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Class Teacher System

Ch149 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (28)
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As soon as the virtual field of the abyss black hole appeared, everyone present gasped in shock. Their faces showed expressions of astonishment and disbelief. After they recovered from the initial shock, they all turned to look at Yi Xiao, who was sitting next to the mimicry field. Every citizen of the Federation knew about the enmity between Yi Xiao and the abyss black hole. If the abyss black hole could be considered a person, then the Yi family and the abyss black hole could be said to be archenemies. Not to mention that the reason Yi Xiao had a mental outbreak was because he witnessed his parents' death as they were about to emerge from the black hole. Therefore, not only did people avoid mentioning the abyss black hole in front of Yi Xiao, but they also avoided mentioning it in his presence.

But now? The virtual area of the Alliance Military Academy actually simulated the appearance of the abyss black hole. This must have been a huge blow to Yi Xiao, right? Everyone was nervous for different reasons, and they were all worried that Yi Xiao might have another mental outbreak.

"I want to ask the Alliance Military Academy, what's the deal with this virtual area? Are they so crazy that they want to highlight its uniqueness? But does the realism of the virtual area really need to be proven in such a ridiculous and pointless way?" The one speaking was Teacher Jin from the Stellar Academy, who had been low-key for three days in a row. At this moment, Teacher Jin looked completely different from his usual relaxed self. His eyes sparkled with sharpness, and his expression carried mockery and a hint of anger that seemed to say, "If you don't explain properly, I'll make you regret it."

His question voiced the thoughts of everyone present. Even the Alliance Military Academy, despite feeling supported by someone in the background, felt a bit embarrassed to be directly questioned. They felt uneasy, and even dared not look directly at Yi Xiao. The person in charge of the Alliance Military Academy was about to speak, but the Federation's Grand Commander stood up directly. His expression was very solemn, with a hint of pain in his eyes. He calmly walked down from the observation platform, step by step, until he stood in front o Yi Xiao.

Afterwards, the Grand Commander did something that shocked everyone present-he actually bowed to Yi Xiao! Even Yi Xiao himself had not anticipated that things would develop in this way. After all, no matter how smart he was, he was just a twelve-year-old boy.

So Yi Xiao was stunned on the spot. But Ren Zhu, who was sitting next to him, was already furious. He had never seen such shamelessness before.

After this earth-shattering bow, the Grand Commander, with a solemn expression, said to Yi Xiao, "Child, I know that this virtual area is causing you immense pain. But please forgive us for this arrangement. Everything is for the sake of the Federation."

"We all know that the Yi family is the hero of the entire Federation. Your father, your grandfather, and your ancestors sacrificed their lives to protect the Federation. Even your current situation is a result of our actions. The Yi family will always be remembered as the hero of the Federation, and we are grateful to you all."

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"However, I believe that the safety of the Federation should not solely rest on the Yi family. Resisting the abyss black hole should be the responsibility of each and every one of us, shouldn't it? Although we may not necessarily have the strength to eliminate it, we should at least make efforts and take action. That's why I requested the Alliance Military Academy to set the virtual area as the abyss black hole. I want the future stars of the Federation to understand what their greatest enemy might look like in the future. Only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one be victorious. I don't expect a guaranteed victory, but I hope that the chances of the future heroes of the Federation defeating the abyss black hole will be greater. So, please forgive my arrangement."

Yi Xiao looked at the Grand Commander and opened his mouth, but didn't speak. He found it very difficult to express his feelings at the moment-anger, sadness, but unable to articulate them.

In the end, Yi Xiao nodded reluctantly. The Grand Commander saw his gesture and smiled slightly. He was about to say something when Ren Zhu suddenly spoke up, "If that's the case, couldn't you have informed him in advance? At least that would have prepared him mentally, wouldn't it? Doing this without any warning in front of everyone, have you considered his feelings?"

Ren Zhu's voice was not loud, but there were speakers throughout the venue, so everyone heard him clearly. Then everyone's expressions becsomewhat strange. Teacher Soya, sitting in the judges' seat, shook his head and muttered, "This ignorant brat who doesn't know his place."

