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Class Teacher System

Ch142 - Save the Brain dead lover (21)
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After three days of cold war between Yi Xiao and Ren Zhu, during which their icy standoff almost triggered Yi Xiao's mental rampage, the relationship between Yi Xiao and Ren Zhu improved. Their subsequent behavior aligned entirely with their friends' expectations, maintaining harmony and unity.

Calm days passed for about half a month. The little brothers were pleased to observe that as long as the big boss didn't argue with the little sister-in-law, his mental state remained relatively stable. Although he still needed to rest after a few training sessions and couldn't compare to those with normal steel minds, avoiding constant mental eruptions was already a relief and a blessing for his lifespan.

However, things can't always go smoothly.

On this weekend, Ren Zhu planned to go to the most expensive Wisdom Star Grand Hotel to buy lunch. Thanks to the 3,000-credit scholarship provided by the principal's friendship, Ren Zhu's life at Stellar Academy had becquite comfortable. Therefore, the fees he received for tutoring online classes bechis pocket money.

Moreover, over the past half month, Ren Zhu's knowledge and theories had grown, and the students he had taught in tutoring sessions all gave him excellent feedback. In the internal assessment of the Education Alliance, Teacher Ren was already an outstanding new tutor with a two-star rating. Almost all of his post-teaching evaluations were full five-star ratings, except for one four-and-a-half star evaluation due to his age.

This evaluation read as follows: "Although Teacher Ren is indeed a very competent and skilled tutor, he gives off an unreliable vibe at first sight. I hope Teacher Ren can drink more Yin-Yin Milk and eat precious star beast meat to grow taller in the future. Reviewer: A seventh- grade student who's been tormented by you and wishes for both life and death."

Ren Zhu rolled his eyes at this evaluation. Could he be blamed for looking young and thin? He had been here for nearly two months, and he had already greatly improved the original body's environment, alright? Moreover, he had put on quite a bit of weight over these two months. He couldn't possibly turn into a bear overnight.

People within the Education Alliance burst into laughter when they saw this evaluation. This included the several elder brothers and sisters who had introduced him to the Union. Regardless, Ren Zhu was now one of the highly-rated new tutors within the Education Alliance. This made many elite members of the Education Alliance feel that the younger generation was quite impressive.

Within the Education Alliance, there was a dedicated list called the "Wisdom List," which displayed the different educational strengths and ratings of over 5,000 individuals in the Education Alliance. Apart from these rankings, the tutoring fees and education costs for their instruction were also listed. The higher someone's ranking on the list, the higher their tutoring and education fees. If one were to look at the top ten positions on this list, they would realize that the hourly fees of these experts equaled several months or even more of hard work for others.

Moreover, these brilliant minds were not available at just any time; one had to schedule an appointment with them in advance for tutoring. However, by the tone reached the top ten positions on the list, they were basically renowned elites and geniuses in various fields across the entire federation. There were even several national treasure-level masters among them.

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Hence, this Wisdom List greatly motivated the members of the Education Alliance. It changed every ten days, resulting in intense competition within the Union. However, due to the Education Alliance's founder's wisdom in categorizing and ranking people from different fields and styles, there was not significant overlap in their areas of expertise. Each person had their own unique teaching strengths. So, even if there was competition, it wouldn't lead to people resorting to unethical methods. Furthermore, most of the elite individuals chosen by the Education Alliance, including Ren Teacher, were like him-averse to rivalry, fond of research, and devoted to contributing to the federation's educational cause. Although their individual quirks and preferences might be somewhat strange, the educators within the Education Alliance had quite a solid sense of friendship.

Currently, Ren Zhu was classified under the "Literature Comprehensive, Beginner Tutor for Supernatural Mental Power. Proficient in Last-minute Cramming for Exams" category in the Wisdom List. His teaching style was a combination of what his students had evaluated him as: steady, accurate, and firm. However, the last characteristic lost him a few points in appearance, but it didn't prevent Ren Zhu from turning into a two-star excellent new tutor in the fields of basic mental power and literature comprehension.

Saying all this is meant to indicate that Little Teacher Ren is no longer the poor guy who couldn't even afford buns two months ago! Little Teacher Ren is rich now! He doesn't need to rely on Yi Xiao's meals anymore. And today, he plans to prove his strength to wake up that delusional Yi Xiao, who always thought he was broke and had to leech off him for food and drink.

Apart from that, Little Teacher Ren also sympathizes with the second-year students who've been tirelessly training. The closer it gets to the academy's big competition, the more brutal their training becomes. They don't even have tfor lunch now. So, Little Teacher Ren decides to treat these ten pitiful kids to sdelicious food from the Star of Wisdom Restaurant to reward them. However, while Little Ren was on his way to the Star of Wisdom Restaurant in a self-driving floating car, a terrifying black and ferocious mech suddenly appeared on the road, recklessly causing chaos like it had gone mad.

