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Class Teacher System

Ch144 - Save the Brain dead lover (23)
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Yi Xiao's sudden display of domineering aura left Ren Zhu momentarily stunned. In Ren Zhu's mind, Yi Xiao had always been a pitiful little stray dog abandoned by his family. The fact that he could survive on his own was already quite remarkable. However, seeing this guy, whom Ren Zhu had always seen as quite pitiable, now expressing himself with the demeanor of an antagonist or evil mastermind, was somewhat unsettling.

Yi Xiao noticed Ren Zhu's perplexed expression and, with a mocking chuckle, said, "Do you have any misconceptions about my identity?"

Raising an eyebrow, Ren Zhu casually took a box of braised rainbow shrimp and a steamed bun from the sumptuous meal he had chosen earlier. Yi Xiao, on the other hand, promptly grabbed three top-grade spirit beef steaks, baffling Suoya, who had been eyeing the food with a confused expression. Yi Xiao managed to catch up to Ren Zhu as they walked to a secluded spot where no one else was around.

Ren Zhu then chuckled and asked, "What's your real identity? Aren't you just the pitiable kid from the Yi family?"

Yi Xiao shook his head firmly. "Although I may not have a say in the Yi family, it doesn't mean I have no power. Actually, starting from my great-grandfather's generation, the eldest son of the main branch began to have their own precautions and plans. Even though they didn't believe it was absurd for the eldest son to sacrifice themselves at that time, they couldn't easily accept the idea of willingly going to their deaths. Everyone worries about how their wives and children will fare after they die, whether they'll be bullied or mistreated by others." "So my great-grandfather began raising a group of deep-sea people and several hundred intelligent mecha robots. This power is known only to the eldest sons. The terminal controllers for the robots are only in our possession. As for the deep-sea people, they have long lifespans, and if raised from a young age, they becincredibly loyal. My great-grandfather began raising them from the moment they were born. Now, Ah Lan and the others are just in their prime. Furthermore, they've had new offspring. This group of octopus-like people under Ah Lan has becan affiliated family of our Yi family's eldest sons."

Having spoken at length, Yi Xiao successfully saw a shocked expression tinged with joy on Ren Zhu's face.

"This is excellent news. I was afraid you'd have to face everyone alone and get bullied to death."

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Ren Zhu's confident and self-assured demeanor made Yi Xiao's lips curl up slightly, but he soon remembered something more important.

"I'll have Ah Lan look into this matter. Octopuses are excellent trackers. Within three days, they're bound to find sinformation."

Seeing Yi Xiao so confident, Ren Zhu refrained from making any comments that would dampen his spirits. However, when they continued their training in the afternoon, Ren Zhu took the opportunity to research octopus-like beings on the Stellar Network. He discovered that octopus-like beings were a formidable interstellar species-strong, with almost every individual having innate B-level physical strength. However, their mental strength was somewhat lacking, with most reaching only B-level. Nevertheless, octopus-like beings possessed certain talents similar to octopuses themselves. For example, they had many arms, and when necessary, these beings could transform their tentacles into human-like hands. This ability was often seen in factories requiring intricate and precise work, resembling the thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara.

Raising octopus-like beings from infancy was indeed a strategy to create nearly unswerving private soldiers. However, the difficulty of raising them from birth was extremely high. Firstly, one needed the consent of the Octopus Queen, and any hint of negative intentions toward octopus beings would result in expulsion and denial of the opportunity to raise one, even if acquired through theft or other means. Furthermore, octopus beings developed a very strong sense of right and wrong as they grew up. They could communicate telepathically within their species, which made them highly united. They all had very upright values, making it impossible to manipulate them into doing anything bad. Lastly, raising a batch of octopus beings could take two to three hundred years, and as a result, they would only be of assistance for a short period before reaching the end of their lives. This presented quite a dilemma. Therefore, the fact that Yi Xiao's great-grandfather cup with such a way to preserve the eldest sons and actually implemented it was quite an extraordinary achievement.

Ren Zhu rubbed his temples, realizing that you shouldn't underestimate any group that has been oppressed for a long time. You never know when they might rise up against you.

After three days, Yi Xiao's octopus uncle, Ah Lan, indeed found sleads. After various deductions, the octopus beings believed that there was an 80% chance that the black assassination mecha was the work of Yi Ming, Yi Xiao's cousin. However, it remained unclear whethe Yi Zhongding, Yi Xiao's second uncle, was aware of this.

Yi Xiao sneered as he read the report, thinking that Yi Ming dared to cause trouble because he hadn't been beaten up by him enough. He should find an opportunity to break the guy's legs and crush his psychic power. Then, he would stay at hobediently.

In addition to this information, Uncle Ah Lan sent another message they had uncovered. Ren Zhu leaned in closer to Yi Xiao, looking puzzled. "Is the Yi family sending members of the branch to participate in the Federation's simulation test? Is this the first tin five hundred years? What kind of test is this, and why are they suddenly doing it?"

Yi Xiao smiled at the four words 'simulation test.' "Of course, they're sending people to participate in the simulation test because if they don't, there's a chance that my cousin Yi Ming, that useless guy, might replace me."

