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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 108
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Time For Bed
Jax POV:
Standing with Laurence and Luca I watch my Luna dancing with the ladies, relaxed finally and enjoying herself as I hoped she
would be.
“She was just nervous Alpha” Laurence says knowing where my mind was. Looking at him questioningly he continues, “she’s
worried about people’s expectations. I told her.
I’d die for her and she was shocked.”
“I bet” I comment dryly.
“I only said that to show her that being a Guardian Wolf doesn’t change how I view her. She’s my Luna first and I’m proud of that,
she may be strong but it doesn’t mean people are going to step back and let her deal with everything” he says with a shrug.
“That’s what I’ve been saying I agree, “we will get through this together.”
“Nova has always been quiet about her worries” Luca says from beside us as he watches his mate dance with Nova. “She hates
worrying people with her concerns and I’ve had to remind her before she is just like any of us in that respect. Worries, nerves,
they’re both part of being a person.”
“Exactly Laurence says. “That’s what I was getting at.”
“Well whatever you said Beta, it worked” Luca smiles. “It’s nice to see her having fun, she has a great personality which I hope
never changes because of what she has to go through.”
“It won’t” I promise as he looks at me for confirmation.
“Good” he says with relief,”
belongs here I can see it.”
“She really does” Laurence says as a group of pups go up and begin to dance with her. “The pack adore her” he comments as
she spins a young pup around making him giggle loudly. He turns to see me watching her with blazing eyes making him smirk,
“don’t tell me you’re jealous of a pup?”
“Don’t” I snap before chuckling, “she looks so good it’s hard to not get jealous.”
“And she’s all yours” he says rolling his eyes before striding away to where Naomi has

Time For Bed
taken a seat. “I’m going to take Naomi to bed, she looks dead on her feet” he links me as I wish them both a good night through
the link.

“That was fun” I hear Nova say slightly breathlessly as she comes to stand in front of
me. “They’re going to bed now though, those parents are going to have some grouchy pups tomorrow, it’s 1am!” She exclaims
with a loud laugh.
“Worth it” I smirk as I pull her close and claim her lips with my own. Tasting the sweetness of what she’s been drinking as she
opens her mouth for me we both moan at the same time. Pulling away breathlessly I reach a hand down to grasp her as s
making her gasp in shock as I push her b*dy close to mine.
“Are you ready for bed?” I whisper huskily as I feel her thighs tighten when she feels.
my bulge pressing into her stomach. Seeing her eyes slightly glazed from the effect. of alcohol I chuckle slightly drunkenly, “oo
am I going to get some freaky drunken s*x
“How did you know?” She smirks as she relaxes her legs and I get a whiff of her
arousal. Groaning as I pull away I feel my trousers tighten further so I pull her down to
sit beside me.
“What are we doing?” She asks confused.
“Well I can’t go say goodnight to everyone with a raging bo ner can I” I smirk as she
giggles. Shifting I feel her hand trail up my leg under the table cover before she cups
my bulge, “nova” I breath as I stop her hand from moving any more. “If you do this
here I can’t be blamed for taking you in front of everyone.”
Feeling her heart rate sp ik e I look at her with raised brows. Blushing furiously she pulls away, “didn’t know that’s what you were
into” I tease.

“It’s not” she says, “but the thought of you taking me upstairs is what I’m into.”
Leaning back I close my eyes and run through some invoices I need to send for the restaurants I own tomorrow as I attempt to
calm down. Growling I stand up and pull her with me, “time to say night” I say as she laughs behind me.
Quickly walking around and saying goodnight to our guests we are finally pulled aside. by my very drunk ma. “Someone’s had a
good time” I comment as she sways slightly.
“I have” she grins, “so much fun!”
Time For Bed
“It’s nice to see her this happy for once” I link Nova as she laughs with my mum.
“Maybe time for bed?” I suggest to ma as she grasps a bench.
“I think you’re right” she sighs before righting herself and pointing to a guard. “Help
me?” She asks wriggling her brows.

Seeing him bite back a smile I shake my head, “just help her upstairs” I laugh as he
nods at my instruction. “Get some rest ma” I call back as we walk away.
“Make some pups” she calls back making me smirk at Novas reddening face.
“Happy to practise” I growl in her ear as I smack her as s playfully making her squeal.
She laughs then races up the stairs before I have time to react. Huffing out a smile I
run after her to see her struggling with our lock.
“Almost” I tease as I cage her between my arms. Smirking at her I move my hands
down and lift her up wrapping her legs around my waist as I quickly open the door
and walk us through. Feeling her soft mouth littering k*sses down my neck I lower her
to stand in front of me.
“So beautiful” I murmur before trailing my hand to her zip and pulling her dress off quickly. “No panties?” I ask shocked.
She giggles holding them in the air, “I thought I’d make it easier for you.” Feeling my
member throb in my trousers she reaches her hand out and quickly unzips me before

pulling them down as I undo my shirt shrugging it off.
Feeling her small hand wrap around my shaft I buck my hips gasping as her warm mouth sucks me in deep. “Babe” I groan
throwing my head back as I grasp her hair guiding her movements. Feeling her hands move to grasp my cheeks I look down to
see her looking at me already as I begin to thrust into her mouth. Scenting her arousal grow I continue as she makes sounds like
that are like music to my ears, feeling her soft hand gently caress my balls has me stiffen and with a loud growl I
release deep in her throat.
Seeing the hunger in her eyes as she pulls away and licks her lips I pull her to her feet. and throw her on the bed before I climb
over her, “..now it’s my turn” I rasp before I tweak at her n*****s causing her to arch her back in pleasure. Claiming her lips with
mine our tongues battle for dominance as I reach a hand down to circle her swollen
Time For Bed
nub. Feeling she’s soaked for me I plunge two fingers into her warm core and begin to pump them in and out quickly, her hips
meeting each movement as her cli t brushes against my palm.
Pulling my lips away I suck greedily on her full breasts leaving them covered in my proud marks before I hear her breath hitch as
she clenches around me. Biting lightly on her mark has her eyes rolling back in pleasure as she tips over the edge, her walls
tightening around my fingers as I reach my thumb over and rub her cli t prolonging her release. “f**k JAXX” she shouts as she
scratches at my back in pleasure. Slumping on the bed she looks at me as I grin and press my dripping hard shaft into her leg.
“I’m nowhere near done with you yet” I smirk as her eyes darken in lust.
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