The moment Ren Zhu saw the mech from a distance, he narrowed his eyes. His sixth sense told him that this mech was extremely dangerous and likely targeted him. As expected, the mech appeared to have crazily rammed into many vehicles, but in the end, its target was directly aimed at Ren Zhu.

Seated in the car, Ren Zhu watched as the mech lifted its arm. In an instant, his right eye twitched. Without a second thought, he pressed the emergency escape button in the floating car. The car's control system quickly linked with his mental power, and then the car, controlled by his mental power, went haywire like a wild, drunk stallion, madly swerving to the side.

Bang! The intense laser beam emitted by the mech struck the spot where Ren Zhu's car had been. Ren Zhu's expression darkened. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been incinerated by that laser. The mech, whose attack had missed, realized it had been detected. Having failed with one attempt, it no longer concealed its intentions, and it charged toward Ren Zhu's car at full speed.

At this moment, Ren Zhu was calmly contemplating his options. There was no way his car could outspeed the mech, and its defense was just ordinary. If he tried to withstand an attack head-on, he might not even survive a single blow. So, he had to quickly find a place with strong defense and security to hide. Otherwise, he might lose his life today.

The Three Great Academies were excellent options since any mech attempting to enter the school grounds needed to be registered. Unfortunately, he had been out for twenty minutes, and he was quite far from the Three Great Academies' location. So, the next best option for strong defense...

As Ren Zhu controlled the mech's movements with his mental power, causing it to dart around like a fly, making it impossible for the menacing black mech to hit him, he also scouted for a building with strong defensive capabilities. Suddenly, he spotted a large building shaped like a gold coin, and his eyes lit up. Without hesitation, he steered his car towards the coin-shaped building. However, it seemed like the menacing mech had sensed Ren Zhu's intention. It chased him at high speed, continually launching attacks.

Despite Ren Zhu's powerful mental control, the car's average speed and defense caused it to be seriously damaged after half a minute, eventually rendering it inoperative. If that laser had been a bit more accurate, it would have hit Ren Zhu and destroyed the car. However, at this point, Ren Zhu had reached the entrance of the gold coin building. Without even opening the door, he jumped out from the other half of the car, then gave himself a principal's blessing: "Go for it! You're the fastest runner! You're so fast, you could even fly!"

So, the assassin sitting inside the mech stared in shock and disbelief. This guy, who was supposed to be a complete waste in terms of both mental and physical abilities according to their intel, not only eerily maneuvered a regular floating car to dodge his laser attacks multiple times but also, after finally breaking the car, got out and sprinted towards the Federal Purple Gold Bank. Initially, he wasn't worried about the guy heading to the bank; after all, no matter how fast a person runs, from the perspective of a mech, it's as slow as a snail. He believed he had plenty of tto catch and eliminate this guy.

However, his perspective quickly shifted when he saw this guy, after exiting the car, rush into the Federal Purple Gold Bank's entrance at a speed comparable to a Level Three speed-enhanced. This turn of events left him with barely any tto react. He immediately directed the mech towards the bank's entrance, crashing right through it. It was only after he processed his own actions that the would-be assassin found himself drenched in cold sweat all over.

Assaulting a federal bank was a crthat could land someone behind bars for a lifetime! Before he could even command the mech to flee, security personnel from Wisdom Star and the security mech team of the Federal Purple Gold Bank swarmed out, capturing him from the mech as though they were catching a little chicken.

The would-be assassin turned his head to look at the quiet young boy gazing at him through the starry glass of the Federal Purple Gold Bank. Suddenly, a chill ran down his spine. He had never seen someone who at the age of ten, possesses such calm and even indifferent eyes! Those eyes were like a highly intelligent sage looking at a complete fool; this kid definitely had issues! This was the last thought that crossed the assassin's mind before he committed suicide.

He was on a secret mission, with his family held under the control of the house head. He couldn't risk exposing the master and jeopardizing his family due to his failure. Thus, should he fail, he had to end his own life. However, he could never have imagined he would meet his end at the hands of a child.

On the surface, with the capture of the rampaging mech on the street and the suicide of its operator, the incident seemed to have cto a close. However, for Ren Zhu, this incident was just the beginning. Unlike the previous campus bullying, this escalated to the level where someone wanted to take his life.

