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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 106
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Rogue Attack
Nova POV:
“You really can dance” I say to Jax as we sit down with some food.
“Told you” he smirks. “My mum thought it necessary I learn as I would have to attend. many functions and of course for any
“Your mother is a clever woman” I admit. “Another thing I must thank her for.”
“This food is delicious” Jax comments as he digs in happily. “It’s nice to have a few moments alone, it’s lovely having everyone
congratulate us but I was so hungry.”
“You’re like a big child at times” I say making him laugh.
“Only you get to see this side of me” he warns as I chuckle.
“Oh of course” I wink. Tucking into my food I inhale the delicious aromas as I try not to eat it too quickly. Holding another forkful
to my mouth I suddenly grimace and recoil.
“Surely you cant think this is bad?” Jax asks looking at me incredulously. Taking another sniff of the food I shake my head
thinking I must be imagining something before I notice Kia’s ears perk up. Dropping my fork I stand quickly scenting the area as I
see Jax do the same. Freezing as I scent the recognisable scent of rotten eggs I spin to Jax noticing he’s also scented it.
“ROGUES” I shout loudly before quickly forcing myself out of the dress and shifting before anyone has time to realise what I’m
doing. Kia’s large form bounds through the crowd of shocked faces.
“Warriors with me” Kia links them making others jump into action as Zeus appears alongside us.
“They’re near the cells” Jax links me as we bound round the pack house.
Seeing a group of roughly 30 rogues racing towards the cells I growl as I realise they will get there before us. Howling loudly to
alert the cell guards they rush to shift ready to stand strong against the many rogues. Hearing the warriors behind us I urge Kia
on as we pull away from Zeus. Leaping off of the small incline Kia lands in the middle of
Asgar ktad
the throng of rogues immediately biting and tearing the necks out of 3 of them.
She snarls loudly as one bites her flank but quickly spins and bats a paw sending it
flying to hit a nearby tree with a sickening crunch. Seeing Zeus jump in Kia and him

move fluidly fighting back to back as if a well practised team. With our warriors:
surrounding the rogues and us in the middle their numbers soon begin to dwindle before we are left with only 4 slightly feral
looking ones.
“These are mine” Kia growls loudly making everyone retreat as she stands proudly
facing them. Releasing her aura the rogues immediately drop to the ground where Kia

“That’s no fun” she links them before retracting her aura as they stand shakily. “Attack.
“she orders them causally as they all leap at her at once in desperation. Butting one
solidly with her head they end up slumped on the floor where she efficiently stands
on its chest and bites into their throat immediately killing them. Feeling claws drag down her back she growls loudly before
pushing off of her front paws and swinging herself round smoothly to bite another one’s flank. Swinging her jaw she sends it
flying knocking another one down as she does so. Seeing one jump down at her from a height she snaps her powerful jaws
down on its exposed neck and breaks it before
throwing it to one side along with the others that have fallen.
Turning we see just one left as he snarls loudly at us. “We need one to interrogate” I hear Jax say making Kia huff in annoyance.
“He’s right Kia and you know it” I tell her sharply before she relinquishes control and
lets me shift back quickly. Not caring for my n*kedness i stand tall as the wolf
launches itself at me to the horrified gasps of the warriors and visiting Alphas and officials. Rolling I avoid its claws before
righting myself and punching it square in the jaw dazing it. As it lunges at me I sidestep and lock my arm tightly around its neck.
cutting off its breathing, keeping my grip strong as it thrashes its b*dy to try and
escape my hold I fall backwards purposefully throwing it off of balance.
5.4.3..2..1′′ I count down as its eyes roll backwards and it slumps unconscious in my hold. Releasing my grip I stand and kick it
away as it shifts slowly back into a dirty looking man.
“Take him to the cells” Jax orders two warriors whilst throwing me some clothes to put on as he does the same.

