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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123 She was afraid that if she ate too little, Sherman might think she was being too pretentious, After all, many young girls these days nibbled at their food in the nof dieting She wanted to show Sherman that she wasn’t just another health nut. She was different from the rest of the crowd! But Sherman never gave her a second glance from start to finish, while Daniel kept marveling at how Ms. Morris stood out from the others.

Sherman stopped eating when he was about eighty percent full and set down his knife and fork, “I'm heading back.” Daniel stood up to follow.

“There's no need for you to cwith me, Sherman said.

Daniel hadn't had his fill either, “Well, take care on your way, Sherman.” With a slight nod, Sherman left.

It wasn’t until Sherman passed by that Rebecca got a clear view of his profile, stunning as a Greek god.

She could feel her heart banging against her chest.

She was determined to make Mr. Christensen fall at her feet! Back hin the evening, Anthea took a bath and then started her live stream, playing a game, But today, she wasn’t playing League of Legends but chose chess instead.

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Anthea had always loved it, both in the past and present.

What surprised Anthea was that her stream attracted about a dozen viewers.

“Whoa! The streamer is an advanced chess player!” Normally, it was tough to reach an advanced level unless you were a professional chess player, especially for a girl.

“Is the lady streamer using a stand-in?” Anthea glanced at the chat, replying, “An advanced player needs a stand-in?” “Wow, the streamer’s voice is so nice.” “Show us your face!” “Skill doesn’t need to lean on good looks.” replied Anthea.

Don’t boast now! While replying nonchalantly to the chat, Anthea’s fingers danced across the mouse and keyboard.

Though she sounded casual, her moves were quick, almost as if she didn’t need to think.

Her slender and jade-like fingers against the stark black keys of the keyboard created a strikingly beautiful scene.

The gintensified.

Both sides appeared to be in a deadlock, neither willing to give any quarter.

Clearly, her opponent was a master too.

“Go on, streamer! Watch out, or you'll lose the whole match!” But Anthea remained unfazed, “Let him take another piece, and I'll checkmate him in three moves!” “They're about to checkmate you!” “Boasting again!” “Good-looking people don’t need to boast!” Just then, the gended, and the screen displayed: ‘Checkmate! Black wins!” Anthea was playing the black pieces.

“Whoa, streamer is insane!” “That move was brilliant!” “ThorHammerStriker has sent a sports car!” “SwiftArrow has sent a piercing arrow!” After two games, Anthea’s stream grew from single to triple digits.

With just over three hundred viewers, Anthea had gained over two hundred new followers and earned three hundred bucks.

“One more game, streamer!” Checking the time, Anthea said, “No more, it’s tfor bed. You all should sleep too.” After that, she ended the stream.


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‘Defeat! Black wins! Sherman furrowed his brow at the sight of those words on his computer screen. He picked up a lighter beside him.

Shin A soft blue flleapt into the air, making his already cold demeanor seem frostier under Its glow.

Apart from his meditation and spiritual practices, chess was Sherman’s greatest passion.

In both the real world and the digital realm, he had always been unbeaten until today, when he met someone who bested him not once, but twice.

Sherman was used to being in control, and accustomed to having everything under his command. Losing to a stranger, a worthy opponent, unsettled him.

Lighting a cigarette and holding it between his thin lips, he fiddled with a cross with one hand and clicked open the profile of his opponent with the other.

For sreason, Sherman thought of Phoenix YC.

Could it be the sperson?