Sitting calmly in the Federal Purple Gold Bank, Ren Zhu contemplated, while the bank's manager, Jing Jia, inquired about any injuries he might have sustained or if he felt uncomfortable. Although the kid had rushed into their bank to escape the mech, as a perceptive district manager of the Federal Purple Gold Bank, Jing Jia saw potential in Ren Zhu. This kid, at just eight years old, had evaded pursuit by a mech all on his own. How many eight-year-olds could achieve that? Just this achievement alone made his future promising. When it cto talents, they were to be cultivated no matter what.

Ren Zhu politely smiled at the concerned lady and shook his head. "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

As Ren Zhu was about to say more, Lan Tu and Xiong Xi, who had received the news promptly, arrived in their mechs.

"Little Bamboo, are you okay?!" Lan Tu rushed forward and grabbed Ren Zhu's arm, then inspected him up and down, relieved only after confirming that he wasn't seriously hurt.

Ren Zhu was slightly taken aback by his examination, and when he reacted, he stepped back three steps to create sdistance. He then shook his head and said, "I'm fine. I'm not as fragile as you imagine. And thank you, Federal Purple Gold Bank, for your help. Otherwise, I might not have made it out unscathed."

Xiong Xi cast a glance at the bank's manager beside him. When she saw Xiong Xi, she exclaimed "Young Master" in astonishment, which made Ren Zhu twitch. After scrutinizing Xiong Xi, he completely missed the aura of the bank's prominent family on this burly fellow. Xiong Xi nodded to the manager and even praised, "You've done well." Afterward, he gestured at Ren Zhu and said, "Let him enter whenever he wants and help him if you sense danger."

Upon hearing the phrase "help him if you sense danger," Jing Jia's heart skipped a beat. As the district manager of the Federal Purple Gold Bank, whose family business was spread throughout the federation, to be able to utter such words, this small boy's future accomplishments and status were probably even more impressive than she imagined. This child might already be a rare genius.

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With a smile, Jing Jia said, "Young Master, you can rest assured. I will inform the other managers about this matter."

Xiong Xi nodded. Lan Tu pulled Ren Zhu into his mech, and midway, Xiong Xi made a call, but Ren Zhu didn't see any representatives from the Federal Police Bureau who should've cto take his statement.

Inside Lan Tu's mech, when Ren Zhu acknowledged the master, he discovered that this guy's mech was just as extravagant as the man himself. Lan Tu didn't say anything but immediately wanted to head back to the Stellar Academy. However, Ren Zhu grabbed his arm and said, "I haven't gotten a consolation lunch yet. If I go back now, the purpose of my trip today would be in vain. Moreover, being chased like that and not buying myself lunch afterward would makeeven more frustrated. So, I want to go get sfood."

Lan Tu was tempted to pry open Ren Zhu's head and see what kind of brain he had. A regular eight-year-old, after experiencing such a terrifying chase, would be considered impressive just for not crying and hiding behind an adult. But this kid, after single-handedly dealing with his pursuer and killing him, remained calm and dragged Lan Tu to buy lunch at a hotel.

Lan Tu examined Ren Zhu from head to toe and finally blurted out, "You're really different from those flashy sluts I used to meet."

Ren Zhu wasn't a flashy slut; he was full of eerie charm! No matter how you looked at it, he gave off a distinct and peculiar vibe.

In the end, Lan Tu didn't manage to change Ren Zhu's mind. He reluctantly played the role of a hovercar driver, ferrying them back to the Stellar Academy. In the Food Corner of Star of Wisdom Restaurant, Ren Zhu ordered a large ten-person meal, costing him five thousand star coins. He also bought two five-hundred-star-coin lunch boxes as gratitude to Lan Tu and the trailing Xiong Xi. While these two were tasked by the school's principal to watch over him, they genuinely showed concern by coming quickly to help.

Seeing the lunch boxes, Lan Tu raised an eyebrow, showing his confusion through his eyes. Ren Zhu nodded, and with a natural expression and a touch of warmth, he said, "This is a token of appreciation."

Upon hearing these words, Lan Tu was momentarily stunned, then burst into laughter. He suddenly realized that this small, seemingly eerie, little adult-like kid was indeed sincere, meticulous, and kind-hearted. Furthermore, he was highly capable.

Lan Tu couldn't help but grow fond of him. "Alright, because you're so thoughtful, I'll accept your token of appreciation." Although he viewed the gesture as rather ordinary, just looking at the lunch boxes brought him happiness.

However, his good mood didn't last long. As he was about to drive his mech into the Stellar Academy, he was intercepted by another imposing black mech, emanating a cold, dominant aura. From the mech, a furious and roaring voice that was almost exploding sounded: "Dead Bamboo Stick!! You have three seconds to get off that damn freakish mech and honestly tellwhy you went out today without inviting me!!!"

Lan Tu's expression turned cold, while Ren Zhu...

He indifferently took out his little notebook.