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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire?

Chapter 351
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Cameron's heart trembled violently. His body froze in place, and his fists clenched tightly, then relaxed.

After repeating this several times, he finally expelled the suppressed emotions from his heart completely. And his gaze finally turned completely indifferent.

Atthis moment, he completely understood Laura's determination and his position in Laura's heart.

It was no different from seven years ago...

"Did you call this way just to tellthese things?" Cameron asked for confirmation one last time. "Yes," Laura answered decisively, fearing that Cameron would detect anything from her hesitation. "Okay, I got it," Cameron said, giving up completely.

His tone becincredibly indifferent. "I won't appear at your wedding, but I have unfinished grievances with the Xander family. I can't guarantee tha I won't cause trouble for them in the future. Anyway, congratulations on your wedding." "Thank you, Cameron," Laura forced out, suppressing her heartache.

"You're welcome. If there's nothing else, I'll leave now." After saying that, Cameron turned and left. His figure was resolute.

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Seeing that, Laura trembled fiercely. She knew that Cameron had made up his mind when he congratulated her. From now on, he would forget about their past relationship, and they would bectrue strangers.

She watched Cameron's figure recede further and further, until it completely disappeared at the corner.

Before she realized it, tears were flowing down her face. She crouched weakly on the ground.

Her entire heart seemed to shatter into countless pieces at that moment.

Meanwhile, Cameron returned to the entrance of the building.

Dakota and Peggy, who were waiting, could clearly feel the chill emanating from Cameron.

"Cameron, are you okay?" Dakota asked with concern.

"Yeah, let's go back." Cameron managed to force a smile on his face.

"Are you really okay?" Dakota was still worried. She wondered what Laura and Cameron had talked about to make him look so terrible.

"I'm really fine." He smiled again.

Just as he was about to walk into the building with Dakota, his steps suddenly paused.

He sensed that there were two figures behind the wall not far away, monitoring him.

Immediately, his tone turned stern as he addressed the other side of the wall, "Just show yourselves." "What?" Dakota and Peggy, hearing Cameron's icy tone, couldn't help but follow his gaze.

Under the dim light, there was a wall, with no one in sight.

However, Cameron spoke again. "Do you wantto cto you?" After saying that, he started walking toward the wall.

"Haha, you're quite something, huh?" A cold laugh cfrom behind the wall.

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The next second, two figures in black masks easily leapt over the wall and appeared in front of Cameron.

"There really are people there!" Dakota and Peggy were surprised.

Cameron'geyes were filled with coldnessas he looked at two metin front oEhim. "Did Alan send yo? He coulo feel that they were theXander eo family's men. Content belafgs to Find2? "Oh, you're quite clever too." Since theipzidentities had been exposed; &the two didn't plan to keep ita seca anymore. They laughed coldly="Mr. Xander received your Words and sent us to teach You a lesson." Content belongs te" sW* "Teacha lesson?" Cameron murmured, his gaze tinged with gloom.

"Yes!" The men were arrogant. "Since you know Mr. Xander se ander sent us ben sent, smart and get on your knees. We'll go En.

easy on you later." "What are you two doing?" Peggy suddenly intervened.

"Oh, it's Mg. Lee." The men showed no fear. Ifstead, they said with ao" smile, Were here at Mr. Xandefs order-We hope you'll show MÊ Xander srespect and nat interfere." Content belongsto sW-

"You..." Peggy frowned, not expecting those two to disregard hercompletely. But today, she wouldn't allow them to lay a finger on Cameron.

Just as she was about to speak again, Cameron had already stepped forward and looked at the men with a chilling gaze. His voice was unusually low. "I'm in a bad mood right now. If you don't want to die, you better get lost now."