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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 104
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Jax POV:
“Looking smart Alpha” I hear Laurence say as I step out of the bathroom I was u
using to ready myself in. Attaching my cufflinks I have a quick check in the mirror and nod to myself. Dressed in a smart black
suit with a green tie I assume matches Novas dress I admit I look good. Running a hand through my hair I style it into a perfect
messy styled look I know Nova is into rather than a slicked back gelled look.
“Thanks Laurence” I say slapping his shoulder as I go to pour us a glass of whiskey.
Holding them up we toast “to The Midnight Sky Pack.”
“Been a long day coming this” Laurence says as we head downstairs. “A ceremony for
our true Luna” he explains when I look at him confused.
“The pack seem much more enthusiastic for this ceremony” I chuckle.
“Wonder why” Laurence scoffs. Seeing his eyes glaze over I wait before he turns to
me with an excited gaze, “ladies are coming down.”
I feel a wash of nerves rush through me before I shake them off. This time is nothing like the ceremony I had to go through
before I remind myself as I spin to look up the stairs waiting for my beautiful Luna to arrive. Feeling Zeus excitement increase
with mine I soon forget about my nerves as my mates enticing scent hits my nose.
My ma walks down first along with Mila and Naomi, “you look beautiful” I say to them
as they reach the bottom. Seeing my mum’s bold look I smirk, “I see what you’re doing.
“Is it working?” She asks innocently.
“I think it will send just the right message, you are one strong independent woman as
they say” I assure her making her grin widely.
“Your Luna looks like something else” she says with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Seeing my confused expression Mila steps forward, “I don’t think I’ve seen someone so gorgeous before as her” she says
seriously. Straightening my tie she smiles at me,
“proud of you Jax.”

“Thanks Mila” I murmur before I hear the sound of heels walking to the stairs. Looking up I freeze as my eyes meet Novas.
Trailing my eyes down I take in her dress that hugs her figure perfectly, her legs peaking through as she walks carefully down the
stairs showing how toned and shapely they are. Looking back up I see a soft blush staining her cheeks as she sees my reaction.
“Wow” I whisper as she comes to a stop in front of me. Her long lashes flutter as she looks up at my star struck gaze. Staring for
a few moments she chuckles nervously.
“Is it ok?” She asks looking down and smoothing the front.
“Nova you look amazing..like a goddess” I say softly making her bite her lip to stop herself from grinning. “I’m pretty speechless” I
say with a chuckle.

“Can say that again” Alice comments quietly as she walks pasts.
“You look handsome” Nova says reaching out and playing with my jacket collar. Although I can’t wait to take this off later” she
links me making my breath hitch in
“Don’t start now, these trousers make things very obvious” I link her back making her
Hearing Laurence clear his throat I realise everyone is watching our silent conversation and Nova blushes once again.
“You look stunning Luna” Laurence says k*ssing her cheeks politely making me growl
lightly at him. “Oh jeez Jax, my pregnant mate is right there” he says making everyone
“Sorry man” I say scratching my head. “Are you ready my Luna?”
“Yes” she replies confidently making me smile as she takes my arm.
“Nova” I hear Kingsley call before we step outside.
“Dad” she exclaims happily as he comes to stop before us.

