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Flirting With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 1435
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The bus soon arrived downtown and was already full of people.

Luis released his hand and turned off the music.

There were three stops to get off. Luis raised his hand and touched Alison beside him, "Alison?" Alison was somewhat carsick and sleepy, so when she suddenly heard Luis call her name, she frowned and could not wake up.

Instead of opening her eyes, she changed her position, snorted, and fell asleep again.

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Watching this scene, Luis did not call her nanymore.

The bus was very noisy because someone was answering the phone and he shouted very loudly.

Alison heard Luis call her nagain in a half-asleep state. This tshe didn't fall asleep again. She just woke up, so her eyes still looked sleepy. When she blankly looked up at Luis beside her, she looked like a kitten waking up from a nap, "Are we there yet?" At this time, the bus stopped. "Get off." Luis held her hand and picked up their backpacks with the other hand, pulling her out of the bus.

Alison rubbed her eyes and stood by the bus stop for a while before she gradually cto her senses.

She looked at Luis sheepishly, "Luis, | just fell asleep." Luis took out his cell phone and looked down at her with a smile in his eyes, "Are you still sleepy?" Alison was embarrassed, shaking her head, "I'm not sleepy." Luis raised his eyebrows, and then the phone in his hand suddenly rang. He looked at the caller ID, feeling a little annoyed, but still pressed to answer.

It was Benny who called to remind Luis of Zion's birthday today.

"Luis, today is Zion's birthday. Have you forgotten it?" Luis took a glance at Alison and said, "I haven't forgotten." "Hey, what tare you coming? There are quite a lot of people coming tonight. Would you like to take Alison with you? " Benny's voice was a little playful. Luis subconsciously looked at Alison and replied, "Are you familiar with her?" Luis's question made Benny somewhat scared, "I'm not familiar with her. I'm just making a suggestion. It's just a suggestion." Luis coldly snorted and hung up the phone directly.

Alison was kicking the stone under her feet. Seeing Luis hang up the phone, she looked at him and asked, "Luis, do you have something to do?" "No.- Then Luis raised his hand and directly stopped a taxi, "Go back first." Alison nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and followed him into the car.

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when they returned home. Although Alison had slept in the car, she got carsick and was still very tired after she got home.

Luis didn't change his clothes last night, so the first thing he did was to take a bath and change a suit of clothes.

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The servant had already made afternoon tea. When Luis went downstairs after taking a bath, Alison was already sitting at the dinner table and drinking juice.

"Luis, juice tastes good." Alison also took a bath and changed her clothes. Her hair was not completely dry and draped behind her, and sof her hair was dripping.

Her face was flushed after taking a bath. When he approached, he could smell the sfragrance of bath gel on her body as on his body.

Seeing that they were both at home, the servant cout to ask them what they would like to eat at night.

Luis took over the juice, "Today is my friend's birthday. I'll go to his birthday party tonight." It meant that he wouldn't eat dinner at home.

Then Luis looked at Alison, "It's Zion's birthday. Do you want to go?" In fact, Alison had heard Benny say this thing at the bus stop.

She did not expect that Luis would ask her, so she was a little embarrassed, "lI don't know him."