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Facade of Love

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 The Futility of Apologies

I did not want to beat Mouse’s side of the story I wanted to hear it straight from Idale

He looked at me, his striking eyebrows lifted ingether in worry. “What do you wound to


I tell a lump in my throat as I looked at him Taking a shallow breaths, I asked, “Did you tell

my dad that Manie is carrylogg your child? Are you two planning to get married?”

His eyebrows creased further, his pale hands interlaced. His voler wess heavy “I’m sorry, I

didn’t anticipate this to happen ”

A wave at suppressed emotions singed within me I stared at him, each word heavy with a

nation “So, your adult that your two are the teasut my dad ended up in the emergency

room, right?”

He looked at me, his eyes filled with regret and fuelplessness.

This was probably the first time i had hit him since I met him I could not control the anger

welling up with me. My eyes were bloodshot as I glared at bu, my voice lusarse with rage:

“Why? Why did you do this? If you’re undrappy with ine, you could have taken it out on

me! Why provolo a shland bluts, da you know the doctor said he only had three months to

live? Just three months! But you tws have robbed hins of that Did he bother you that


The man in front of ne vemained silent. He did not argue, did not retaliate, and just let me

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vent. In traponse to my wwwsat lous, he simply said, “I’m mary”


Sorry did not cut it!

I suddenly laughed, feeling a seuse of absmulity. I stumbled back a few steps, pushing

down all my emotions. What was the point of this outburst? My father was already gone

Even If I killed him, my father would not come back

With that thought, I did not say another word I turned around and left.

“Where are you going?” He grabbed my wrist, his voice Italling behind me.

I shook off his hand, looking up at the red light above the emergency room door I could

not help but scoff “Idds, you’re worse than Moore. Trampling over someone’s trust and

sincerity like that ”

Indeed, taking their lives would serve no purpose and only invite necessary trouble.

However, I could not shuply let my father’s death go unanswered. After leaving the

maternity ward, I comforted my mother and escorted her back to the Scott Resklence. Ups

my arrival at Scott Corporation, I found Uncle Marcus pas lng aushanly

outside the conference ropin

Seeing me, he exhaled in relief and asked with urgency, “Have you taken care of

everything for your dad?” I nodded. The investors from MG Wall Street were already in the

conference room. There was no time to mom my father’s passing

Lasked Uncle Marcus to fill me in on the situation with Gleantiate Media.

He sighed. “The chairman initially aquired Gleamtale Medla when he wanted to diversity.

The project was promising at first, dominating over half of Lake City’s markart in the past

couple of years. But with the rise of video and digital media, It’s been on a downward

trend. Last year, due to financial constraints, we went through a t–round financing,

allowing MC’s investiment bank to buy into GleamGate Meilla”

I nodded, then asked, “The shareholders from the Investment bank are all here. What’s

the issue?” He hesitated, seemingly

a loss for words.

Seeing his struggle, I said, “Uncle Marcus, just tell me. My dad’s not here anymore. I’ve

never been involved with this project. and I’m not familiar with the situation. If I walk in

there lind, It’s Hilely to make things worsa ”

He nodded and started. “Durling Its Series is funding, GleamGate Media drafted a project

plan. The plan pledged that within year post–funding, the company would lidt a tonover of

ten million. Two years down the line, leantiste Media would go

Chapter 41 The Fubility of Apologies

public on MG, becoming the quickest domestic company to initiate trading on NASDAQ ”

As he finished, I was so taken aback that my jaw nearly hit the floor. I stared at him, my

brows furrowed. “Did my father make these promises in the plan?”

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He gave a noncommittal grunt and sighed. “It wasn’t just a verbal promise, but a contract

to be signed and sealed. The company placed high importance on this project at the time,

and Scott Corporation was in dire need of funds. So, they had this plan drawn up to lure in


I was well aware that in the business world, promising high returns and a bright future was

a common tactic to attract Investors.

Talding a deep breath, I pressed Uncle Marcus further. “What happens if the plan falls


Uncle Marcus hesitated for a moment before replying, “If the plan fails, a betting

agreement comes into play. This would transfer ten percent of GleamGate Media and Scott

Corporation’s shares to a few investors. These shareholders would then have absolute

control and decision–making power over both companies. Naturally, the chairman’s

position would be revoked, and the top management would be appointed by these


I was stunned, looking at him in disbelief. “How much is the investment? Why would there

be such an outrageous agreement?

“Thirty million dollars,” Uncle Marcus began, his voice laced with resignation. “The

chairman believed that if he could secure the funds, he could keep Scott Corporation

afloat. So, he felt compelled to agree to the deal.”

Chapter 42 Buying a Month’s Time: