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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back!

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 Snow had sealed the roads to Northwood, and they had been living there for a month.

The entertainment options in the villa were quite limited. Being trapped in one space. too long can wear on the mind, but Leanne never once felt bored during that month.

for Curtis was so attentive to her, it was almost like he was pushing the boundaries of what was considered normal.

It would have been unthinkable to Devin and the others that Curtis, a man who had been pampered since childhood, would serve a woman with such dedication.

Curtis was meticulous and considerate in every way.

Leanne's culinary skills were, frankly, subpar, so Curtis took it upon himself to prepare every meal. The idea of Mr. Curtis, who had never lifted a finger in the kitchen before, cooking was unheard of. Yet, he mastered an array of dishes on the fly.

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If Leanne couldn't rise in the morning, he would bring breakfast to her bedside.

-If she was thirsty in the middle of the night, she only had to whisper his name.

When they played in the snow and Leanne's hands turned red from the cold, tuck them inside his coat to warm them.

Curtis would Sometimes she was so exhausted from sex that he would carry her to the bath, wash her, dry her off, and then carry her back to bed.

During that time, Leanne was cared for like someone who was completely helpless.

Despite Curtis' saintly exterior, he had quite strong desires.

Sometimes, when Leanne was half-asleep and staring into space, he'd swoop in for a kiss, "Seducingin broad daylight?" They could never finish a movie in the htheater. No matter the movie genre, it would always end in Curtis making love to Leanne.

After they returned from the Northwood Mansion, Christmas Eve was just around the corner. Leanne, who was interning at the hospital, happened to be scheduled to work and couldn't it home.

as born on Christmas and her parents would celebrate her birthday at midnight tmas Eve.

ey said it was the most joyous and exciting moment of the year, filled with the world's most heartfelt wishes and blessings. They hoped she would live a life as vibrant and fortunate as that moment.

But ever since they were gone, Leanne no longer had a home.

1/2 Chapter Such occasions like her birthday and Christmas Eve had lost their meaning to her.

That Christmas Eve, while Leanne was in the ward with colleagues and patients who also. couldn't go home. They rang in Christmas in a simple manner. At midnight, grand fireworks lit up the sky.

Everyone gathered at the windows to watch the fireworks. As Leanne swept the floor, a patient suddenly shouted, "Leanne, isn't that your name?" Instinctively, she looked up just in tto see the final fireworks.

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In the night sky, the dazzling burst spelled out "Leanne" in glowing m letters, surrounded by at shower of sparks, beneath which was the shape of a birthday cake. Leanne was stunned.

At that moment, her phone rang. It was Curtis.

His voice, clear and bright, said just two words, "Cdown."

With the good-natured laughter of others around her, Leanne descended the he stairs. The deep winter show, in harmony with m Christmas festivities, quickly covered the freshly cleared ground with a thick new layer. There stood Curtis, in his black coat amidst the swirling snow, a smile on his face as he watched her run toward him.

As soon as Leanne reached him, he opened his arms and pulled her into an embrace.

Curtis took out a jade pendant from his pocket and placed it around her neck, telling her, "Happy Birthday."

Leanne was surprised. She'd had a jade amulet since birth, blessed for en protection at a temple while her mother was pregnant, meant to ensure Leanne's lifelong safety. But that pendant had been taken and shattered by a bully back in the orphanage.
