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Falling for My Contractual Wife

Chapter 270
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Louise brought the final dish to the table, smiling brightly at Brian. She served him soup and helped him with the food. After siping the fish soup, Louise eagerly awaited his response and asked, "How is it?" Brian nodded. "Yes, it's delicious." Brian suddenly remembered that he hadn't eaten at hin a long time. Ever since Grace left, he rarely ate alone. Now, sitting here, Brian felt like something was missing. He lowered his head and took another sip of soup, feeling like it lacked something. Finally, he understood. It was missing Grace's unique and delicious touch. Brian's gaze faltered for a moment. Louise noticed him spacing out and waved her hand in front of him. "Brian, what's wrong?" Brian shook his head. "Nothing." Louise pursed her lip and suddenly scratched her sleeve. A blister appeared on her fair skin.

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Brian's eyes flashed with concern as he nervously asked, "What happened?" Louise pouted at him. "I accidentally got burned by oil while frying the fish just now." Brian frowned. "Why didn't you say so earlier? Are you trying to act tough? His reproachful tone carried a hint of tenderness.

Tears welled up in Louise's eyes. "I wanted to finish cooking... Being able to cook for someone you care about is the greatest happiness." Brian affectionately patted her head. "You silly. Forget it, you shouldn't cook anymore in the future. Let the servants handle it." Louise shook her head. "No, it's okay. It's just a little burn from the oil. I can handle it. I'll be more careful next time." Brian sighed. "Alright, let's eat first. After that, I'll take you to the hospital." "Okay!" Louise nodded vigorously.

Brian noticed her trembling hand as she held the fork and sighed. He set down his fork and said, "Letfeed you." Louise felt immense joy in her heart. The small injury she had just received in the kitchen was worth it. Grace returned hto find Carson and Austin missing. Worried, she called Carson, who answered, "I'm at the hospital, processing Dad's discharge procedures." Grace frowned. "It's only been a few days. How can he be discharged so soon?" Carson explained helplessly, "Dad doesn't want to spend money on medical bills. He insists on being discharged against medical advice!" "You guys wait for me; I'll be there immediately," Grace said hurriedly.

Grace quickly arrived at the hospital. Frederick was sitting in a wheelchair while Daisy sat on a bench with a displeased expression. Carson stood to the side, holding Austin. Search the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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Grace rushed over. "Dad, your injury hasn't healed yet. How can you be discharged?" Upon seeing her, Daisy stood up abruptly, pointing her finger at Grace and scolding, "You ungrateful wretch! How do you expect your father to stay in the hospital if you don't pay?" Frederick shouted irritably, "Can you stop making a scene? Staying in the hospital is just a waste of money! Grace has already paid the hospital fees! How much more money do you want to squeeze out of her?" Frederick turned to Grace. "Grace, don't listen to her nonsense. I can recover from this minor injury at home. It's not easy for you to take care of the children. Save money wherever you can." "No! You've barely saved your leg. How can you be so careless? What if something goes wrong while you're recovering at home? Do you still want to work and earn money?" Grace exclaimed.

Daisy seized the opportunity. "Are all those pretty words going to help? Quickly givetwenty thousand dollars!" Search the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Chapter 270

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