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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 1432
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Luis wanted to do something, so he asked her directly.

Alison was embarrassed. "Luis, it is very dirty." Luis looked at her. "It is almost noon. Do not you think we can finish it more quickly if we work together?" Alison could not refute. She pursed her lips and said, "Just dig sflowers up and bury them well." "The wildflowers in the hills are easy to grow. Just directly put the wildflowers with earth in front of my grandmother's grave and bury the root of those wildflowers with ssoil. " Luis understood her. "I will dig up the flowers, and you are responsible for burying them. By the way, get rid of the weeds beside them." Luis’ work allocation was reasonable. Alison could not refuse.

"However, Luis, do you know where the wildflowers grow?" "Can not we plant those flowers we saw when we came?" Alison did not expect Luis to observe so carefully. "Yes." "OK." As he was saying, Luis directly picked up the shovel from the basket and turned back.

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Alison was surprised and quickly followed him.

Seeing her following him, Luis said, "We have only one shovel. You get rid of the weeds." His words directly changed Alison's plan to dig the soil with her hands. She squatted in front of the soil that was dug by Luis with a red face and began to get rid of the weeds.

Luis did much better than she imagined. Two people indeed worked faster than one person. In less than an hour, the bare grave was surrounded by wildflowers.

The wildflowers were red, yellow, white, blue, and purple and planted by Alison earnestly. If it was not looked at carefully, nobody would think that it was a grave.

It was almost eleven o ‘clock after they finished their work. Alison did not dare to delay and reluctantly went down the hill with Luis.

Back inside the old house, the two of them washed the dirty sludge off their bodies and went to the intersection in a hurry to wait for the bus back to the town.

It was one o 'clock in the afternoon when they returned to the town, and they chose a restaurant for lunch.

Alison did not expect to meet her former classmates here. Several villains who had been idling after graduation from junior high schools cin with the cigarettes in their mouths.

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The noon in the midsummer made people feel upset. Although Alison was wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans, her bare arms were very white and could easily attract the attention of other people.

Those villains had been wandering about here and there every day, knowing every pretty girl in the town.

They have not seen a beauty like Alison.

Alison recognized them at once. She lowered her head. Her hand holding her fork were trembling.

Luis looked at her, glanced at those villains, and raised his eyebrows. He raised his hand and put his peaked cap on Alison's head.

"Are you full?" Alison did not dare to raise her head and nodded. "Yes." In fact, she was not full, but she did not want to be recognized by those villains who would bring much trouble to her.

Luis took out 25 dollars directly from his wallet, put it on the table, walked over, and pulled Alison up. "Let's go." Alison lowered her head, stood up, and followed Luis out.

However, those villains had noticed Alison. Two of them immediately blocked her way. "Beauty, you look so unfamiliar. Can we know your name?"