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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chatper 358
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Chapter 0358

It’s been six months since that day, and saying I’m happy would be an understatement. Christine was

sentenced to a psych hospital for life, but she mysteriously died after a couple of weeks there. Her

uncle was never found, but word is he was killed, and his body was fed to crocodiles. Both cases had

Reaper written all over them, but for some reason, it didn’t bother me.

These past few months, Rowan has taught me what happiness is. My heart has grown and flourished

in his care, and I don’t regret taking a leap and giving him a chance.

I could go on and on about how happy I am, but words won’t even do justice to what I’m feeling. Each

day I count my blessings, and each day I realize it’s possible to fall more and more in love with

someone you’re already in love with.

He’s filled my life with joy, happiness, and peace. Something I never thought possible.

I look back, and I’m so grateful for the journey. Of course, things aren’t perfect, but he’s patient with

me, and therapy, both individual and couple, has helped a lot. Something still comes up once in a

while, and he sometimes does something that pisses me off, but we’ve learned to work it out. 4

This was needed. I know some may not understand, but I think all the pain both of us have been

through was meant to bring us to where we are now. Everything happens for a reason, and our time

wasn’t back then, but now. We both needed to grow up and grow into our feelings before making

something out of them.

We both needed to let go of resentments and pain. We both needed to be in a healthy space for us to

flourish. Where we are now is conducive for our relationship to grow. I don’t think that would have been

the case had we tried this

years ago.

I also realized that me being with Ethan and him being with Emma also helped. To a point, it showed us

our true feelings. Something that we’d both tried hiding and burying. With Emma, he learned that his

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love for her was dead and that he actually wanted me. With Ethan, I learned that my heart will always

want Rowan, despite what he did. 2

It also helped me get out there. I never got the chance to explore or date other men. It proved to me

that I didn’t love Rowan because he’s the only man I’ve known. It proved that I wanted him because I

truly loved him.

“Are you ready?” His voice makes me jump, since I’ve been lost in thought.


“You scared me.” I turn towards him.

He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me to him before kissing the breath out of me. For a

moment, I think about abandoning our plans, but this is something that he’s been planning for a while.

“Are you too ready?” Noah asks excitedly while holding Iris; she was busy

bubbling in baby language.

We are going to be late.”

Iris was about to turn a year old, and we were all excited. Her bond with Rowan still amazes me. She


I smile with fulfilment. Pa while calling Ethan Dada.

and happiness when I remember when she gave both men

their names. They both literally cried. It was a sight that will forever be etched in my head.

“Fine, let’s go,” I tell Noah, who was already distracted by his sister. He was making faces at her,

making her laugh her little heart out.

We leave the house and get in the car. The car ride, as always, is full of chatter and laughter. Around

forty minutes later, we get to the restaurant that Rowan had booked for our family dinner.

Getting out of the car, we

Owards it, with Rowan holding Iris.

Immediately, my suspicion meter reaches critical heights. Rowan seemed nervous, while Noah

while Noah was completely excited. Like he couldn’t keep it inside him.

We get to the door, and Noah opens it. I almost die of a heart attack when everyone; Our friends and

family, jump out, screaming, ‘Surprise’

I was confused. It wasn’t my birthday

the hell was going on.

or anything, so I didn’t understand what

“What’s happening?” I asked with a nervous chuckle.

Noah grins widely before turning me around. I gasp when I find Rowan on bended knees.


I watch as confusion, happiness, and joy play behind her eyes. Tears fill her eyes, but they don’t fall as

she struggles to keep them away.

I take her shaking hand and kiss it.

“Ava,” I begin. I was a nervous wreck. “You brighten my days, and a part from Noah and Iris, you’ve

been the best fucking thing to happen to me. I didn’t know what true love was until I fell for you. I don’t

know when or how it happened, but



through a lot, most of it because of the shit I did, but here we are, and I’ll forever be a lucky bastard

because you gave me another chance.”

Fuck, I was bad at this, that thought was quickly erased when I saw her love for shining.

Noah giggles at that. I’m sure I’ll hear about it later from him about how I called myself a bastard. It

makes me smile as I focus on Ava.

“I promise to love and cherish you each day of my life because I can’t and won’t ever stop loving you. I

believe our love is the impossible kind because it has stood against all odds. We’ve made it work, and

nothing now can stop us from reaching our happily ever after. I’ll love you no matter what, through your

ups and downs, through heartache, and through healing. I’ll be there, Ava, every step of the way.’

I am a nervous wreck as I pull out the engagement ring Noah helped me choose. Part of me is afraid

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that she’s going to say no. That one day she’ll decide that she can do better than. I’m still afraid that

she’ll leave me, even though she has done nothing to make me feel that way.

She falls kneeling down as she stares between the beautiful diamond ring and me. “I want to spend the

next fifty years with you… Will you marry me?” I try to hide the nervousness in my tone.

“How about we go for seventy?” she asks instead.

Fuck. I was happy beyond words.

“Is that a yes?”

The tears she was holding back fell. “It’s definitely a yes.”

Happy shouts ring out as I place the ring on her finger. Once it’s done, I lift her up, swing her around

while kissing her.

“I love you so much, Ava,” I whisper against her lips.

“I love you too,” she replies. “Always”

Evelyn M.M

Chapter 0359

Hey, Loves, we’ve finally reached the end of Ex-Husband’s regret. I want to thank everyone who gave

this book a chance. I know it’s long. It’s the longest one I’ve written, but thank you for sticking it out with

me from the start to the finish. You are the best readers an author can have. Thank you for the love and


You’ll still get some glimpses of Ava and Rowan in Gabe’s book, but we’ll not be focusing on them. The

first chapter of Gabe’s book will be out in about two weeks, since I’m just putting the final touches on

the plot.

I hope to have you as we begin Gabe’s journey, where, like I said, we’ll also get Reaper and Connie,

and then after we’ll continue to a separate book about Noah and a side story on Gunner. I hope to see

you in the next chapter.

I wish you a great weekend ahead, and I would love to hear your thoughts. Take care and stay safe�

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!