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Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 3028 - 3028: Immortality?
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Chapter 3028: Immortality?

Translator: Legge

The tomb keeper smiled disapprovingly but did not argue with Die Yue.

In his opinion, countless people would definitely sacrifice their lives to conquer the Nine Heavens.

The living beings of the ten thousand races had always been enslaved and reared by the Heavenly Court. Who wasn’t innocent?

Although Infinite suppressed FlHeaven, he sacrificed himself and suppressed the Lord of Hell as well. That Heaven Conquest Battle also ended in failure.

Wasn’t all of this contrary to their original intentions?

The Martial Dao PrBody pondered for a moment and asked, “Since Great Emperor Infinite had already suppressed FlHeaven and the Lord of Hell, why didn’t he kill the two of them and only trapped them in Greater Avici?” Great Emperor Infinite was indeed compassionate.

However, the Martial Dao PrBody believed that Great Emperor Infinite was not pedantic.

Be it the massacres of the Lord of Hell or the sins of the Nine Heavens, both were intolerable in the eyes of Great Emperor Infinite.

Since that was the case, why did he leave a trace of life for the two Great Emperors?

More importantly, billions of years had passed since the Infinite Era.

Not to mention that the Lord of Hell and FlHeaven only had a single wisp of consciousness left, even if their flesh, blood and souls were intact, could their lifespans last until this generation?

At the mention of that, a look of admiration flashed through the tomb keeper’s eyes. “The reason why this happened was because Infinite realized that he could not kill FlHeaven and the Lord of Hell with his strength.”


The Martial Dao PrBody frowned slightly.

With Great Emperor Infinite’s strength, he could not kill FlHeaven and the Lord of Hell?

The three of them were Great Emperors. If Great Emperor Infinite could defeat FlHeaven and the Lord of Hell, why couldn’t he kill the two of them?

What was so special about FlHeaven and the Lord of Hell?

The tomb keeper had an ancient expression and said faintly, “The few of us and the nine people of the Heavenly Court can be considered to have endless lifespans and are immortal…”

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The Martial Dao PrBody’s heart skipped a beat.

Were there really people with eternal life in the medium chiliocosm?

The Martial Dao PrBody said indifferently, “Endless lifespan might not equate to immortality.”

It was normal for one to have an endless lifespan.

Once he met an expert stronger than him and was killed, his immortality would be relegated to a long lifespan instantly.

True immortality meant absolute indestructibility as well!

The tomb keeper could tell what the Martial Dao PrBody was implying and smiled. “You’re not at our cultivation realm yet, so you naturally can’t understand. The only way to kill us completely is…”

At that point, the tomb keeper suddenly paused and changed the topic. “In short, in the medium chiliocosm, we can live forever.”

“Even if we fail to conquer the heavens and our souls are shattered, we will return in the next era.”

The Martial Dao PrBody narrowed his eyes slightly and thought of a possibility!

The Netherworld!

If he was not wrong, the Lord of the Netherworld should be on the side of the Fiend Lord.

As for the Lord of the Netherworld, he controlled the Six Paths of Reincarnation. If the Fiend Lord and Empress Evil died and their souls entered reincarnation, with the help of the Lord of the Netherworld, they might be able to reincarnate with their memories.

That’s not right!

Before long, the Martial Dao PrBody overturned that possibility.

Earlier on, the Fiend Lord’s words revealed that there were a total of nine Great Emperors in the Heavenly Court who were just like them, immortal existences.

If that was the case, even if his guess could explain the situation over at the Fiend Lord’s side, the Great Emperors of the Heavenly Court were irreconcilable with the Fiend Lord. Why could they possess immortality as well? “How long is a Great Emperor’s lifespan?”

The Martial Dao PrBody asked.

“100 million years.”

The tomb keeper said a shocking number.

Emperors had a lifespan of ten million years and could reach a lifespan of 100 million years after becoming Great Emperors!

It was almost a qualitative leap!