The Grand Commander seemed to be seeing Ren Zhu for the first time. At this moment, he focused his gaze on Ren Zhu. It wasn't the first the had seen this child, as his information had been on his desk several months ago. According to the information, this child had accidentally received a mental stimulus during Yi Xiao's mental breakdown, causing his mental power to jump from E-level to S-level, and it seemed that because of this, he had a good relationship with Yi Xiao. But before this, he hadn't been sure what kind of good relationship it was. Now he was clear.

The Grand Commander slowly smiled as he looked at Ren Zhu and nodded, "You're right, I should have informed him in advance." Then he looked at Yi Xiao with a somewhat apologetic expression and said, "Sorry, child, I should have told you in advance."

Yi Xiao suddenly seemed to react and stood up abruptly. By now, he had regained most of his mental and cognitive abilities. Although he still felt angry and sad, strangely, when he looked at Ren Zhu, who was sitting next to him with a stern face, he felt that as long as this guy was by his side, he seemed to be able to overcany difficulty.

So he shook his head and said, "It's okay. You are also doing this for the safety of the Federation." At least in this respect, Yi Xiao admired him. Although the Grand Commander's current behavior made people very uncomfortable, none of the previous Federation Grand Commanders had the courage and determination to expose the abyss black hole to the entire Federation. Perhaps this was related to his own mental outbreak, but to take this step, this guy was already very formidable.

After receiving the answer, the Grand Commander continued to smile and patted Yi Xiao on the shoulder. "I hope you can face your difficulties and overcthem step by step. Every citizen of the Federation is cheering for you, so don't be afraid." After that, he turned and left. After he turned away, many students from the Federation were actually looking at Yi Xiao, raising their fists and shouting, "Yi Xiao, go for it! Overcyourself!"

This scene was very shocking and inspiring. Although the encouragement and support were not directed at themselves, the other participants felt the immense power behind it. However, Yi Xiao did not show any excitement like the others. He even found it somewhat ridiculous.

To give an analogy, it was like a group of rabbits locked in a cage cheering for another rabbit about to be eaten by a big bad wolf, telling it to run faster, not be afraid, and overcitself. Perhaps to them, it was sincere encouragement, but to himself, it felt like everyone was fervently and earnestly telling him to hurry up and die.

Ren Zhu looked around at the seemingly very positive scene and slowly lowered his eyes. Ignorance is bliss. If that's the case, then in the next ten years, let's see how well you understand what the abyss black hole really is. By then, will you still be able to cheer and encourage others so fervently?

The final match began amidst great anticipation. The military academy's momentum was soaring, and even the students from the Stellar Academy were prepared to fight with all their might. Although their virtual area this twas the abyss black hole, the referees and the Grand Commander had already stated that it only simulated five percent of the internal conditions of the abyss black hole. As long as their wills were firm, everyone could cout safely from inside.

Furthermore, the Grand Commander announced that as long as someone could find the center of the black mist within the abyss black hole, they would be awarded the title of the Hero of the Special Academy. And in the end, whichever academy found more of the black mist would be the champion of this year's Academy Championship. Although this final showdown took everyone by surprise, everyone expressed acceptance of this change, after all, it was for the future of the Federation! Although the abyss black hole was terrifying, could so many people be helpless against it?

Even the third and fourth place academies, the Cosmic Exploration Academy and the Ocean Academy, expressed their desire to enter the virtual field of the abyss black hole to try it out. The Grand Commander appreciated their courage and agreed to allow students to freely experience the abyss black hole later. He even announced simportant news, that from now on, there would be a hero selection field for the abyss black hole set up in both the Wisdom Star and the Federation Star. Anyone with sufficient strength and ambition could freely try it out! Regardless of the outcome, these people would receive the Federation's honor and material rewards. This news surprised everyone, and after the surprise, there was excitement and eagerness to try it out.

In the virtual field, after the referee's command, over a hundred students from the Stellar Academy and the Alliance Military Academy drove their mechas into the abyss black hole.

However, when everyone rushed in, they found that one person was standing still. That person was undoubtedly Yi Xiao. He gazed deeply at the thing in front of him, which had always appeared in his dreams, and remained silent. Suddenly, a voice rang out, crisply shouting, "Yi Xiao, go for it!" Then this voice spread throughout the entire arena.

