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Class Teacher System

Ch151 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (30)
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Yi Xiao's mental breakdown appeared to have fully recovered ten days after the Federation Academy Tournament, with many visitors in between, though whether these visits were sincere or insincere couldn't be entirely known.

However, even the least brainy among Yi Xiao's followers, like Shi Lei, knew that the middle-aged man standing by his big brother's sickbed, bearing sresemblance to the big brother but somehow displeasing, was definitely not there with good intentions. Yi Xiao lay on the hospital bed at this moment. Although he could leave today, his mood turned sour upon seeing Yi Zhongding. Moreover, Yi Zhongding's face was full of reproach at this moment.

"Xiao'er, don't be so willful. If you don't treat and intervene properly in your current condition, it will be difficult for you to live to eighteen. If you die young, how can I face my deceased brother and sister-in-law? How can I face our Yi family ancestors? Listen, today you'll leave the hospital and cdirectly withto the Yi family. If you want to continue studying, I can hire the best teachers from the Stellar Academy to tutor you. It's too unsafe at school."

Yi Zhongding's words seemed very sincere and caring, yet the person he cared for showed no sign of being moved.

Yi Xiao even directly ignored Yi Zhongding's words and, like a lord, raised his chin towards Ren Zhu, saying, "Getthat fried lamb chop, I want to eat."

Ren Zhu looked at Yi Xiao and likewise ignored his words, casually picking up a round, somewhat golden fruit from the side and stuffing it into his hand. "Your brain isn't well; it's better not to eat lamb chops."

Yi Xiao looked at the wisdom fruit in his hand, his mouth twitching, feeling like he was about to explode.

However, someone erupted even earlier than him. Yi Ming cwith his father. Although he didn't want to bring Yi Xiao back home, sthings happened recently in the Yi family that couldn't be controlled. Bringing Yi Xiao back hwould demonstrate the Yi family's harmony and closeness. Otherwise, his father and other Yi family members would be blamed. Yi Ming felt that his father had stooped to personally invite Yi Xiao, and Yi Xiao should be grateful and follow them back. After all, even if he could earn scredits through his efforts at the Stellar Academy and scrape by, it wouldn't compare to the days in the Yi family with people serving him.

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But look at what Yi Xiao did! He actually directly ignored his father's words, right in front of so many people! This was simply outrageous.

"It's indeed a brain problem! Didn't you hear my dad talking to you? We allow you to return to the Yi family, and this is how you respond to us?"

Yi Xiao finally stopped ignoring them upon hearing this and turned his head to look at them, saying directly, "Is Yi Family only your family? Not mine anymore? Do I need your permission to go to Yi Family?" He sneered and nodded, "It's the first tI've heard such words. But, cto think of it, after all, there's onlyleft in the main branch of the Yi Family. Yi Family is already yours. So I don't need to go back. Yi Family is yours. Anyway, I haven't received anything from the Yi Family."

As soon as these words cout, Yi Ming's face darkened, and even Yi Zhongding's expression turned gloomy.

On the other hand, Ren Zhu and Zack, standing beside them, each showed a hint of a smile. When Yi Xiao wanted to argue, the words he spoke were definitely capable of infuriating people to the point of bursting.

Ren Zhu silently logged onto the Star Network and directly entered the news page. He looked satisfactorily at the second headline in the news, "Is the Eldest Son of the Yi Family Doomed? Can Yi Family be Called the Guardian of the Federation?"

This news had been out for five days now, and from the eleventh on the first day until the second now, the heat of the news had not diminished but had increased significantly. Opening this news, you could see a series of comments below, with almost everyone lamenting how unfortunate the fate of the Yi family's main branch was, how lucky the other members of the Yi family were, and... how lazy they were.

Undoubtedly, Ren Zhu had released this news.

He chose the timing very well, just when the Federation had built the "Super Abyss Black Hole Simulation," causing everyone to focus on the abyss black hole. At the stime, the recent mental breakdown of Yi Xiao during the Federation Academy Tournament had drawn attention and discussion from everyone. When these two events, each attracting countless people's attention, were put together, the resulting waves were not just ordinary ripples but a tsunami of public opinion.

Such a tsunami would be enough to drown all the other members of the Yi Family, so the people from the Yi Family had to come.

Ren Zhu chuckled inwardly. So what if they came? When people's established impressions were formed, if they couldn't provide strong evidence to counter them, especially the other branches of the Yi Family, they would surely be scrutinized or even scorned by the people of the Federation. Even the Grand Commander would take advantage of the situation.