It was no wonder why there was such a huge difference in combat strength between Great Emperors and Emperor realm experts. Great Emperors were experts that should only exist in the major chiliocosm to begin with.

Although the lifespan of a Great Emperor was too million years, almost all the Great Emperors recorded in history did not meet with good endings because of the Heaven Conquest Battle.

“Why is it that although Great Emperors have lifespans of too million years, you guys have endless lifespans and are immortal?”

The Martial Dao PrBody asked.

The tomb keeper said indifferently, “The opportunity for immortality lies in the major chiliocosm. If you can ascend to the major chiliocosm, you’ll naturally have a chance to comprehend the reason.”

“Given your current cultivation realm, you won’t be able to understand even if I explain it to you.”

The Martial Dao PrBody was deep in thought.

There were sthings that the tomb keeper was clearly holding back. Even if the Martial Dao PrBody asked, he was unwilling to say it explicitly.

However, the tomb keeper still revealed a lot of information from his words earlier on!

The tomb keeper had once said that the Heavenly Court was composed of nine huge factions of the major chiliocosm.

This also meant that the nine Great Emperors of the Heavenly Court should also be from the major chiliocosm.

The reason why the nine Great Emperors could possess endless lifespan was likely because their cultivation realms were above Great Emperors!

It was the sfor the Fiend Lord and the others.

Perhaps for sspecial reason, the nine Great Emperors of the Heavenly Court as well as the Fiend Lord and the others could descend from the major chiliocosm.

However, in the medium chiliocosm, due to the restrictions of the Heaven and Earth laws, the combat strength of these people would be reduced and they could only unleash the strength of a Great Emperor.

“There shouldn’t be any Great Emperor experts in FlHeaven in this generation, right?”

Suddenly, the Martial Dao PrBody asked.

“That’s right.”

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The tomb keeper nodded and looked at the Martial Dao PrBody with admiration.

The Martial Dao PrBody had once thought of something.

The Hell World had long been broken in the Infinite Era. Why had it not been repaired after so many years?

In fact, it becas difficult as ascending to the heavens to step into the Emperor realm in the Hell World.

Let alone becoming a Great Emperor.

At that moment, he finally understood.

The Hell World was the Hell Dao and the Great Dao cultivated by the Lord of Hell.

As for the Lord of Hell, he was severely injured and suppressed by Great Emperor Infinite in Greater Avici. Naturally, the Hell World could not repair itself.

Even if the Hell World could be repaired, no Great Emperor experts would be born in the Hell World.

That was because the Lord of Hell was not dead.

This meant that his Great Dao Imprint was still in the Hell World!

As long as the Great Dao Imprint was not destroyed, other living beings would not be able to becGreat Emperors in this world!

The swas true for FlHeaven.

The nine Great Emperors of the Heavenly Court corresponded to the Nine Heavens.

Each Heaven corresponded to a different Great Dao Imprint.

Great Emperor FlHeaven was suppressed by Great Emperor Infinite in Greater Avici. Although he was trapped for more than an era, he did not die.

This meant that the Great Dao Imprint in FlHeaven had not dissipated.

However, FlHeaven was one of the Nine Heavens after all. It possessed endless pure Heaven and Earth Essence Qj and countless natural treasures. As such, the situation was much better than in the Hell World.

Therefore, Emperor realm experts would still be born in FlHeaven.

However, the fact that Great Emperor FlHeaven’s Great Dao Imprint was still around meant that no other Great Emperor experts would be born in FlHeaven!

Back then, Great Emperor Infinite chose to trap Great Emperor FlHeaven in Greater Avici. That was equivalent to crippling a Great Emperor of the Heavenly Court!

In this generation, the Heavenly Court only had eight Great Emperors!

The Martial Dao PrBody’s heart skipped a beat as though he had thought of something.

Perhaps Great Emperor Infinite had other motives for choosing to suppress Great Emperor FlHeaven in Greater Avici.

It was no wonder why Empress Yan Luo was so agitated and resentful when she saw the Hell Suppression Tripod and even cursed a monk.