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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84


Jonah looked down at his screen. “Speak of the devil,” he mumbled when he saw Jasper’s


on the screen.

“Mr. Beckett,” he greeted coldly after answering the call.

Silas frowned immediately. He leaned forward just to listen to the phone conversation.

“Mr. Taylor, I’m looking for Alice. I’d like to talk to her about something.” Jasper’s deep

voice was

tinged with a trace of anxiety.

“Alice is busy with something else right now.”

“When is she available to talk, then?“.

“She’ll always be busy when it comes to you.”

Jonah had always been nice and polite. But he’d always go for his target’s weak spot

whenever he

started insulting them.

Silas clenched his fists excitedly. He was cheering his older brother on.

Meanwhile, Jasper fell silent, his expression now stormy.

“First of all, the fact that Alice changed her phone number means she doesn’t want you to


her anymore. Even if you two have yet to get legally divorced, you shouldn’t disturb her.

That’s the

minimum respect you should show her.”

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Jonah continued, “Secondly, I know what happened during the charity auction.”

Jasper widened his eyes in response. His heart throbbed in pain as though an invisible

force was

squeezing it.

Silas couldn’t help but shudder in fear.

Jonah Taylor was a frightening man. On the one hand, he was a kind and compassionate

man, but on the other hand, he had a brutal and unforgiving side as well.

It wasn’t as though Jonah had the temper of a saint. It was just that he couldn’t be

bothered to get mad about every other thing in life.

Well, his family was the only exception to that rule.

“About that-

“I don’t know what your bottom line is. All I know is that you’ve crossed mine.” Jonah’s

tone grew

sharper and colder. Flames of anger danced in his eves at that moment.


“My bottom line will always be Alice,” he said “This will be the last time I pick up your call.

Mr. Beckett. Consider this my final warning as well. Keep your fiancée and your family

under control

“Don’t you

dare cause trouble for Alice anymore. You’d better be prepared for the consequences if

you cross the line one more time.”

When Jonah was done speaking, he hung up on Jasper immediately

Back in Seaview Manor, Jasper stood before the window while staring at his phone. He

slowly tightened his grip around it. He could feel his heart throbbing in pain once again

He relied on Jonah to contact Alice, but now, that connection was severed. For the first

time ever,

Jasper felt hollow on the inside. He was starting to panic as well

This time, there was a high possibility that Alice might disappear from his life once and for


Perhaps Jasper wouldn’t be able to track her down ever again.

The man felt extremely frustrated and annoyed. He scrambled the depths of his drawer to

look for

a pack of cigarettes Thankfully, there were still two sticks left

With shaking fingers, Jasper managed to slot one of them between his lips. He had to flick


lighter a few times in a row to light it up.

The reddish–orange light flickered during those attempts. At the same time, Jasper

realized that

he was acting weirder by the day.

He hadn’t smoked over the past five years, yet he started picking up that habit just

because he

missed his ex–wife. The person he never loved.

It was already past midnight. Yet there was still someone at the huge workshop in Stellus.

Alyssa could be seen slaving over the ores in a black apron Her forehead was completely


in sweat

The young woman had already cracked open hundreds of ores by then She even polished

and crafted numerous bracelets worth at least four figures each Still, those bracelets were


nothing to her

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No No None of them looked like it!

None of those bracelets looked like the one Newton had gifted her!

Alyssa gritted her teeth in frustration, her eyes already bloodshot. She continued to polish

a block

of raw gem on the machine

Her fingers, which were usually fair and slender, were now covered in calluses The cuts on



Alyssa wanted nothing more than to craft a bracelet identical to Newton’s gift. Otherwise,

she’d be

too ashamed to face him in the future.

At that moment, a loud booming noise drifted from the outside. It rumbled so loudly that

even the

metallic door was starting to vibrate.

However, Alyssa remained unmoved. All she cared about was polishing the gems.

Suddenly, the door swung open from the outside. A strong gale blew into the workshop,

making the woman narrow her eyes out of instinct.

A helicopter could be seen parked outside the workshop despite being shrouded by the

darkness. The door was slowly opened before a man descended down the helicopter.

He was wearing a black trench coat that flapped in the wind. A cold look was present on

his handsome face.

“Lyse, I’m back!”