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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don't Want to be the Billionaire's Wife

Chapter 80
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Fleeing the Gilded Cage: Don’t Want to be the Billionaire’s Wife Chapter 80
Chapter 80: Don’t Force Yourself into a Different Circle
It was just like now, even though she had decided to leave and never set foot in this circle again. It was Benjamin who forcefully
pulled her back, so why did she have to bear all the consequences? Why did everyone blame her for all the malice? Was this
really fair?
Amy seemed oblivious to Martina’s transformation and continued to vent her dissatisfaction in a sarcastic tone. “Weren’t you
swearing before that you would never come back and break up with Benjamin? But now, it seems like you’re nothing more than a
foul- mouthed person. In reality, you can’t do anything except run your mouth!”
“I think you’re just a gold-digger. What my brother said is absolutely right. A woman like you, why should you be able to stay by
Benjamin’s side?”
“Just because you have no shame? No wonder you never had your mother’s protection since you were young. It’s probably
because you have been shameless since your childhood!”
At this moment, Martina’s anger reached its peak. If Amy had only said these things here, she could bear it. After all, she had
indeed tried to fit into a circle that didn’t belong to her. But what did all of this have to do with her mother?
From childhood to adulthood, Martina had always envied others for having the protection of their parents, while she had never
seen her mother. Her mother, in Martina’s eyes, was like a taboo that no one was allowed to touch. And now, Amy was just
digging her own grave.
Elena couldn’t bear it anymore and rolled up her sleeves, ready to take action. “Paloma, how dare you say such things about
Auntie? If I don’t make you regret today, then I’ll consider myself a failure!”
But in the next second, Martina took the initiative to grab Elena’s wrist and shook her head slightly.
Elena gritted her teeth, unable to control her emotions. “Martina, don’t stop me. I can’t tolerate such insults towards Auntie and
you. I have to make her pay! She believes she’s untouchable and can behave recklessly? She’s nothing more than a naive pig

relying on her privileged background!”
Both being wealthy young ladies, Elena and Amy were like night and day.

Perhaps this was also the true reason why Martina and Elena could be such good friends, becaus
lues align, and they would never engage in such excessive behavior.
sed Elena was that when Martina shook her head, it didn’t mean e action. On the contrary, when no one else had reacted,
Martina slapped Amy across the face!
Martina’s eyes were cold and proud, a look that no one had ever seen before. “This slap is for my mom.”
Then another slap followed, breaking the skin at the corner of Amy’s mouth, making it bleed.
“This slap is for myself. You, at such a young age, don’t learn well and always say intentionally hurtful words. It seems your
parents didn’t teach you good manners.”
“So today, let me teach you a lesson and show you what words you can say and what you can’t.”
“Don’t think that everyone should tolerate you. I ignored you before because I didn’t want to stoop to your level. But if anyone
dares to act so recklessly towards me, they must be firmly dealt with!”
As for who the “anyone” she referred to was, the answer seemed quite obvious.
Amy covered her burning cheek, never expecting that Martina would dare to do such a thing. “Damn Martinez, you really have no
shame. Today, I will teach you a harsh lesson.
Who do you think you are?”
Leslie was almost going crazy. He probably didn’t expect Martina to act so decisively and boldly. Moreover, wasn’t it said before
that Miss Martinez would only endure and not provoke anyone, sacrificing herself to avoid the displeasure of people in this
But now it seemed not the case. Martina appeared to be unstoppable, as if she had some kind of special power-up. What others
thought didn’t matter at all to her. She only cared about her own thoughts.

It must be said that this woman called Amy was indeed looking for trouble. She had a good life, yet she chose to say things that

provoked Martina.
Now that she was getting beaten up, it could only be said that she brought it upon herself. Leslie, after confirming that Martina
wasn’t at a disadvantage, continued to stand aside and watch the show. He had absolutely no intention to stop Martina at all.
Even if the boss came, they would probably let Miss Martinez continue to do as she pleased.
It wouldn’t be surprising if they even supported Martina and asked her to keep going until she was satisfied. .com fast
Just as Amy was about to engage in a physical fight with Martina, Elena showed not signs of backing down. “Come on, bitch.
Let’s see what you can do.”
Amy caught a glimpse of two figures coming in their direction from behind. It seemed like they were rushing over here.
Amy, who was just moments ago arrogant and domineering, immediately changed her demeanor. She even performed a fake fall
on the spot, landing heavily on the ground.
Before anyone could react, she fell hard.
Wearing a face of grievance and pain, she covered her chest and cheeks, asking, “Miss Martinez, why would you do this to me?
I know you’ve never liked me, but you shouldn’t have taken the initiative to attack me.”
“Could it be that you lack confidence in yourself? Do you think that Benjamin doesn’t like you, so you wanted to seek revenge?”
At the same time, Benjamin happened to arrive at the scene and witnessed the whole Scene Amy pretended as if she had just
noticed him and bit her lip, appearing extremely distressed “Benjamin, why are you here? I... I’m just okay...”
“Helieve me, Miss Martinez didn’t do it on purpose. Maybe she felt some jealousy deep down, considering that we grew up
together. That’s why she acted out of control towards
“You guys mustn’t misunderstand because of me, or else I’ll never be able to forgive myself in this lifetime.”
Elena couldn’t tolerate the scene unfolding before her, yet she remained silent.
She really wanted to give Amy a few more slaps right now. What a bitch!

She didn’t know when Benjamin arrived, and she have no idea how much of the situation he witnessed.
Instinctively, Elena wanted to defend her good friend.
“Hey, Mr. Billionaire, you wouldn’t actually believe the nonsense that Amy spouts, would/ you?” she exclaimed. “It’s clear that she
deliberately provoked and insulted Martina’s parents. At most, Martina acted in self-defense. If you don’t even trust Martina on
this, you better watch out or you might end up in big trouble!”
Amy sharply denied, “I didn’t do anything! I clearly didn’t do anything. It’s all of you who insisted on grabbing the same dress with
me and even resorted to physical violence against mel”