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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2050
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Estelle gasped, “Lambert's fiancée?” “Yep!” Jonathan replied with a cool smirk, “I declined the invite!” It seemed

Lambert's fiancée was throwing a dinner party, probably got wind of Estelle’s existence, and wanted to strut her

stuff, stake her claim! He won't let his woman get all worked up over a little jealousy play. Lambert's fiancée

wasn’t even on that playing field yet! Estelle couldn't care less about Lambert's fiancée; declining was definitely

for the best. She gazed out the window at the stunning twilight, then turned to Jonathan and suggested, “I want

to catch the sunset, just for a moment!” “Does it hurt?” Jonathan asked, referring to her wound. “Not at all!”

Estelle hardly considered the injury worth mentioning. Jonathan draped a jacket over her shoulders and scooped

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her up in his arms, heading for the paoutside. After settling her on the couch, Jonathan sat beside her, his arm

encircling her, “Go on, watch. After that, you're going back to rest.” Estelle turned to him, “Thanks for the favor,

Jonathan!” With a slight lift of his thin lips, Jonathan affectionately ruffled her hair, “No need to thank me, just

don’t upsetany more.” Estelle leaned her head against his shoulder, her gaze fixed on the ancient castle

bathed in the sunset, a soft light playing across her features, “The last thing | want is to upset you.” “Afraid,

maybe, but hasn't stopped you from doing so!” Jonathan huffed lightly, “I've requested to join Eagle Valley.

When you have a moment, log in and approve it. Whatever the trial, I'm ready.” Estelle looked at him in surprise,

“You're serious?” “Of course!” Jonathan's handsface broke into a smile, “From now on, | want to be the first

to know about any mission you take.” “I have veto power,” Estelle raised an eyebrow. “Try it,” Jonathan's smile

was teasing, “If you dare to reject me, I'll just have the organization disbanded. You know I can do it.” “Are you

threatening me?” “You could say that.” Estelle sighed, “What choice do I have but to capitulate?”

until her brother fully retired, she needed to keep Eagle Valley. Jonathan's voice, magnetic and mildly coaxing,

“I'll keep a low profile. Won't embarrass you. Think about it, once | join, you can orderaround. Won't that be

impressive?” Estelle rolled her eyes, “Isn't that already the case?” Jonathan leaned in to kiss her cheek, “Yes, my

queen!” Estelle pursed her lips, “The queen would like sice cream now.” “For the queen’s well-being, | might

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have to decline that request,” Jonathan replied. Estelle frowned, “That's not very regal to be the queen!” Visit

englishto read full content. (Image) Estelle could live with that compromise and nodded in

agreement. . (Image) After all, just days ago, she’d been fighting for

her life in Zion. Her thoughts drifted to Wolf, his face marred by scars, and his last words to her. What would

have happened if that mission never occurred? Would they still be together? Or would they have gone their

separate ways by now, each living their own life? “Why didn’t you cto my dinner party?” A voice, haughty

and questioning, broke into Estelle’s reverie. Estelle turned to see a blonde, blue-eyed girl. She looked at the girl

without a word. . (Image)