Everyone was shouting loudly, "Yi Xiao, go for it! Don't be afraid, Yi Xiao!"

Except for Ren Zhu.

Yi Xiao slowly looked around at the people speaking to him and finally fixed his gaze on Ren Zhu, who was standing behind him in the accompanying area. Then he saw that Ren Zhu was standing there quietly, and when everyone was shouting for him to charge in, this person quietly opened his mouth and said, "Play dead."

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Yi Xiao immediately raised his eyebrows, using his eyes to convey the message, "How can one play dead at this time?" Then he saw Ren Zhu tilt his head and say four more words, "Rampage properly."

So Yi Xiao smiled, suddenly raised his right fist in an attacking posture, and then, without hesitation, drove his mecha into the black abyss. He had never been afraid of this abyss black hole. Although it had devoured his parents and plagued the Yi family for hundreds of years, his anger and hatred towards the abyss black hole far outweighed his fear. Even without the coercion of the Federation, he would still destroy the abyss black hole when he had the ability. However, this did not mean that he had to do it under the demands of the Federation. "I want to do it for myself" and "I'm forced to do it" were the most absurd things Yi Xiao felt.

Do not do unto others what you would not want done to yourself. No one had the right to unreasonably demand that someone else do something for them, let alone go to their death. But what Yi Xiao had never been able to understand was why the people of the Yi family and the Federation could take it for granted.

However, when everyone watched Yi Xiao charge into the abyss black hole, they erupted into a burst of joyous cheers, as if their encouragement had helped him overchis inner fears. At this moment, they felt more like they were giving courage to a hero, a more powerful hero. They felt proud and proud of themselves.

But just over ten minutes later, the atmosphere began to change.

The first person who couldn't hold on for long quickly rushed out of the black hole. When he cout, his mecha was missing limbs, and he seemed to be greatly shocked. When the teachers approached him, he even uncontrollably attacked them. The audience and viewers were shocked by his somewhat crazy appearance. However, he was soon treated by a specialized mental therapist, and after the treatment, he seemed much better emotionally. At this time, one of the ten generals went down and patted his shoulder, encouraging him. The student smiled at the general with difficulty, and the surrounding students and audience burst into cheers. They quickly forgot the horrifying appearance of the student who had just rushed out.

As the first person couldn't hold on, the second, the third, and the fourth quickly followed. During this period, the Grand Commander had the secretary explain the main ways the abyss black hole existed, making everyone understand that the most terrifying aspect of the abyss black hole was the deprivation of the five senses and the long, almost endless darkness. After hearing this, everyone felt that it didn't seem so terrifying. This idea was reinforced as the people who cout after that showed calm behavior. When the first student from the Alliance Military Academy successfully extracted a black mist, the entire group of students erupted into cheers, as if they had truly defeated the abyss black hole.

Gradually, the over a hundred students who had charged in slowly cout. Although the tthey stayed inside varied, and their appearances when they cout were somewhat strange and frenzied, out of the over a hundred people, eight managed to obtain the black mist. Four were from the Alliance Military Academy, and four were from the Stellar Academy. So far, the Alliance Military Academy still had two students who hadn't cout, while the Stellar Academy only had Yi Xiao left.

If you looked at the numbers, it seemed that the Alliance Military Academy had achieved the final victory, right? After all, they still had two people left.

The final twist cvery suddenly. Three hours later, two emerald green mechas appeared at the entrance of the abyss black hole. The students from the Alliance Military Academy couldn't help but feel happy when they saw these two mechas. However, when these two mechas rushed out of the abyss black hole, their condition seemed off. They immediately assumed a posture as if they were about to fight each other. Just as they were about to open fire, another black mecha appeared at the entrance of the black hole, holding a black mist in its hand. However, as soon as it cout, it also joined the fight in an abnormal manner.

"What's going on?" Everyone was puzzled. The two mechas from the Alliance Military Academy simultaneously knocked each other down, and the mecha belonging to Yi Xiao directly fell to the ground. Then, a terrifying mental power storm suddenly erupted from the black mecha, directly sweeping through the entire virtual arena and spreading to the surrounding audience stands at an extremely fast speed.

"A mental power riot!" someone directly exclaimed in shock.