“I just wanted to see you before you go up there and say how proud I am of you, and..you look just like your mother” he says with
a soft smile as his eyes tear up.
“Oh dad” she whispers as she carefully hugs him. “I’m so happy you’re here”
“Me too” he whispers. “Right go do your thing you two, I’ll see you after”
Uttering my thanks we continue out as two pack members open the rear doors to the gardens and I hear Nova gasp in
amazement. There are lanterns adorned around the gardens casting a glow on the surrounding flowers, with white, green and
gold fabric draped overhead i see lights which I know Nova will think are beautiful as soon as night falls.
We step down together and walk through the pack members as they all murmur between themselves how amazing Nova looks.
Smiling proudly as everyone’s eyes are trained on my Luna I hold her until we reach the steps up to the temporary stage before I
k*ss her cheek and walk confidently up to the front to address the crowd.
Once the others have taken their place alongside Nova I hold my hand up to gain everyone’s attention and the gardens fall
“Good evening everyone and welcome to our guests that have joined us. Today marks a proud day for the Midnight Sky Pack,
our true Lunas ceremony” I say loudly
as everyb*dy claps at my words, Walking to the side I watch as Laurence escorts her
up the stairs before I take her hand and guide her to the front.
Turning to her with a wide smile as everyone watches eagerly I begin to speak, “Nova
Vinrock, by the blessing of the Moon Goddess you were fated to become this packs.
Luna. Do you, Nova Vinrock, promise to take on the responsibilities of Luna and make
them your own?” .

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I do” her voice rings out loud and clear as she maintains my gaze.
“Do you, Nova Vinrock, promise to never betray this pack or its members throughout your time as Luna?”
“I do, until I die” she adds on making my smile grow.
“Do you, Nova Vinrock, promise to watch over this pack and its members and protect
whenever necessary?”

“I do” she calls clearly her voice never faltering.
As I move to slip the glove on and take the silver knife I see Nova shake her head slightly and I motion for her to instead knowing
she won’t be pained. She picks it up
gracefully ignoring the loud gasps of those from the crowd at her bare hand touching silver and holds her other hand high before
she makes an incision on her palm and lets the blood drop into the chalice I’m holding below. Offering her my hand she repeats
the motion allowing mine to drop in also before we clasp our hands together.
“Then repeat after me” I start looking at her eyes once again, “I, Nova Vinrock Luna of the Midnight Sky Pack, vow to protect the
pack members with my life, to defend those in need and strengthen everyone. I promise to love and care for the pack members
as if they’re my own family and I vow to always stand beside them.”
Hearing her repeat the words I hold the chalice up as she swiftly drinks without wincing or showing any sign of the blood being
an unpleasant taste.
“I never want to do that again” she links me though whilst maintaining a straight face making me laugh loudly.
“You wont” I promise back.
Turning to the pack I bring Nova into my side and stand proud, “our Luna..Luna Noval of the Midnight Sky Pack” I shout proudly
as everyb*dy begins to cheer loudly and the pack link begins to flood with congratulations.
“I have a couple more announcements i would like to make before we can begin the celebration. I thought it appropriate to also
announce the official appointment of Novas own Beta and Gam ma. So please can we welcome Beta Naomi and Gam ma Alice
to the stage” I shout turning to see their shocked faces.
“What?” Naomi asks in confusion as they reach the stage.
“You may
be the mated Beta Female but this way, the both of you are Novas Beta and Gam ma. It’s appropriate given what she is..no?” I
ask them quietly quirking my brow.
“Oh my goddess” Alice whispers as I help them both up to the front. Nova grasps the knife and continues the ceremony to name
her Beta and Gam ma as the crowd
watches on intrigued. Once done drinking from the chalice both Alice and Naomi gasp as their eyes shine with that of their

“What’s happening?” Theo asks rushing forward concerned for his pregnant mate ast
the ladies stay quiet for a moment.
“They are gaining some of Kia’s strength” Nova murmurs not worried at all as
everyone looks confused.
“Seriously?” Laurence asks in shock.
“Their aura will be stronger and their sense sharpened” Nova explains quietly as I see Kia is present in her eyes.
“Wow..” Naomi murmurs as they turn their attention to Nova after a moment.
“Beta..Ga mma” Nova says bowing her head as they respond whilst the crowd cheers loudly.
Stepping forward I speak once again, “I’m sure many of you understand why we deemed it fit for Nova to have her own
appointed officers. For those guests who are slightly confused, I’ll explain throughout the evening. Now..enjoy the celebrations!”
Taking Novas hand I k*ss her softly before pulling back to see her eyes full of life.
“Our Luna” I whisper before pulling her in for another passionate k*ss which she responds to just as passionately.
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