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Hiding His Baby The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100. Odd Suzanne
“How are you Athena?” Suzanne asked in a caring tone while getting inside the living room. Patricia followed beside her and they
sat on both sides of her.
“Not very good.” Athena replied with a sigh while leaning on Suzanne’s shoulder and holding Patricia’s hands. They both gave
her a worried look. Patricia squeezed her hands in an assuring way while Suzanne rubbed her back. They were worried for her.
“What happened? Are you okay? Is Dominic okay? Is everything okay?” Suzanne asked in a really worried tone, making Athena
smile in gratitude. Suzanne gets worried for her very easily.
“Dominic is still the same. Showing no progress at all. And about me, my wolf just retumed after months. It’s getting restless for a
run. But we can’t go on a run with the things going on. It’s really stressful.” Athena explained with a sigh, making them frown at
“Why not?” Patricia asked with a small frown, trying to look for the reason why she couldn’t go for a run.
“Dominic is not well. I can’t leave him alone here. On the other hand, There is so much to do. So much work left to do which I am
having a hard time handling. Also, Justin doesn’t want anyone to go far for a run but I know my wolf, it’s not going to stop until it
crosses limits.” Athena answered with a frown while pushing her whiny wolf at the back of her mind again. As much as she loves
her wolf, it annoys the hell out of her sometimes.
“I am so sorry, Athy. Things are going so hard for you. I wish we could help.” Suzanne said in a sad tone but the fact that she
couldn’t do anything to help her was making her even sadder. Athena said and pulled herself away from Suzanne’s arm and
looked at her with a small sigh. A small smile was shining at the tip of her lips. She held both of their hands and gave it a little
“It’s okay. Your support is what I need.” She said as her smile got bigger when they both hugged her from the side. She let out a
chuckle and playfully pushed them away. “Okay, now, let’s come to the main business now. Did you guys find anything?” She
asked, suddenly getting serious, making them serious as well.
“Well, not only a thing.” Patricia grinned ear to ear while sounding very excited, making Athena look at her with a raised eyebrow.
“We found a lot of things.” Suzanne exclaimed back with a smirk as well, completing the sentence for Patricia. Athena turned to
look at her with the same expression which she gave Patricia
“You guys sound so confident today. What did you find and why are you so confident?” She asked in confusion, their excitement
for some reason got her excited as well.
They couldn’t concentrate on the matter from the past one week because of everything that was happening. But today things
were less rough so Athena decided to concentrate on the matter again and after what she saw two days ago, she couldn’t stop
herself from thinking about it.
“Well the reason for our confidence is your wolf. You wolf made it very easy for us to figure out everything.” Suzanne asked with
a serious look on her face. She was making points in head which she was going to present to her. Athena’s face went blank after

hearing her and she went a little cold.
“What do you mean by everything? Do you know what significance the word everything holds?” She asked with a clenched jaw.
She wasn’t angry with them. She was just a little frustrated and helpless that she couldn’t get things easily. She always has to
work hard
“Okay, sorry. Not everything. But a lot of things for sure.” Patricia said, while correcting Suzanne’s words on her behalf.
“And what are they?” Athena took a deep breath before asking. She looked at them with a raised eyebrow, waiting to hear what
they got
“Well, let’s give your precious things back to you first.” Suzanne said with a giggle while they both brought out the things from
their bag
“Here’s the symbol and papers.” Patricia said while handling them to her which she took with great care before turning toward
“And here’s the crown.” Suzanne said while handling the crown with a small frown which Athena didn’t notice as she was busy in
taking that with the greatest care.
“What did you find? And how did my wolf help?” She asked with a confused frown, she was unable to understand how her wolf
was connected with her past when there wasn’t any sign of her wolf
“Well, after your wolf shifted, we got to know that it’s a red wolf. From a book we found that that red wolf represents fire. Red wolf
has the power of fire I don’t know if they woke for you yet or not.” Suzanne said with a confused frown while waiting for Athena to
give her confirmation
“Uhmm.. No, I don’t feel any different or... powerful, you know?” Athena replied in confusion while trying to remember if she felt
any different. But she didn’t notice anything.
“That means they haven’t woken up yet.” Patricia said with a small nod and Suzanne nodded back in agreement,
“Okay, what else?” Athena asked, pushing the topic aside for a moment. And concentrated back on other things.
“One thing leads to another, and I have found that the symbol means fire as well. I didn’t find anything else about the signs. Did
you find anything in the book?” Patricia asked while pointing at the papers which had a few signs which meant fire in different
ancestry language. Athena put on a blank face as soon as she heard them and looked at them with a blank face as well, which

didn’t give away much.
“I did find something but I will tell you later. First tell me what did you find about the crown?” Athena asked, shifting the
conversation to Suzanne now. Suzanne’s expression changed to cold and distant as soon as she heard the question directed
toward her. Athena frowned seeing the change of expression on her face.
“Oh right, about the ruby stone. Every region has a special coloured ruby stone to represent themselves. And the red ruby is for
the south region. But the question is, such ruby’s are very expensive and important things. What is it doing to you?” Suzanne
asked with a frown, her tone held a certain amount of anger which Athena couldn’t point out why.