Rogue Attack
“They came for Caroline” I growl ignoring the whispers from around me.
“I know, she’s been checked and she’s still down there, her restrictions are secure and holding” Jax assures me as I run a hand
through my hair in frustration.
“They weren’t my pack” I hear my dad mutter into my ear so no one else can hear. They’d have died already if they were, they
were wanderers.”
“I know..they were almost feral, I could see it in their eyes” I say quietly. “You need to speak to Caroline tomorrow, see if you can
get any more information before we end her” I add on as he steps back with a quick nod of understanding.
“Nova dear..how in the world did you do that?” I hear someone call in disbelief making me turn to see Alpha Brent stood in
shock. Looking around I see the faces of many visiting Alphas and packs all stood with the same shocked faces.
“Your aura..” Alpha Henry says looking at me in awe as Axel and Evan stand next to him with proud smiles on their faces.
“I’ve never seen anything like it” another Alpha comments as he looks at me. questioningly. “Why am I wanting to submit..an
Alpha never submits” he growls slightly frustrated.
Growling back at him he immediately bows his head submitting as his eyes look to
mine with shock.
“Until now” Axton says making me chuckle.
“You’ve got quicker..and stronger” he comments moving forward looking at me as he kicks the b*dy of a rogue away that Kia tore
the throat out of.

“I have” I admit. “Kia’s really something isn’t she.”
“f*****g hell you don’t say” Luca says with a loud laugh. “That’s my sister” he says. proudly to the Alpha and Beta of the
Moonbeam Pack next to him as I shake my head at him.
“Nova..May 1?” Alex asks coming to stand beside me as he has stayed back from the crowd until now observing. Nodding
slightly hesitantly he continues to look at me. .Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

before I reply.
“Yes” I say clearly.
Rogue Attack
“Nova is now Luna Nova of the Midnight Sky Pack, but she is also a Guardian Wolf..to us all” he shouts holding my hand high as
everyone gasps in shock, their wide eyes on me. “I, Alpha King Alexander have pledged my loyalty to Luna Nova already. She is
a gift to us all and one that should be treated as such. By her show of strength today you will all know exactly how formidable her
and her Wolf Kia is. Stronger than me” he admits making everyone look at him in surprise. “Which I hate to admit but I can’t lie.
She is the epitome of good in this world and she will do anything to protect those who deserve it. Her words to become Luna
carried more weight than you know..the Midnight Sky Pack is blessed. But we are all also blessed.” He finishes with a bow as I
blush heavily.
“Our Luna” my pack says proudly in unison as they all bow low to Jax and I.
“Bit of an overkill” I whisper to him as he winks at me before passing my hand to Jax.
“Everyone needs to know” Jax simply says gazing down at me.
“A Guardian Wolf.” Alpha Brent says in awe, “I should have known. You are magnificent.”
“She is” Jax says proudly k*ssing me. “Let us sort this little..incident..out and then we
can continue on with the celebration.”
“You’re not letting anything stop you today are you” I comment as we watch everyb*dy slowly disperse.
*f**k no” he says shaking his head, “and after that show of strength..I just want to bend you over and f**k you till morning” he
whispers in my ear making my core tighten at his words as arousal floods through me.
“That better be a promise” I whisper back as he smirks at me knowingly before he takes a deep breath in his nostrils flaring.
“I noticed your increased speed and strength then Jax..I think you need to remind me of it” I say suggestively as I step closer to
him trailing my hand down his chest to rest on the top of his shorts.
His eyes darken as he shifts slightly, “it is..and trust me, I will. But first, let’s find your dress and mingle until the earliest it’s
acceptable for us to leave.”
Looking down at the baggy top and shorts i had on I giggle at the drastic change of
Rogue Attack
attire to my stunning dress, “please.”
“Couple more hours” he mutters to himself as he rearranges in his shorts with a little
“Use that Alpha control Jax” I tease.

“You make me lose all sense of that love” he growls back playfully as making me laugh.
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