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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2047
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Estelle shook her head decisively. “I can’t.” Lambert was urgent, his voice edged with desperation. “I blurted out

my feelings that day; it was hasty and insincere. Please, letsay it again properly. | care about you, Estelle,

from Stella to Estelle, it's always been you. I'll talk to my father and call off the arranged marriage. | only want

you as my wife!” He pledged fervently, “I've lived recklessly in the past, and unfortunately, you've seen that side

of me. I'm sorry and filled with regret, but | promise, it won’t happen again. I'll be loyal to you, and I'll give you

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everything | have. | hope you'll stay and spend your life with me.” Estelle frowned. “I’m in love with someone

else, Lambert. | thought | made that clear!” “Is it Alvis?” “Yes, it is!” If it had been anyone else, Lambert might

have tried to win her over, but with Alvis, he felt a sense of defeat. “Have you known him for a long time?”

Estelle smiled. “For quite a while, yes. And later, | married him!” Lambert stared at her in shock. “You're already

married?” “Yes,” Estelle confirmed. “So, you can let go of your obsession now.” Lambert frowned deeply, his

gaze clinging to Estelle, eyes filled with sorrow. “Life’s so unfair to me!” Since that peacekeeping mission, he'd

put her on a pedestal, always following her shadow. When he thought she’d “died,” his grief and despair sank

him into a deep depression. It wasn’t until he’d built a memorial chapel and enshrined her nthere, visiting

daily to talk to her, that he began to recover from his pain. Now, learning she was alive and thinking there was

hope again, he found out she had someone else, and they were already married. And that man, so strong, so in

love with her, didn’t even leave Lambert with a chance to compete. It felt like he was a joke! “Born into the

Brennan family, an heir and the future head of the family, and you're still complaining about life being unfair?

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Ridiculous” Estelle joked lightly. “Your knowledge ofis limited to our tin that peacekeeping effort. It was

your first tin such a conflict, and your feelings towardswere more like a rookie’s admiration, not

necessarily romantic.” Lambert gave a self-deprecating smile. “So what about now? Why do | find myself drawn

to you again?” Estelle teased, “Clearly, your affections aren't very singular!” Lambert couldn't help but laugh.

“Not at all, I've fallen twice, both times for you.” Estelle was at a loss for words. Visit englishto read

full content. (Image) . (Image) Lambert shrugged, about to say

something more when his phone rang. He picked it up. “What's up?” The voice of his old butler cthrough,

laced with urgency, “Mr. Lambert, Miss Linda has arrived!” Lambert frowned impatiently. “What does she want?”

. (Image)