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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2446
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"Why are you so nosy? I thought you already read through her resume?" Avery walked toward the elevator. "Wait forat the airport. I'll head over now. We will talk later." "Sure. Drive safe. It's snowing outside!" Mike stood outside the airport and stared up at the sky.

Aryadelle was warmer than Bridgedale in general, so he did not feel the cold despite standing outside.

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Forty minutes later, Avery arrived at the airport and saw Mike.

"Do you know why I asked you to pickup instead of just taking a taxi?" Mike lifted his gigantic luggage and shoved it into the trunk.

Avery stood next to him. "Because of the size of your luggage?" "Yeah! These are all gifts for your kids. It's hideous forto run around with this so I asked you to cpickup. Isn't that the perfect solution?" Mike closed the back trunk door and walked toward her to stare at her face. "You gained weight." Avery just stared at him.

Avery knew exactly what she looked like and how much she weighed. She had simply gained one kilogram and it could not possibly be so obvious. She looked at the mirror every single day, and she could not tell the difference.

"That mouth of yours is getting nastier." Avery wanted to pinch his arm, but she could not get past the thick layer of clothing he wore.

"Can't I tell the truth? You look better with more meat on your bones!" Mike took her arm and pushed her into the backseat gently. "I'll drive. You should rest." Amused by him fawning over her, she said, "I haven't had my lunch. Have you eaten?" "Not yet! We can eat near the office! Get your new assistant to join us." Mike closed the backseat door and sat in the driver's seat. The car began to move and Avery took out her phone and called Juliet.

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"Juliet, have you eaten? If you haven't, do you mind not having lunch just yet? One of my good friends wants to buy you lunch." Juliet was slightly taken by surprise. "Why would your good friend buylunch?" "Hahaha! He is one of the pioneers of Tate Industries, and he wants to meet you after hearing that I got a new assistant." "I see. I will wait for you at the office, then." "You can just go ahead to the restaurant and start ordering. It send you the address of the restaurant in a bit," Avery said. "We will arrive in about half an hour." "Sure." After the call, Avery sent the restaurant's address to Juliet, along with a list of dishes Mike liked.

"Do you know that Lilith is pregnant?" said Avery as she put her phone away.

"Hahaha! Of course. We have a chat group of our own," Mike said smugly. "Mike sent out a bunch of cash to the group yesterday! Probably worth thousands!" Avery stared at him in shock.

"It is precisely because Ben made the announcement in the group that Chad draggedback to Aryadelle," Mike continued. "Do you know what Chad said? He said that it's a miracle someone as old as Ben has gotten a child and that we as his good friends must cback and congratulate him." "If Chad dares to mention Ben's age in front of Ben, I don't think they would be good friends for much longer, Avery said. "When has Chad becso sarcastic? Is it because of your influence?" "That's not my doing! He was only saying that in private, not in front of Ben. Don't you and Elliot poke fun at others in private?" "At least we don't call Ben old." "That's because Elliot is the sage as Ben! Hahahaha!" Mike's laugh echoed inside the car.