After taking a look at Yi Xiao, who was in a very good mood at the moment, Ren Zhu sneered. He was happy now, protesting against himself for playing the sympathy card earlier? So what? As long as this card could eliminate the second branch of the dying Yi Family, he could use it repeatedly until he achieved his goal. This was the application of learning by analogy.


"Shut up, Ming'er. You're wrong to say that. Apologize to your big brother." Yi Zhongding took a deep breath. As an old fox, he naturally could think of things that netizens could think of. He absolutely couldn't let the people of the Federation think that the Yi Family had always relied on the eldest son for survival, let alone let them think that they had mistreated Yi Xiao in any way. Otherwise, he believed that many aristocratic families would be willing to step on the Yi Family at this time, and even the Grand Commander would take advantage of the situation to do something.

So after Yi Ming reluctantly apologized, Yi Zhongding didn't pretend anymore. He said directly, "Xiao'er, there should be a limit to anger. Now, you've seen the comments on the Internet. Our Yi Family is already on the edge. The honor and pride of the Yi Family for hundreds of years have begun to be doubted by people. Xiao'er, after you return to Yi Family with me, you can vent your anger in any way you want. But now, I hope you can think for our Yi Family. You can't just watch the honor and pride that your father and grandfather guarded with their lives being doubted by people, can you?"

Yi Xiao paused, looked up at the second uncle he hadn't seen in five years, and suddenly burst into laughter, "Then let them doubt. I don't think they're wrong, are they? If holding onto honor and pride means accumulating it generation after generation with the lives of the Yi Family's eldest sons, then such honor is better off not wanted. Whoever wants it can have it. Besides, Second Uncle, over the years, the wealth of the Yi Family should be enough for you to spend until you're old, right?"

Yi Zhongding was directly choked with anger. He didn't expect Yi Xiao to be so indifferent and casual in rejecting it. Although Yi Xiao had indeed not enjoyed much of the wealth and power of the Yi Family, he should also know how immense those privileges were. He could hav made conditions for himself at this time, but Yi Zhongding didn't expect him to say nothing.

"Since you're so stubborn, there's nothing more we can do. From now on, I hope you take care of yourself."

Yi Zhongding said, leading Yi Ming away. As they were about to leave the ward, he heard a somewhat hoarse voice.

"You speak as if I can't live without them."

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Yi Xiao's voice immediately responded, "I'd live better without them. Alright, hurry up and givethat lamb chop. I don't want the Wisdom Fruit!"

Yi Zhongding's heart sank.

After Yi Zhongding and his group left, Zack and the others expressed their thoughts happily and then, as usual, greeted the boss and reported on the current situation in the school before leaving.

At this point, only Yi Xiao and Ren Zhu were left in the ward. Ren Zhu suddenly spoke up, "I guess your second uncle is up to something."

Yi Xiao looked at Ren Zhu, who was emitting an aura of "I'm very capable, I'm very intelligent, and I'm definitely not a child," and chuckled, "He'll naturally do something, but it has nothing to do with me."

Ren Zhu nodded, reaching out and opening a laser screen in front of Yi Xiao, pointing to the first hot headline of the Star Network news:

"Look, it seems like everyone is challenging the Super Abyss Black Hole Simulation now. So far, twenty people have stayed inside for more than five days and have successfully found the black mist coming out. The Grand Commander has awarded them the 'Hero' badge." Yi Xiao looked up at the headline, his expression suddenly showing a hint of pity, "I feel sorry for those people. They must think they're very powerful, being able to destroy the abyss black hole in minutes, right? Although the Grand Commander has once again presented the abyss black hole to everyone, relieving the pressure on the Yi Family, I still have to say, he's really too cunning."

Ren Zhu nodded beside him, "Yeah, why don't these people understand that this is not a gwhere you can reload from a save file. And even if it's a 'simulation,' even at the 'super' level, it's absolutely not on the slevel as the abyss black hole."

Yi Xiao's eyes turned slightly cold at the words, "Did I tell you? The abyss black hole simulation field in the Military Alliance Academy, officially stated to have only five percent of the abyss black hole's environment, actually has only one percent of the abyss black hole's internal environment."

It was the first tRen Zhu had heard this news, and his face showed a rare expression of shock. After a while, he said, "This is really... the Grand Commander is indeed a bit cunning. Even if he wants to make people not fear the abyss black hole, his methods are not very good."

Yi Xiao sneered, "They've been too comfortable for too long, so even this old fox doesn't know how terrifying the abyss black hole really is. And when they find out later, the 'super abyss black hole simulation field' will ultimately beca huge joke."

"I'm looking forward to seeing what happens five years from now, whether the Grand Commander really sends people into the abyss black hole and what the reaction and outcwill be for those who have received the 'Hero' badge."