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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2045
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Bill nodded anxiously and said, “Yes, it’s a detox antidote. Take one every day, and in ten days, you'll be back to

normal.” Jonathan asked, “Is this the only bottle of antidote?” “There's another one in my safe!” Bill said quickly.

Upon Bill's confession, Jonathan's man immediately went to retrieve Bill's safe. Minutes later, Bill opened his own

safe and handed over another identical bottle to Jonathan. “This was also commissioned by Raiden forto

develop!” Jonathan nodded indifferently, ordered his people to escort Professor Bill away, and handed the

medication to Lynn. “Analyze the contents of this bottle immediately.” Without hesitation, Lynn took Jonathan to

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her lab and began dissecting the tablets with her equipment. About half an hour later, Lynn handed the analysis

report of the antidote to Jonathan. Jonathan snapped a photo of the report and sent it to his biotech company in

the Country of S. The medication for Estelle had to be foolproof! While waiting for the results, Evelyn asked Lynn,

“Are you going back home? We could go together!” Lynn hesitated for a moment then slowly shook her head.

“The way things are now, I'd just end up locked away if | went back. | don’t want to go, I'm sorry!” Evelyn

nodded sadly, “While I'd love to have you back, | respect your wishes. We're staying at Citadel for a couple of

days, currently at Southgate Castle. If you change your mind, you can always findthere.” Lynn closed her

eyes for a moment and then said, “You go back. Forget about me.” Evelyn covered her mouth, choking back

tears. Half an hour later, a call cthrough on Jonathan's phone. He stood up to answer; it was the report from

the Country of S. The medication was safe for use. Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief and returned to

Southgate Castle with the antidote. Three days later Estelle had moved to a different room and was able to get

out of bed. When Jonathan was away, she would sneak out to the terrace to soak up ssun. When Gab

arrived, he saw Amiee chatting with Estelle. Amiee greeted him and excused herself. Gab took a seat next to

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Estelle, his resolute eyes twinkling with a gentle smile. “How are you feeling?” “Much better!” Estelle’s delicate

features glowed in the sunlight. “The hallucinations have stopped during the day.” “That's good to hear!” Gab

nodded in relief. Noticing the slight redness at the corners of Estelle’s eyes, he spoke earnestly, “Stop dwelling

on Wolf's passing. He saw you and Xavier; his heart was at ease. He had no regrets.” Estelle’s throat tightened,

and she looked away, “I know.” . (Image) “That's fine,” Gab agreed.

“What about you?” Estelle asked, “Will you cback with me?” .

(Image) Estelle said, “I made a condition when | took this assignment.” “What's that?” Gab turned to look at her.

Estelle looked at him seriously and said, “I complete the mission, and you retire.” Gab’s gaze deepened slightly.

. (Image)