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Harvey York’s Rise to Power

Chapter 5632
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Chapter 5632 "You? Are you sure about that?" Ernie's voice went deeper.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you please just because you're a King of Arms! In my eyes, you have no right!" "Oh? You know that much?" Creed smiled.

"Since that's the case, you should convince Kali to not go against me. You people are nothing toanyway!" Ernie's face was dark, and he was about to talk back. However, Kali glared at him before signaling for him to shut up.

"Do you really think that nobody from the outskirts' branch can stand up against you?" she asked.

Creed grinned. "I don't think so. I know so!" Kali took a deep breath before making a gesture.

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"It's up to you now, Isaac!" A figure slowly cout of the shadow. Everyone squinted, and saw a man in his forties. He seemed quite slim, but exuded a fierce aura.

He nodded at Kali and walked to the middle of the room, then calmly stared right at Creed.

"Isaac is my father's long-tservant. After following my father for more than twenty years, he's already a King of Arms. No matter how impressive you are, you're no match against him," Kali said.

She sounded very confident in Isaac.

"An old servant?" Creed chuckled disdainfully before sizing up Isaac with a smile.

"He trained for twenty years before becoming a King of Arms? How dare filth like this even go against me? Forget it! Since we're all from the sorganization anyway, I'll leave your corpse alone after you die!" "Arrogant fool!" Isaac exclaimed with a horrible expression.

He instantly moved his body, pouncing straight forward.

Everyone's eyes lit up instantly. Ernie even cheered loudly while clapping.

Harvey, however, shook his head.

If a martial artist were to be enraged that easily... It wouldn't matter even if they were strong.

Harvey looked at Bryar. He realized that there was a hint of pride in Bryar's eyes. Bryar knew that there was an opportunity for him.

Judging from this, the man seemed at least capable.

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While Harvey was pondering the situation, Creed and Isaac had already made contact.

Isaac, who seemed high and mighty at first, slammed right into a huge marble pillar. The entire Budokan was trembling, as if it was about to cdown.

"Isaac!" "Mr. Isaac!" Kali and Ernie stood up at the stime, looking horrible.

Isaac was the one who got taken out. His chest collapsed inward, with a mark of a fist on it. He wasn't dead, but he wouldn't be able to stand for a while.

"Enough. Stop screaming already. He's not dead. He has no right to makedirty my hands, anyway." Creed glared coldly at everyone.

"Are you planning to obeynow, Kali? Or are you going to send in more vermin against me?" He then glared at Bryar, completely ignoring Harvey in the process.