder to avoid attention.

However, things went contrary to her wishes. Waves struck the ship all of a sudden, causing the goods in the cargo

hold to fall and thud against the ground.

Narissa panicked in an instant. Given her agility, she wasn't afraid of confronting Matthew. Nevertheless, she hoped

to seize the chance and find Zephyr's lover. If she got caught, she wouldn't be able to achieve her goal.

Matthew was a cautious person. Just as he was ready to inspect the cargo hold, Yosef's frustrated voice was heard

saying from behind, "It's such a terrible ship. It's supposed to accommodate people only, but it's carrying goods as

well. I can't even sleep, and the goods are also ruined. Why would you want to have a hand in a business you're not

familiar with? Sooner or later, the people and this ship will capsize. I'm telling you, Matthew—if you get me this kind

of dilapidated ship again, I won't get on board with you!"

He was in charge of Area X, after all. If word got out that he was on board such a ship, he would be a


His words gave Matthew an idea. He straightened up and sat down beside Yosef. Then, he looked at the cargo hold's

entrance and said meaningfully, "You have a point. By having a hand in a business I'm not familiar with, it's no

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different from meddling in someone else's affairs. I believe some people will make a move soon. By then, I probably

won't be able to get such a ship again."

Seeing that the other man was polite, Yosef stopped picking at him. They went on to talk about other stuff.

Inside the cargo hold, Narissa breathed a sigh of relief. Cautiously, she went deeper into the darkness.

Elise had been in captivity for five days, so she was familiar with all the details in the room.

According to their plan, finding the headquarters of Triune would be the first step. Then, they were supposed to

destroy the enemies from the inside.

Unfortunately, the people in this place were mistrustful of her as though she was some kind of virus. Even when

they sent her food, they only put it down and left in a hurry without speaking to her. As such, she didn't have a

chance to step out of the room.

Unbeknownst to Owen, a tracker had been planted in Elise's body. It was the latest invention from Diajan that could

avoid all sorts of detectors. Nonetheless, it still couldn't transmit signals through a barrier. In other words, as long as

there were signal blockers around her, no one could ascertain her whereabouts.

Therefore, after she boarded the plane in Wegas, Alexander was no longer able to track her down through the

tracker in her body. As such, she had to come up with a way to send the signal out.

When she was considering whether she should knock out the person who sent her food, Owen opened the door and

entered suddenly.

"Have you gotten used to this place, Anastasia?" He expressed his concern for the woman like an old friend, as

though he was oblivious that he was the one causing the woman such hardship.

Elise quickly put on an act and refuted coldly, "Thanks for your concern. I have no trouble eating or sleeping."

"That's great. People always say that mothers prioritize their kids. It seems that you're ready to be one."

Owen didn't plan on bickering with her. He fished out a photo from his pocket and held it out. "I suppose you're

hoping that Alexander will come and save you and your child. Am I right?"

Elise played dumb. "What are you trying to say?"

"Look." Owen turned the photo around and showed it to her. "Alexander won't be coming!"

Elise took a look and realized it was the photo that Rylantha had sneakily taken. In the photo, a pale Alexander lay

on the bed with medical equipment beside him. It seemed that he was on the brink of death.

Nevertheless, she wasn't worried; after all, that was part of their plan. Alexander was pretending to be ill to help

Zephyr save someone, and the person on the bed was just his substitute. Only by doing so could they save the

person and go against Triune at the same time.

At any rate, she couldn't expose her identity, so she could only pretend to be shocked like an ordinary woman.

"What happened to him? No way! Alexander wouldn't have fallen into your trap easily!"

"It seems that he's no different from a deity to people like you." The smile on Owen's face disappeared as he kept

the photo and snapped his fingers. "Bring him in!"

The next moment, two weapon-holding men in army uniforms lugged a man into the place. He was none other than


To be precise, he only looked like Johnny. The moment their eyes met, Elise was certain that he was Alexander.

A faint smile appeared on her face as she felt elated.

She had been trying to come up with a way to contact Alexander when the man sent himself to her. Perhaps there

was some sort of telepathy between them.

The longing behind Alexander's eyes disappeared soon as he acted obstinate again.

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Elise had no choice but to keep acting in front of Owen. Disbelief was written all over her face as she covered her

mouth and stepped backward. She seemed flabbergasted by what was going on.

That was the kind of reaction Owen expected of her. He walked up to Alexander and kicked the back of his knee,

causing the man to fall to one knee. Just as he was ready to get up, the men behind him pointed their guns at him.

Alexander froze for a moment before deciding to give up struggling. Still, he straightened his back and kneeled


"I suppose you're the second most important person at Smith Co. for a reason. You're only a captive now, but

you're still so proud. I salute you." Owen put on a vicious smile and looked condescendingly at him. A sinister glint

flashed across his eyes.

"Cut the crap and just kill me already. You don't have any right to make me your lackey." Alexander appeared

determined as he acted like a loyal and obstinate subordinate.

"I know you're not afraid of death, but I suppose you won't have the heart to see Alexander's child die while still in

Anastasia's womb," threatened Owen while he squinted his eyes.

He understood the mentality of a loyal subordinate, who wasn't only loyal to his master but also to his master's


He believed that Johnny wasn't afraid of getting killed, but the latter wouldn't have the heart to see Alexander's

child die.

When Alexander heard that, he fell silent.

Owen sneered and smiled contemptuously. That's why people like them can never defeat me. They're driven by

feelings, not rationality.

"Think about it and decide if the two of you want to live or die together. I hope I'll get a clear answer when I visit