“Also, why didn’t your foster father sell it? He could have done that and been really rich.” Patricia spoke up in confusion, earning
a sigh from Suzanne.
“Well, you can’t just sell such representative ruby to anyone, Patricia. He would easily get caught. Such things aren’t for sale.”
Suzanne explained and Patricia nodded at her after she understood it. Athena didn’t say anything about it. She planned to have
another meeting with her foster father once again
“So, we found two things. Fire and red, right?” Athena asked with a frown and they both nodded at her.
“Yes.” They answered at the same time.
“Now tell us, what did you find?” Suzanne asked with a frown, she sounded eager to know what she found out.
“In the book, I found the tattoo on my waist.” Athena said while mentioning about the book Patricia gave her the previous day.
“What did it say?” Patricia asked, sounding really interested. But on the other hand, Suzanne didn’t sound anything near that but
it seemed like her mood was getting lower every passing seconds.
“The ‘S’ sign stands for...” Athena stopped and created a little suspense before exclaiming that loudly. “SOUTH.”
“What?!” Before anyone could understand anything, Suzanne shouted out loud while looking at her Athena with a deep frown
Athena looked back at her with a similar frown, unable to understand the reason for her such expression,
“Yes, and girls, I found something else as well.” Athena said with a grin, making them frown at her while she ignored Suzanne’s
weird expression. She didn’t want to think of anything else at that moment.
“What is it?” Suzanne asked with a frown. Her tone was getting less and less warmer every second.
“The letter ‘N’ was tattooed on Dominic’s waist. That tattoo is the same as the sign in the book.” Athena exclaimed with widened
eyes, ready to get some reaction from their friends.
She found the tattoo two days ago when she was changing his shirt. She changed his shirt before as well but as it was really
hard for her to do it alone, she didn’t notice it before as she was struggling with his weight.
“What are you trying to say, Athena?” Suzanne asked, her tone was getting cold and colder.
“I am not trying to say anything, Suzanne. I am not pointing out the odds. Dominic is the leader of the North region and he has
the symbol ‘N’ tattooed on him. What’s my relation with the south region? Why do I have this?! These questions are making me
go crazy” Athena exclaimed in frustration while throwing her hands up in the air. She didn’t know what to do or what not to do at
that moment.
“No! You can’t have any relation with the south region! You just can’t! Did you hear me?” Suzanne screeched out loudly while
looking at Athena angrily. Athena couldn’t stop herself from frowning anymore and she stood up as well.
“Suzy? What’s wrong? Why are you reacting like this?” She asked with a frown, unable to handle Suzanne’s different and odd
behaviour anymore. It was getting too much for her. She was already going through so much, she didn’t need her best friend to
act like that now

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“Yeah, it’s not proven yet if she has any relation with them or not. And what’s wrong with her having any relation with them?”
Patricia spoke up in Athena’s defence while looking very confused as well. She couldn’t understand what was wrong with
Suzanne suddenly as she didn’t notice anything before.
“They are the worst! I don’t want Athena to have any connections with them. Let’s just do one thing.” Suzanne suddenly
exclaimed while looking at her hopefully. She looked as if she just solved a very big mystery. Athena and Patricia shared a
confused look before looking back at her.
“What is it?” Athena asked with a frown. She knew even before Suzanne said anything that she wasn’t going to like it.
“Just stop finding your identity.” Suzanne said in a dead serious tone while looking at Athena, waiting for her approval but no way
i n hell Athena was going to agree to that.
“What?? Suzy! What are you saying? We have come so far and you want me to stop looking for my identity? Why??” Athena
exclaimed in disagreement while taking a defensive step back from Suzanne. Suzanne noticed that and she didn’t like that at all.
“What’s the point of finding it now? Also, if you are connected with the south, they are our enemy. For them Dominic is in this
condition. You can’t forget that.” Suzanne exclaimed in a mean tone and Athena looked at her in disbelief as she understood
what Suzanne was trying to do at that moment. She was trying to guilt trip her and Athena couldn’t believe that Suzanne would
try this.
For why??
“She is not forgetting anything, Suzanne. Think this way, if she really has some special connection with the South, she can help
us sort out the problems with them. She can stop the possible war. We can’t stop our mission now.” Patricia spoke up in a calm
tone, trying to make sense. She was trying to make Suzanne see the possible benefits of finding Athena’s identity. Her words
seemed to anger Suzanne more than making her understand. She gave them a blank and cold look.
“Fine, do whatever you want! I just don’t want to be part of this anymore. Good luck!” She snapped at them before turning around
to leave without letting them say anything. Athena was too shocked to say anything at that moment but it was too late by the time