Ren Zhu quickly understood the implication of his words. "The simulation test... is it to simulate the conditions inside a black hole organized by the Federation?"

Yi Xiao nodded. "This test has always existed, but for the Yi family and the Federation, it's been considered optional. That's because it's strange - in this simulation test, no one's results among the Federation members have ever surpassed those of the eldest son of the Yi family. So, over time, everyone just accepted it as destiny."

Ren Zhu furrowed his brow. "Isn't it possible to forge or cheat the results? It doesn't make sense for such a rare occurrence to happen so many times."

Yi Xiao chuckled. "Who knows? Anyway, the results provided by the Federation's autonomous summary simulation test machine are as they are. However, this time, I won't be the luckiest one to get the highest score."

"So, that's why the Yi family and the Federation are getting anxious," Ren Zhu nodded. "The Yi family is having members of the branch participate in the simulation test to have them act as your substitutes. But aren't they afraid that the branch will cause trouble?"

Yi Xiao shook his head. "That guy Yi Zhongding is quite cunning. You'll see. Yi Ming will probably end up participating, but he won't be the strongest. His ranking should be between third and fifth, so he won't appear too weak or becthe target. And..."

"And what?"

"And, even though I really dislike those self-important old men in the Federation, the current Federation Grand Leader is quite powerful. I think... he might make smoves. He's definitely not the kind of person who puts all his eggs in one basket. So, this time's Federation Black Hole Simulation Test might have something different. We'll see when the tcomes."

"See, that old man is even more cunning than a thousand-year-old fox."

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Yi Xiao was munching on fried lamb ribs, and after finishing one, he casually stuffed another one into Ren Zhu's mouth. Ren Zhu widened his eyes and said, "It's almost bedtnow!"

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes, saying, "I don't mind your plumpness. Why are you being so particular? Eat up and go to sleep. There are only ten days left until the Federal Academy Tournament. I think this Academy Tournament might end up a bit different this time. It might be related to the simulation test three months from now. After all, that Grand Commander is a sly old fox."

Just in this one evening, Ren Zhu had already heard Yi Xiao mention three times how formidable and cunning the Grand Commander was. It seemed that the Grand Commander had left a deep impression on Yi Xiao. But considering that his partner had evolved to becmore and more formidable, Ren Zhu felt the need to gather more information about the Grand Commander. And, to prepare for unforeseeable situations in the future, he needed to enhance his own strength quickly.

With these thoughts in mind, Ren Zhu delayed his sleep tby half an hour and decided to engage in mental training of psychic manipulation. This kind of mental manipulation was considered a somewhat forbidden study, and if it weren't for his good relationship with the friendly librarian teacher Soya, Ren Zhu wouldn't have been able to access it until he reached high school at the age of fifteen. But now, helping Teacher Soya organize books for an extra hour could secure access.

So, no matter where you go, it's essential to establish a good relationship with the library administrator; this might be the most crucial step in your career.

Ten days later, after a month of Federal propaganda and the anticipation and annoyance of students from all academies, the Federal Academy Tournament officially began. This Academy Tournament was hosted at the Alliance Military Academy on the Wisdom Star. The previous two locations were the Cosmic Exploration Academy and the Stellar Academy. This indicated that these three top Alliance academies had dominated the hosting of the Federal Academy Championship. However, other academies had becaccustomed to this situation, but the fourth and fifth academies were feeling somewhat bitter.

The architecture of the Alliance Military Academy adhered to a style of resolute manliness, emphasizing their rightful claim and high defense. Everything was built with the highest-grade diamond, which only cin black and white. These two simple and austere colors gave the Alliance Military Academy an even more heroic and stern appearance. It exuded a very resolute vibe.

As the seventh-grade representative of the Stellar Academy, Ren Zhu followed behind Yi Xiao and felt as if he had entered a high-tech military base from a few lifetimes ago. Yet, this was merely an academy, and its campus size exceeded that of a typical university from severa lifetimes ago by more than tenfold. It made one wonder if it truly lived up to being a school in the era of the Great Universe.

While walking, Ren Zhu blinked and shook his head. Seeing this, Yi Xiao's mouth twitched, and he quickly put his hand on Ren Zhu's head, saying, "What are you looking around for?"

Ren Zhu earnestly said, "I think it's a bit silly for us to walk to the competition venue like this. How about taking a car? It's enormous here, and the colors are too monotonous."

Hearing this, Zack, who was walking beside them, burst into laughter. "Hahaha! Just as I expected! We should've driven a mech right in for style! But, boss, who says you haven't been to the Alliance Military Academy before? You said that walking allows you to appreciate the scenery around. Hahaha, I find it quite strange. If the imitation starry sky of the Stellar Academy at night and the simulated planetary teaching buildings of the Cosmic Exploration Academy are famous attractions on Wisdom Star, what can you see at the Alliance Military Academy? Black and white photos? Boss, you're just..."

Before Zack could finish his sentence, he was abruptly silenced by Yi Xiao, who used lightning-fast hand speed to stuff his mouth with pan-fried lamb ribs. Zack jumped from the heat.

And recently, Yi Xiao, who had been obsessed with various types of ribs, suddenly didn't feel like eating ribs today. He wanted noodles, the kind you can talk a lot while eating.