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Chapter 486  The Cruel Dorian
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486  The Cruel Dorian


Dorian mumbled, very annoyed by the rambles of grown men.

And sure enough, Raulin was one step forward, staring at everyone intimidatingly.

Shut up, or I will shut you up for the Grandmaster's sake.


Well, no one dared to speak to anyone.

Don't ask them why but they felt a heavy pressure choking them when being stared down at by this brute.

Their instincts told them that should they even cough, the brute's fist will definitely brush over their faces without mercy.

What? What! I dare you to speak.

Raulin's eyes were so menacing they thought he was a beast in the night.

Dorian didn't even speak, allowing Raulin to do most of the talking.

"Now that we've gotten your attention, here's how things will go."

Raulin flickered his hands and Lawyer Lee hastily distributed the documents just given to him seconds before they entered the meeting hall.

He didn't know what it was, but seeing as he too had a file with his name on it, he had a terrible premonition at heart.

"Here is how it's going to go. You will all transfer your shares to my Grandmaster's name charitably and without force. After all, no one has a gun down your throat. So it must be your own free will, out of the goodness in your hearts."

Staring at the documents in their hands, everyone's body trembled like a falling leaf on a windy day.


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They were shaking so hard one would think they were posted by demonic forces.

In just under a second, layers of sweat covered their foreheads, with many taking out their hankies to wipe them away.


The way they looked at Dorian changed.

This Tian brat was too shrewd with his ways.


Sure Enough, a lion must have a lion for a son.

The entire world thinks he is suffering.

The entire wealthy high-class society thinks he is down in the gutters, begging for chicken change and a few coins here and there.

They think he is hopeless with no way out.

They think he will become a nobody, with the sands of time easing his name the longer the years go.

But who would've known that all this while, he has been scheming in the dark, gathering information on them while also gathering enough money to buy shares off from the others?

Lying trough!

Whose son can be so shrewd?


Who even knows if he bought the shares from the others? Maybe he also used this same method to coerce them into giving their shares away.

Indeed, Doriam used this same method for some people.

However, not all eggs in the basket were rotten.

A few of them, though very few, were honest people and loyal supporters of his father.

The moment he reached out to them, he offered to buy their shares and they agreed, though many told him not to waste his money investing in his parent's company anymore.

They told him of how bad its current state was, with no one seeing anyway things could turn around.

It was probably because of this that they finally agreed to sell their shares to anyone in the first place.

The Tian situation was just too bad.

It will undoubtedly fall, so why bother pumping fuel (money) into it?


Staring at the well-detailed document that went into debt of all their crimes, bribery and embezzlement within the company, everyone couldn't help growing 20 years older in an instant.

Flipping the pages they also noticed a pile of crimes they did outside the company too... Horrible things they did to others not related to company matters at all.


Many quickly closed the files not wanting the next person seated beside them to take a peek.

Many signed bitterly, recalling Rualin's words.

What did he say? That no one was forcing them or putting a gun on their heads for them to sign over their shares to the Grandmaster.

But this file alone was more than mere bullets.

It will not only kill them but ensure their private assets were seized and their families moved into a village to live the rest of their broken lives till they die.

This file alone can affect generations of their families if let out.

First, they will definitely go to prison and the stigma of a child having tenor parents known as criminals was very saddening.

But if everyone in the world felt it was pitiful, then who will end up getting locked up?

If anyone murders another and they don't get to go to jail because they have children who look up to them, then the world would turn into a f**king Zoo wherever one turns.

If you don't want to become such a parent and risk jail time, don't do the crime.

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Unfortunately, some innocent people pay for the crimes of the guilty.

However, in today's case, everyone here had skeletons in their closets that the media and the police would love to get their hands on.

Karmadic deaths are okay for him not to report to the police allowing justice to reveal itself naturally even if it takes 20 years.

Karmadic deaths are similar to deaths like the death of an assassin by another.

They have all taken many innocent lives before. Karma finally caught up and Dorian can choose whether to disclose or not.

But death involving an innocent person, he had an obligation to at least tell the family about it if he ever ran into them.

So yes.

Although he might not say anything about the skeletons in their closets now, it doesn't mean he won't talk about their killing of innocent people when the right time comes.

The lawyer was the cleanest in the room, though he was very afraid of what Will happen to his career should it be exposed that he tampered with a client's will.

He didn't know who they hit the proof, but it was right there staring him in the face.



~Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

The clock sang rhythmically. And after what seemed like an eternity, they looked at Dorian with fluttering eyelashes.

This kid is too cruel

As Dorian slowly rose to his feet, Raulin faced them with a sterner face.

"One week. You have just one week to decide."

With that, they were home, leaving a bunch of men and women collapsed in their seats.

From today onwards they will tell their children never to mess with this Tian Boy!