she came out of the shock.
“Suzy, wait! Suzy! Suzanne!” She shouted behind her but Suzanne was already out of the mansion with the intention of not
turning back again
“What’s wrong with her?” Patricia asked with a confused frown. She had never seen her act like this before. Even Athena never
saw her act like this before.
“I don’t know.” Athena replied in a low tone, trying to make sense of what the hell just happened.
“It’s okay. She might have fought with Nathan. Don’t let this get on your nerves, okay?” Patricia said in an assuring tone and
Athena just slowly nodded at her.
“Hmm.” She said with a sigh and Patricia gave her a worried look. She didn’t want to stress her more and let her have some
alone time.

“Okay, I will take your leave now. Take care and don’t worry about it much.” She said in a soft tone and Athena nodded at her.
her mood was still off.
“Take care.”
“Please, let’s stay a little longer.’Athena’s wolf whined as she kept running with the air, without paying heed to Athena’s word.
Athena at last decided to go for a walk after making a deal with her wolf that they will roam around near and not go far. But the
sassy bitch broke the deal after Athena gave her the control over them. Now she didn’t know where they were heading to.
‘No, we need to return soon. Dominic and Ace are alone there. We can’t roam around like this and create some more trouble
than we already have.’ Athena snapped at her wolf while fighting to get the control back but she wasn’t fighting hard enough
which is why she still couldn’t get it.
For some reason, she was feeling a pull toward the way they were heading to and she didn’t want to stop until they reached the
‘Nothing will happen. Just a little bit more.’ Her wolf kept running faster than ever, not listening to her at all.
‘It’s not the time for us to stroll around. Stop and let’s go back.’ She snapped at her, getting angry and scared as she examined
their surroundings, they were definitely heading toward the danger. She wasn’t liking the chill she was feeling. She was feeling
A little bit more. I want to check something.’ Her wolf’s voice sounded in a daze now, making her worry some more. Why does
she sound like this? Was something wrong with her wolf?
‘Check what? Where are we going? Don’t misuse the chance of me giving you the control.’ She threatened while trying to fight
back for the control over again but this time Athena didn’t stand the chance in front of her wolf because the more they went
closer to
their destination, the more powerful her wolf was getting.
Where is this destination?! And why was she feeling so different suddenly? She was feeling a lot powerful. The overpowering
feeling was making her suffocate.
I am not misusing it. I am just feeling a pull over a place and I want to check it out. For some reason I think it’s going to benefit
both of us.’ Her wolf growled and the growl sounded very different as well. Something was definitely wrong.
‘Where’s this place? We can’t cross our borders.’ She said, sounding frantic to stop themselves. But her wolf was suddenly
sounding really confident. That confidence relaxed her a little bit.
‘Don’t worry, we are not going to cross it’her wolf said as it slowly started to decrease its speed. She also felt like they reached
the place they were trying to reach.
‘Would you please tell me where it is?’ She asked, still unable to locate their surroundings even though it looked very familiar to
her .

‘We reached’ Her wolf suddenly spoke up in a very excited tone, making her confused and the next moment she raised her
head, she got a shock
a mo
“The centre! The lava mountain! What are we doing here?’ She screeched out loudly, suddenly scared again. The lava mountain
and the lake was the centre of the regions. The calm lake was just beside the lava mountain, ever so calm like ever.
‘I don’t know. It was calling me. Wanna try something with me?’ Her wolf sounded excited and her excitement wasn’t giving her a
nice vibe yet at the same time it excited her as well. She wanted to check out whatever she wanted.
‘What?’ She asked with a small frown.
‘You already know we have the power to control the fire. Wanna try it?’ Her wolf asked with a smirk, making her eyes widened in
fear and anxiety. But she still felt goosebumps even at the thought of trying her powers out.
‘How?’ She asked slowly and waited for an answer but her wolf didn’t answer her. Instead out of nowhere, it suddenly howled out
loud, making the whole area shake.
But it was after a few seconds that she realised it wasn’t her howl which shook the ground, it was the volcano. The volcano
erupted along with her. To check it, she growled out once again and the volcano made a growling sound just after her as if
following her command.
‘Oh my god, what the hell was that?!’ She asked her wolf shock and disbelief but she could get a reply, a voice from the back got
their attention.
“Are you trying to misuse your power and bum us all or what?!”
(Another very long chapter! In one day!! Who’s happy?! Who wants another chapter immediately? If you are happy, make me
happy as well and Leave a review to let me know! Comment down what you think of the chapter and please leave me a review
and rating a t the front of the page where the synopsis is! It motivates me a lot to write! Thank you so much! I love you all!)