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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 225
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Chapter 225

Elliot leaned in close to Elysia and whispered something into her ear.

Elysia’s eyes initially sparkled with excitement, but then her brows furrowed in concern.

The idea was brilliant!

But for her, it was just too risky!

Seeing her troubled expression, Elliot asked, “Don’t you think it's a good idea, Mom?”

Elysia neither nodded nor shook her head. “I... need to think about it.”

She really had to mull over whether to go through with it or not!

Understanding his mom's hesitation, Elliot didn’t press further but offered sreassurance, “Take your time,

Mom. Whenever you're ready, just letknow, and I'll handle it personally. | won't involve Evan. You can trust

Elysia nodded seriously. She did trust Elliot's judgment. Every plan Elliot had executed had gone off without a


Changing the subject, Elliot asked, “Did you get everything sorted out in Jindale City that you needed to?”

“Eh?” Elysia was momentarily taken aback before she realized Elliot was referring to her divorce from Tarquin.

Lately, her mind had been preoccupied with Elijah and Winona, almost forgetting about the divorce matter.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When she first returned, her thoughts were dominated by the divorce, but now, with Elijah and Winona on her

mind, she felt less urgent

about it.

Elysia shook her head. “Not yet, but there's no rush.”

Elliot slightly narrowed his eyes. He had been ready to use a certain leverage to negotiate with Tarquin if Elysia

was in a hurry. Tarquin had already reached out, eager to get his hands on that leverage, willing to meet any of

Elliot's demands.

But seeing Elysia’s lack of urgency, Elliot decided to wait. They would cross that bridge when they cto it.

“You don’t need to worry about my issues. You and your brothers have been hfor a few days now. Tomorrow,

why don’t you all go to school? It's a great opportunity you shouldn't miss. Understand?” Elysia suddenly chimed


The mention of going to kindergarten made Elliot grimace, his mind flooded with images of little girls chattering

incessantly around


Seeing his frown, Elysia asked, “Don’t you want to go?”

“Mm, I'm worried about you, Mom. | just want to be with you.”

Elysia smiled gently, “I'm fine now, no need to worry. And while we're a family, we're also individuals. We can’t

be glued together 24/7. You boys are at the age to go to school, and you can’t skip that.”

“...0kay, I'll listen to you, Mom. We'll go tomorrow.”

The next day, Elysia felt a bit more spirited. After sending off her little ones to school, she used the excuse of

needing a check-up to see Benjamin.


Benjamin was surprised to see her. “Ms. Thorne, what a nice surprise!”

Walking into the clinic somewhat awkwardly, Elysia said, “Dr. Benjamin, | cto get smedicine.”

“Oh? Are you sick?”

“Yeah, | had a fever a few days ago. It's gone now, but I've run out of medicine.”

Benjamin promptly asked her to sit and take her temperature, followed by


basic examination.

“You're not feverish anymore. Your throat’s a bit swollen, though. Ill prescribe santi-inflammatory

medication. Make sure to drink plenty of water and rest.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


She knew her condition well. Having studied medicine for years, her skills were not to be underestimated.

Her visit to Benjamin was actually a pretext. She wanted to inquire about Elijah’s condition.

For sreason, she couldn't let go of Elijah even though she was almost hit by a car because of him. Even

though Elijah didn’t seem to reciprocate her feelings, she couldn't help but feel a deep, inexplicable connection

to him.

While Benjamin was busy preparing the medicine, Elysia took the opportunity to ask, “Has Elijah been


“Yes, he left the hospital a few days ago. He dislikes staying in hospitals, and with his psychological condition,

there wasn’t much point


in him staying?

How has he been lately? Any improvement?”

Benjamin sighed softly, shaking his head. He's not even eating now*

Why not?

After a moment's hesitation. Benjamin explained, “He’s just like his father, stubborn. Once he sets his mind on

something, that’s it. Lately. Figah only wants to eat food you've made. If anyone else makes it, he won't touch it.